Progress in targeting bacterial transcription.

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Villain-Guillot P, Bastide L, Gualtieri M, Leonetti JP

Progress in targeting bacterial transcription.

Drug Discov Today. 2007 Mar;12(5-6):200-8. Epub 2007 Feb 5.

PubMed ID
17331884 [ View in PubMed

The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is an essential enzyme that is responsible for making RNA from a DNA template and is targeted by several antibiotics. Rifampicin was the first of such antibiotics to be described and is one of the most efficient anti-tuberculosis drugs in use. In the past five years, structural studies of bacterial RNAP and the resolution of several complexes of drugs bound to RNAP subunits have revealed molecular details of the drug-binding sites and the mechanism of drug action. This knowledge opens avenues for the development of antibiotics. Here these drugs are reviewed, together with their mechanisms and their potential interest for therapeutic applications.

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