Fatty Liver Terminated Phase 4 Trials for Peginterferon alfa-2a (DB00008)

Also known as: Liver fatty / Infiltration fatty liver / Fatty liver metamorphosis / Liver fatty metamorphosis / Metamorphosis fatty liver / Liver fatty degeneration / Degeneration fatty liver / Liver fatty infiltration / Fatty liver infiltration / Steatosis of liver (disorder) / Liver fatty change / Steatosis hepatic / Hepatic steatosis / Steatohepatitis (disorder) / Steatohepatitis

DBCOND0028942 (Fatty Liver)Terminated4
clinicaltrials.gov IdentifierTitlePurposeDrugs
Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Rosiglitazone Added to Standard Therapy for Hepatitis C Genotype 1 With Fatty LiverTreatment