Transient Receptor Potential Channels

Transient Receptor Potential Channels
Accession Number

A broad group of eukaryotic six-transmembrane cation channels that are classified by sequence homology because their functional involvement with SENSATION is varied. They have only weak voltage sensitivity and ion selectivity. They are named after a DROSOPHILA mutant that displayed transient receptor potentials in response to light. A 25-amino-acid motif containing a TRP box (EWKFAR) just C-terminal to S6 is found in TRPC, TRPV and TRPM subgroups. ANKYRIN REPEATS are found in TRPC, TRPV & TRPN subgroups. Some are functionally associated with TYROSINE KINASE or TYPE C PHOSPHOLIPASES.

DrugDrug Description
SOR-C13SOR-C13 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01578564 (Safety and Tolerability Study of SOR-C13 in Subjects With Advanced Cancers Commonly Known to Express the TRPV6 Channel).
Drugs & Drug Targets