Conservation of a 23-kDa human transplantation antigen in mammalian species.

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Price SR, Nightingale MS, Bobak DA, Tsuchiya M, Moss J, Vaughan M

Conservation of a 23-kDa human transplantation antigen in mammalian species.

Genomics. 1992 Dec;14(4):959-64.

PubMed ID
1282492 [ View in PubMed

A group of transplantation antigens, referred to as tum- antigens, were identified in mouse tumor cells that had been mutagenized to produce variant cells and were recognized by clonal cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). Alterations in these variant cells that were recognized by CTL resulted from point mutations in the genes of specific proteins. We have isolated human and bovine cDNA clones that encode the homologs of the mouse tum- antigen P198. This 23.6-kDa protein is highly basic with a predicted pI of 11.55. p23/P198 is highly conserved across mammalian species, with > 94% identity (97% including conservative substitutions) among the human, bovine, and mouse deduced amino acid sequences. The nucleotide sequences of both the coding and 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions from human, bovine, and mouse are also highly conserved with > 88% identity in the coding regions. Hybridization of poly(A)+ RNA from various mammalian sources with cDNA and oligonucleotides specific for the coding region identified two mRNAs of 1.2 and 0.8 kb, whereas probes specific for the 3'-untranslated region between two consensus polyadenylation signals hybridized with the 1.2-kb, but not the 0.8-kb, mRNA. The abundance of the 1.2-kb mRNA relative to that of the 0.8-kb species varied depending upon the cell type. A single predominant transcription initiation site was mapped by primer extension. These studies indicate that this highly basic 23.6-kDa protein is encoded by two major mRNA species that differ only in the length of their 3'-untranslated regions and that the mechanism that gives rise to these two mRNAs, utilization of alternative polyadenylation sites, is conserved across species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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