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Did you mean 11 dimethoxy reserpine?
Displaying drugs 601 - 625 of 862 in total
Matched Iupac: … 2-[(1S,2S,4R,8S,9S,11S,12S,13R,19S)-19-fluoro-11-hydroxy-6,6,9,13-tetramethyl-16-oxo-5,7-dioxapentacyclo …
Etiprednol dicloacetate (BNP-166) is a soft corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory properties that has been indicated in the treatment of asthma and Chron's disease. Anti-asthmatic effects were associated with decreased cytokine production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated lymphocytes and attenuated lectin-induced proliferation of blood mononuclear cells in tissue culture.
Fluprednidene is a corticosteroid.
Vet approved
Cloprednol is a synthetic glucocorticoid that has been investigated for use in the treatment of asthma. [A31775,A31776]
Sparteine is a plant alkaloid derived from Cytisus scoparius and Lupinus mutabilis which may chelate calcium and magnesium. It is a sodium channel blocker, so it falls in the category of class 1a antiarrhythmic agents. Sparteine is not currently FDA-approved for human use, and its salt, sparteine sulfate, is one...
Fluprednidene acetate is a corticosteroid. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.
Matched Iupac: … 2-[(1S,2S,4R,8S,9S,11S,12S,13R,19S)-19-fluoro-11-hydroxy-6,6,9,13-tetramethyl-16-oxo-5,7-dioxapentacyclo …
Fluocinolone has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Candida Infection, Oral Lichen Planus, Macular Degeneration, and Choroidal Neovascularization.
Fulacimstat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02452515 (A Single-blind Pilot Study to Investigate Safety and Tolerability of the Chymase Inhibitor BAY1142524 in Clinically Stable Patients With Left-ventricular Dysfunction).
Ovatodiolide is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04220411 (A Study for AR100DP1 in Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis (AD)).
TP-252 consists of magnesium L-lysinate bis-eicosapentaenoate, an ionizable salt of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), currently being investigated to treat familial adenomatous polyposis.
Alfaxalone, also known as alphaxalone or alphaxolone, is a neuroactive steroid and general anaesthetic. It is used in veterinary practice under the trade name Alfaxan, and is licensed for use in both dogs and cats. Along with alfadolone, it is also one of the constituents of anesthetic drug mixture althesin.
Vet approved
GW870086X has been investigated for the treatment of ASTHMA.
Ellipticine is a potent antineoplastic agent.
Dexamethasone isonicotinate is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic glucocorticoid that can be administered orally, by inhalation, topically, and parenterally. Its unintended mineralocorticoid action may cause salt and water retention.
Vet approved
Displaying drugs 601 - 625 of 862 in total