Identification of type III secreted products of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoenzyme S regulon.

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Yahr TL, Mende-Mueller LM, Friese MB, Frank DW

Identification of type III secreted products of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoenzyme S regulon.

J Bacteriol. 1997 Nov;179(22):7165-8.

PubMed ID
9371466 [ View in PubMed

Extracellular protein profiles from wild-type and regulatory or secretory isogenic mutants of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoenzyme S regulon were compared to identify proteins coordinately secreted with ExoS. Data from amino-terminal sequence analysis of purified extracellular proteins were combined with data from nucleotide sequence analysis of loci linked to exoenzyme S production. We report the identification of P. aeruginosa homologs to proteins of Yersinia spp. that function as regulators of the low calcium response, regulators of secretion, and mediators of the type III translocation mechanism.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

NameUniProt ID
Low calcium response locus protein VO30527Details