Genetic analysis of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice.

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Todd JA, Aitman TJ, Cornall RJ, Ghosh S, Hall JR, Hearne CM, Knight AM, Love JM, McAleer MA, Prins JB, et al.

Genetic analysis of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice.

Nature. 1991 Jun 13;351(6327):542-7.

PubMed ID
1675432 [ View in PubMed

Two genes, Idd-3 and Idd-4, that influence the onset of autoimmune type 1 diabetes in the nonobese diabetic mouse have been located on chromosomes 3 and 11, outside the chromosome 17 major histocompatibility complex. A genetic map of the mouse genome, analysed using the polymerase chain reaction, has been assembled specifically for the study. On the basis of comparative maps of the mouse and human genomes, the homologue of Idd-3 may reside on human chromosomes 1 or 4 and Idd-4 on chromosome 17.

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