Parenteral Nutrition (DBCOND0033953)


Parenteral nutrition / Intravenous feeding of patient (procedure) / Parenteral Feeding / Intravenous Feeding

Associated Data

Indicated Drugs and Targets
Alanyl glutamine
A dipeptide consisting of alanine and glutamine used for supplementation.
No drug targets
Amino acids
Mixture of amino acids ; used for parenteral nutrition in infants.
No drug targets
Calcium chloride
An ionic compound used for the treatment of hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia, and as an antidote to magnesium intoxication due to overdosage of magnesium sulfate.
A most commonly occurring isomer of glucose used as a carbohydrate supplementation in case of nutrient deprivation and metabolic disorders, such as hypoglycemia.
Dextrose, unspecified form
A form of glucose used for caloric supply and the replenishment of fluid in total parenteral nutrition and other therapies as well as for the treatment of hypoglycemic episodes.
Fish oil
A source of essential fatty acids used as a source of calories in parenteral nutrition and as a dietary supplement.
Lactic acid
An emollient and keratolytic used agent in various cosmetic products and used as an additive in various pharmaceutical products for its antibacterial properties.
Linoleic acid
Not Annotated
Manganese cation
A transition metal used for supplementation of manganese during Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).
Manganese gluconate
An ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins.
No drug targets
Medium-chain triglycerides
A source of essential fatty acids used as a source of calories in parenteral nutrition.
Olive oil
In a clinical context, olive oil is used as a source of calories and fatty acids in patients requiring parenteral nutrition. A formulation called Clinolipid, comprising olive oil and soybean...
No drug targets
Omega-3 fatty acids
An ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins.
Potassium chloride
A potassium salt used to treat hypokalemia.
Selenious acid
An ingredient found in supplements, vitamins, parenteral nutrition, and dandruff shampoo.
Sodium acetate
A compound used for electrolyte replenishment and total parenteral nutrition (TPN) therapy.
Sodium chloride
An ingredient found in a variety of nutritional products as a source of electrolytes and water.
No drug targets
Sodium fluoride
An ingredient of various dental preparations used to support tooth mineralization and the prevention of dental caries.
Sodium hydroxide
Used to destroy or kill the nail matrix (matrixectomies) .
No drug targets
Sodium phosphate, monobasic
A source of phosphorus used prevent or correct hypophosphatemia in patients with restricted or no oral intake.
Soybean oil
An oil used as a source of calories and essential fatty acids in selected patients for total parenteral nutrition (TPN) therapy and prevention of essential fatty acid deficiency.
A glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analog used to treat patients with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) who require parenteral nutritional support.
Vitamin E
An antioxidant vitamin used in many skin creams and multivitamin preparations.
Clinical Trials
The Impact of Omega-3 Fat Emulsion on Clinical Outcome of Post-Operative Cancer Patientstreatment3completed
Study Comparing a Soybean Oil-Based With an Olive Oil-Based Lipid Emulsion in ICU Patients Requiring TPNtreatment2 / 3completed
Weaning is Winning? (WeWin Study)No drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablerecruiting
Three-Chamber Bags Retrospective Study in SpainNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
A Retrospective, Observational, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of POLYSITE® and SEESITE® Implantable PortsNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availableunknown_status
Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of IN-C006 Peri Inj. Compared With RPN301No drug interventionssupportive_care3completed
A Phase Ⅲ Study of HR19006 Injection in Postsurgical Parenteral Nutritionsupportive_care3active_not_recruiting
Different Lipid Emulsions in Acute Lung Injury PatientsNo drug interventionstreatment4terminated
Perioperative TPN Improves Surgical OutcomesNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of IN-C006 Inj. Compared With RCN301No drug interventionssupportive_care3completed
Initial Parenteral Nutrition Education of Parent Assessment PlanNo drug interventionspreventionNot Availablecompleted
Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Validation of Picc Line Installation Requests at the Nîmes University HospitalNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
Achieving nuTritional Target in criticAlly Ill patieNts With iMpairEd gastroiNtesTinal DysfunctionNo drug interventionssupportive_careNot Availablenot_yet_recruiting
Cholestasis Prevention: Efficacy of IV Fish Oilprevention1completed
Lipid Infusion Following Major SurgerytreatmentNot Availablewithdrawn
Amino Acid and Acylcarnitine Profiles in Premature NeonatesNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
Integrative Parenteral Nutrition in Cancer PatientsNo drug interventionstreatmentNot Availablecompleted
Longitudinal Evaluation of the Impact of Parenteral NutritionNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
A Retrospective, Observational, Monocenter, Study to Describe the Utilization and Overall Safety and Performance of POLYSITE®/SEESITE® Implantable PortsNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
Personalized vs Standardized PN for Preterm Infants >1250gNo drug interventionstreatment4recruiting
Crossover Study on the Effect of Omegaven in Combination With Different Lipid Emulsions in Home Parenteral Nutritiontreatment4completed
Optimising Newborn Nutrition During Therapeutic Hypothermia.No drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis on Central Venous Catheters in the Post Operative Period of Carcinologic SurgeryNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availableunknown_status
Complete Shielding of Multivitamins to Reduce Toxic Peroxides in the Parenteral Nutrition: A Pilot StudyNo drug interventionspreventionNot Availablecompleted
Efficacy & Safety of SmofKabiven Emulsion for Infusion vs Hospital Compounded "All in One" for Parenteral Nutritiontreatment3completed
Study Comparing Early and Late Nutrition in Cancer Patients Undergoing Abdominal SurgeryNo drug interventionstreatmentNot Availableunknown_status
Physiotherapy to Improve Feeding Skills in Preterm InfantsNo drug interventionstreatmentNot Availableenrolling_by_invitation
Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition vs Conventional Fluid in Colorectal Resection in ERASNo drug interventionstreatment3unknown_status
The Effect of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition TrainingNo drug interventionshealth_services_researchNot Availablecompleted
Neurodevelopment and Neuroimaging in Parenterally-fed Infants and Young ChildrenNo drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availablecompleted
The AOT (Acridine Orange and Taurolidine) Trialprevention3completed
Study Comparing the Safety and Tolerance of SMOFlipid 20% in Long-term Treatment With Parenteral Nutritiontreatment3completed
Evaluating the Influence of Ready-to-use (RTU) Parenteral Nutrition in the Clinical Outcome of Patients StudyNo drug interventionstreatment4completed
Efficacy and Safety of a Fish Oil Containing Lipid Emulsiontreatment3completed
The Multi-disciplinary Approach of Children With Feeding Difficulties and Tube Feeding in UZB Between 2000 and 2021No drug interventionsNot AvailableNot Availableenrolling_by_invitation