Loose stools

Also known as: Loose bowel movements / Loose stool / Loose bowel movement / Loose stool (finding) / Loose bowels / Loose bowel / Loose motions / Liquid stool (finding) / Stools watery / Stools loose / Lienteric diarrhea / Lienteric diarrhoea / Diarrhea, unspecified / Diarrhea / Diarrhea symptoms (finding) / Diarrhoea / Diarrhea (finding) / Diarrhoea NOS / Diarrhea NOS

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DB01575KaolinA natural ingredient used for the short-term symptomatic treatment of various conditions including diarrhea, skin dryness, and minor skin bleeding.
DrugDrug NameTargetType
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount