Gum pain

Also known as: Gingival tenderness / Tender gum / Soreness gum / Ache gum / Gingival pain / Sore gums (finding) / Sore gums / Pain gum / Tenderness of gums (finding)

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DB11073CetylpyridiniumA compound used to reduce plaque and gingivitis, as well as whiten teeth.
DB00878ChlorhexidineAn antiseptic used to sterilize for surgeries and in healthcare practice, to reduce pocket depth in periodontitis, and to treat gingivitis.
DB00281LidocaineA local anesthetic used in a wide variety of superficial and invasive procedures.
DB10651RhubarbAn extract from Rhubarb used in allergy testing.
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount