
Also known as: Discomfort NOS / Discomfort (finding) / Sensory discomfort (finding)

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DB00423MethocarbamolA CNS depressant indicated with rest, physical therapy and other treatments to control the discomfort associated with various acute musculoskeletal conditions.
DB01438PhenazopyridineA local anesthetic used for the symptomatic relief of pain, burning, urgency, frequency, and general discomfort caused by lower urinary tract irritations that are a result of infection, trauma, surgery, endoscopic procedures, or the passage of equipment or catheters.
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount
DB00281Lidocaine2 / 3Unknown Status1
DB00675Tamoxifen2 / 3Unknown Status1
DB00316AcetaminophenNot AvailableUnknown Status1
DB01114ChlorpheniramineNot AvailableUnknown Status1
DB00388PhenylephrineNot AvailableUnknown Status1