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Displaying drugs 151 - 175 of 4817 in total
Duvelisib, also known as IPI-145 and INK-1197, is a small-molecule inhibitor of phosphoinositide-3 kinases that was designed initially to prove that simultaneous inhibition of the isoforms delta and gamma can produce a broad adaptative and innate immune cell inhibitory activity. All the work around duvelisib showed that this agent is...
Matched Iupac: … 8-chloro-2-phenyl-3-[(1S)-1-[(9H-purin-6-yl)amino]ethyl]-1,2-dihydroisoquinolin-1-one …
A hydroxylated metabolite of estradiol or estrone that has a hydroxyl group at C3-beta, 16-alpha, and 17-beta position. Estriol is a major urinary estrogen. During pregnancy, large amount of estriol is produced by the placenta. Isomers with inversion of the hydroxyl group or groups are called epiestriol. Though estriol is...
Vet approved
Matched Mixtures name: … GYNOFLOR 50 MG/0.03 MG VAJİNAL TABLET, 6 ADET …
Poa pratensis pollen is the pollen of the Poa pratensis plant. Poa pratensis pollen is mainly used in allergenic testing.
Matched Mixtures name: … 6 Grass Mix ... 6 Grass Mix ... Mix Of 6 Standardized Grass Pollen …
Imidazole derivative anesthetic and hypnotic with little effect on blood gases, ventilation, or the cardiovascular system. It has been proposed as an induction anesthetic.
Pitavastatin, also known as the brand name product Livalo, is a lipid-lowering drug belonging to the statin class of medications. By inhibiting the endogenous production of cholesterol within the liver, statins lower abnormal cholesterol and lipid levels and ultimately reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. More specifically, statin medications competitively...
Matched Iupac: … (3R,5S,6E)-7-[2-cyclopropyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)quinolin-3-yl]-3,5-dihydroxyhept-6-enoic acid …
Matched Salts cas: … 147526-32-7 …
Matched Mixtures name: … GYNOFLOR 50 MG/0.03 MG VAJİNAL TABLET, 6 ADET …
A synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory properties.
Turoctocog alfa is a recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) with a truncated B-domain made from the sequence coding for 10 amino acids from the N-terminus and 11 amino acids from the C-terminus of the naturally occurring B-domain. Turoctocog alfa is produced in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells without addition of any...
Phleum pratense pollen allergenic extract is used in allergenic testing.
Matched Mixtures name: … 6 Grass Mix ... 6 Grass Mix ... Mix Of 6 Standardized Grass Pollen …
Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic. It binds to mineralocorticoid receptors and functions as aldosterone antagonists. It promotes sodium and water excretion and potassium retention. Spironolactone was originally developed purely for this ability before other pharmacodynamic properties of the drug were discovered.[A11837, A178246] It is indicated to treat several conditions, including...
Matched Mixtures name: … Dapsone 6% / Niacinamide 2% / Spironolactone 5% ... 011503 Dapsone 6% / Niacinamide 2% / Spironolactone 5% …
Mitotane is an adrenolytic isomer of the insecticide dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) - itself a metabolite of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) - that inhibits cells of the adrenal cortex and their production of hormones. It has been in use since 1959 for the treatment of inoperable adrenocortical carcinoma and is used off-label for the...
Medrogestone (INN), also known as 6,17α-dimethyl-6-dehydroprogesterone, is a progestational agent derived from 17-methylprogesterone. It was conceived as an alternative for an orally effective contraceptive option. It was developed by Ayerst, approved in Canada in 1969 and its current status is cancelled post-marketing. It was never approved by the FDA.
Matched Description: … Medrogestone (INN), also known as 6,17α-dimethyl-6-dehydroprogesterone, is a progestational agent derived …
Lumasiran is a small interfering RNA used in the treatment of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1). This condition, caused by a deficiency in the enzyme alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase, leads to an accumulation of oxalate, causing calcium crystal formation. These patients experience frequent kidney stones, nephrocalcinosis, and renal failure. Oxlumo, producted by...
Pegloticase is a porcine recombinant PEGylated uricase indicated for the treatment of chronic gout in adult patients that do not respond to other types of therapies. Pegloticase has a similar activity to rasburicase, an enzyme that metabolizes uric acid to allantoin. In gout patients treated with pegloticase, the conversion of...
Ferrous bisglycinate is a chelate that is used as a source of dietary iron. Forming a ring structure when reacting with glycine, ferrous bisglycinate acts as both a chelate and a nutritionally functional . It is found in foods for food enrichment or in supplements for the treatment of iron...
Matched Mixtures name: … Irospan 24/6
Fluocinolone acetonide, with the formula 6-alpha, 9-alpha-difluoro-16-alpha, 17 alpha-acetonide, is a corticosteroid that presents a high lipophilicity. It has been used extensively in dermatological preparations and it has also been investigated thoroughly for its use in implantable corticosteroid devices. This type of device containing fluocinolone acetonide was developed by Taro...
Vet approved
Matched Description: … Fluocinolone acetonide, with the formula 6-alpha, 9-alpha-difluoro-16-alpha, 17 alpha-acetonide, is a …
Infliximab is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha or TNF-α) blocker and a chimeric monoclonal IgG1 antibody composed of human constant (75%) and murine variable (25%) regions . Infliximab is produced by a recombinant cell line cultured by continuous perfusion. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is a key proinflammatory cytokine involved in...
Dotatate gallium (Ga-68) is a somatostatin-2 receptor analog which is radiolabeled with gallium 68 as a positron-emitting radioisotope. Ga-68 dotatate has a high affinity for somatostatin-2 receptor and it is rapidly excreted from the nontarget sites which gives it an ideal candidate for imaging neuroendocrine tumors. Dotatate gallium (Ga-68) explotes...
Abametapir is a novel pediculicidal metalloproteinase inhibitor used to treat infestations of head lice. The life cycle of head lice (Pediculus capitis) is approximately 30 days, seven to twelve of which are spent as eggs laid on hair shafts near the scalp. Topical pediculicides generally lack adequate ovicidal activity, including...
Acyclovir is a deoxynucleoside analog antiviral used to treat herpes simplex, Varicella zoster, herpes zoster, herpes labialis, and acute herpetic keratitis.[L7303,L7315,L7318,L7321,L7324,L7327] Acyclovir is generally used first line in the treatment of these viruses and some products are indicated for patients as young as 6 years old. Acyclovir was granted FDA...
Matched Iupac: … 2-amino-9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6,9-dihydro-3H-purin-6-one …
Matched Description: … first line in the treatment of these viruses and some products are indicated for patients as young as 6
Ciclesonide is a glucocorticoid used to treat obstructive airway diseases. It is marketed under the brand name Alvesco.
Matched Iupac: … 2-[(1S,2S,4R,6R,8S,9S,11S,12S,13R)-6-cyclohexyl-11-hydroxy-9,13-dimethyl-16-oxo-5,7-dioxapentacyclo[²,⁹.0⁴,⁸.0¹³,¹⁸ …
Copper Cu 64 dotatate is a newly approved Cu labeled somatostatin analog and has several advantages over 68Ga-labeled somatostatin analogs for positron emission tomography (PET). Copper Cu 64 dotatate has a longer half-life and can be produced once a day as opposed to several times a day, and lower positron...
Rofecoxib is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain in adults, and primary dysmenorrhea, as well as acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without auras. Rofecoxib is a solid. This compound belongs to the stilbenes. These are organic compounds containing a 1,2-diphenylethylene moiety. Stilbenes (C6-C2-C6 )...
Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) used to treat hypertension, heart failure, and myocardial infarction.[L8384,L8387,L8390] Lisinopril and captopril are the only ACEIs that are not prodrugs. It functions by inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme as well as the renin angiotensin aldosterone system.[A184781,A184808,A184817] ACEIs are commonly used as a...
Matched Iupac: … (2S)-1-[(2S)-6-amino-2-{[(1S)-1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl]amino}hexanoyl]pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid …
Eladocagene exuparvovec is a recombinant adeno-associated virus-2 (AAV2)-based gene therapy that expresses human aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), and it is used to treat AADC deficiency, a fatal and rare genetic disorder that causes severe disability in pediatric patients.[L43642,L43672] Patients with AADC have mutations in the dopa decarboxylase (DDC) gene...
Displaying drugs 151 - 175 of 4817 in total