Borderline Ovarian Serous Tumor

Also known as: Borderline serous tumour of ovary / Borderline serous tumor of ovary

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DrugDrug NameTargetType
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount
DB14546Sulfate ion2Completed1
DB00997Doxorubicin2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB01006Letrozole2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB01229Paclitaxel2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB00675Tamoxifen2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB00759Tetracycline2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB01030Topotecan2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1
DB08911Trametinib2 / 3Active Not Recruiting1