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Displaying all 3 drugs
Hyoscyamine is a tropane alkaloid and the levo-isomer of atropine. It is commonly extracted from plants in the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Research into the action of hyoscyamine in published literature dates back to 1826. Hyoscyamine is used for a wide variety of treatments and therapeutics due to its antimuscarinic...
Matched Description: … [A228423] It is commonly extracted from plants in the _Solanaceae_ or nightshade family. …
Scopolamine is a tropane alkaloid isolated from members of the Solanaceae family of plants, similar to atropine and hyoscyamine, all of which structurally mimic the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine.[A228423, A228763] Scopolamine was first synthesized in 1959, but to date, synthesis remains less efficient than extracting scopolamine from plants. As an acetylcholine...
Atropine is an alkaloid originally synthesized from Atropa belladonna. It is a racemic mixture of d-and l-hyoscyamine, of which only l-hyoscyamine is pharmacologically active.[A251670,L42835] Atropine is generally available as a sulfate salt and can be administered by intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraosseous, endotracheal and ophthalmic methods. Oral atropine is only available...
Vet approved
Displaying all 3 drugs