Crotalid Venoms

Crotalid Venoms
Accession Number

Venoms from snakes of the subfamily Crotalinae or pit vipers, found mostly in the Americas. They include the rattlesnake, cottonmouth, fer-de-lance, bushmaster, and American copperhead. Their venoms contain nontoxic proteins, cardio-, hemo-, cyto-, and neurotoxins, and many enzymes, especially phospholipases A. Many of the toxins have been characterized.

DrugDrug Description
AncrodAn anticoagulant purified from the venom of the Malayan pit viper that functions by inactivating circulating plasma fibrinogen. Not currently approved for use or marketed in any country.
BatroxobinNo approved indications. Batroxobin is a defibrongenating agent which has been observed to reduce fibrinogen levels and thus reduce clot risk when used intravenously.
Drugs & Drug Targets
AncrodFibrinogen alpha chaintarget