Hepatic glucocorticoid receptor antagonism is sufficient to reduce elevated hepatic glucose output and improve glucose control in animal models of type 2 diabetes.

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Jacobson PB, von Geldern TW, Ohman L, Osterland M, Wang J, Zinker B, Wilcox D, Nguyen PT, Mika A, Fung S, Fey T, Goos-Nilsson A, Grynfarb M, Barkhem T, Marsh K, Beno DW, Nga-Nguyen B, Kym PR, Link JT, Tu N, Edgerton DS, Cherrington A, Efendic S, Lane BC, Opgenorth TJ

Hepatic glucocorticoid receptor antagonism is sufficient to reduce elevated hepatic glucose output and improve glucose control in animal models of type 2 diabetes.

J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 Jul;314(1):191-200. doi: 10.1124/jpet.104.081257. Epub 2005 Mar 22.

PubMed ID
15784656 [ View in PubMed

Glucocorticoids amplify endogenous glucose production in type 2 diabetes by increasing hepatic glucose output. Systemic glucocorticoid blockade lowers glucose levels in type 2 diabetes, but with several adverse consequences. It has been proposed, but never demonstrated, that a liver-selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonist (LSGRA) would be sufficient to reduce hepatic glucose output (HGO) and restore glucose control to type 2 diabetic patients with minimal systemic side effects. A-348441 [(3b,5b,7a,12a)-7,12-dihydroxy-3-2-[4-[(11b,17b)-17-hydroxy-3-oxo-17-prop-1-ynylestra-4,9-dien-11-yl] phenyl(methyl)amino]ethoxycholan-24-oic acid] represents the first LSGRA with significant antidiabetic activity. A-348441 antagonizes glucocorticoid-up-regulated hepatic genes, normalizes postprandial glucose in diabetic mice, and demonstrates synergistic effects on blood glucose in these animals when coadministered with an insulin sensitizer. In insulin-resistant Zucker fa/fa rats and fasted conscious normal dogs, A-348441 reduces HGO with no acute effect on peripheral glucose uptake. A-348441 has no effect on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis or on other measured glucocorticoid-induced extrahepatic responses. Overall, A-348441 demonstrates that an LSGRA is sufficient to reduce elevated HGO and normalize blood glucose and may provide a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

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