Measurement of flurbiprofen-human serum albumin interaction by fluorimetry.

Article Details


Takla PG, Schulman SG, Perrin JH

Measurement of flurbiprofen-human serum albumin interaction by fluorimetry.

J Pharm Biomed Anal. 1985;3(1):41-50.

PubMed ID
16867708 [ View in PubMed

The binding of the anti-inflammatory drug, flurbiprofen, to human serum albumin is accompanied by a reduction of the fluorescence efficiency of the drug. The quenching effect has been used to evaluate the strength of binding at different pH values. Equations have also been developed for calculating binding constants for a 1:1 drug-protein complex, when fluorescence measurements are made at wavelengths where the emission spectra of the free drug, free protein and the complex overlap. Over the pH range 6.20-8.04, a binding constant of ca 1.0 x 10(7) was found for flurbiprofen.

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