Increased Myeloid Cell Production

Increased Myeloid Cell Production
Accession Number

Not Available

DrugDrug Description
PegfilgrastimA recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor used to stimulate the production of neutrophils and prevent febrile neutropenia or infections after myelosuppressive chemotherapy.
FilgrastimA form of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor used to induce the production of granulocytes and lower infection risk after myelosuppressive therapy.
SargramostimA modified form of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor used to increase immune cell production after myelosuppressive therapy or bone marrow transplant.
Drugs & Drug Targets
PegfilgrastimGranulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptortarget
PegfilgrastimNeutrophil elastaseenzyme
FilgrastimGranulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptortarget
FilgrastimNeutrophil elastaseenzyme
SargramostimGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor subunit alphatarget
SargramostimBone marrow proteoglycantarget
SargramostimInterleukin-3 receptor subunit alphatarget
SargramostimCytokine receptor common subunit betatarget