Ethyl Ethers

Ethyl Ethers
Accession Number

Organic compounds having ethyl groups bound to an oxygen atom

DrugDrug Description
FlurothylFlurothyl is a convulsant primarily used in experimental animals. It was formerly used to induce convulsions as a alternative to electroshock therapy.
Diethyl etherNot Annotated
DesfluraneA general inhalation anesthetic for inpatient and outpatient surgery in adults.
MethoxyfluraneFor use in the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia
BucetinBucetin is an analgesic and antipyretic medication which was approved for use in Germany but was withdrawn from the market in 1986 due to renal toxicity caused by the medication.
Drugs & Drug Targets
DesfluraneNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1target
DesfluraneGlycine receptor subunit alpha-1target
DesfluraneGlutamate receptor 1target
DesfluraneGABA(A) Receptortarget
DesfluranePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1target
DesfluraneATP synthase subunit delta, mitochondrialtarget
DesfluraneSerum albumincarrier
DesfluraneCalcium transporting ATPasestarget
DesfluraneCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCalcium-transporting ATPase type 2C member 1target
MethoxyfluraneNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1target
MethoxyfluraneGamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1target
MethoxyfluranePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1target
MethoxyfluraneGlutamate receptor 1target
MethoxyfluraneGlycine receptor subunit alpha-1target
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MethoxyfluraneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MethoxyfluraneGABA(A) Receptortarget