Etiprednol dicloacetate, a new soft glucocorticoid drug candidate. Development of chemistry.

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Csanadi A, Horvath G, Szekeres T, Hasko T, Ila L, Ivanics J, Patthy M, Salat J, Seres G, Pallagi I, Toth G, Szederkenyi F, Konya A, Tegdes A, Bodor N, Zubovics Z

Etiprednol dicloacetate, a new soft glucocorticoid drug candidate. Development of chemistry.

Pharmazie. 2004 May;59(5):349-59.

PubMed ID
15212300 [ View in PubMed

During development of chemistry of the soft drug candidate etiprednol dicloacetate (BNP-166) 1) optimization studies on the three-step chemical synthesis resulted in a process that could be scaled-up to the kg level, 2) the impurity profile was determined, 3) synthetic routes were developed for the preparation of the radiolabeled target compound, and 4) a series of hydroxylated metabolites was prepared.

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