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Displaying all 2 drugs
Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial biguanide used as a topical antiseptic and in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory dental conditions caused by microorganisms. It is one of the most common skin and mucous membrane antiseptic agents in use today. The molecule itself is a cationic bis-guanide consisting of...
Vet approved
Matched Categories: … Compounds used in a research, industrial, or household setting …
Mupirocin, formerly termed pseudomonic acid A, is a novel antibacterial agent with a unique chemical structure and mode of action apart from other antibiotic agents. Produced by fermentation using the organism Pseudomonas fluorescens, mupirocin is a naturally-occurring antibiotic that displays a broad-specturm activity against many gram-positive bacteria and certain gram-negative...
Vet approved
Displaying all 2 drugs