Role of extracellular calcium and calmodulin in prolactin secretion induced by hyposmolarity, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and high K+ in GH4C1 cells.

Article Details


Wang XB, Sato N, Greer MA, Greer SE, McAdams S

Role of extracellular calcium and calmodulin in prolactin secretion induced by hyposmolarity, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and high K+ in GH4C1 cells.

Acta Endocrinol (Copenh). 1990 Aug;123(2):218-24.

PubMed ID
2120879 [ View in PubMed

The mechanism by which 30% medium hyposmolarity induces PRL secretion by GH4C1 cells was compared with that induced by 100 nmol/l TRH or 30 mmol/l K+. Removing medium Ca2+, blocking Ca2+ channels with 50 mumol/l verapamil, or inhibiting calmodulin activation with 20 mumol/l trifluoperazine, 10 mumol/l chlorpromazine or 10 mumol/l pimozide almost completely blocked hyposmolarity-induced secretion. The smooth muscle relaxant, W-7, which is believed relatively specific in inhibiting the Ca2(+)-calmodulin interaction, depressed hyposmolarity-induced PRL secretion in a dose-dependent manner (r = -0.991, p less than 0.01). The above drugs also blocked or decreased high K(+)-induced secretion, but had much less effect on TRH-induced secretion. Secretion induced by TRH, hyposmolarity, or high K+ was optimal at pH 7.3-7.65 and was significantly depressed at pH 6.0 or 8.0, indicating that release of hormone induced by all 3 stimuli is due to an active cell process requiring a physiologic extracellular pH and is not produced by nonspecific cell toxicity. The data suggest hyposmolarity and high K+ may share some similarities in their mechanism of stimulating secretion, which is different from that of TRH.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

Drug Targets
DrugTargetKindOrganismPharmacological ActionActions
PimozideCalmodulin (Protein Group)Protein groupHumans