Antiemetic Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists

Antiemetic Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists
Accession Number

A class of antiemetic medications used to prevent nausea and vomiting among patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. These drugs work by selectively blocking serotonin 5-HT3 receptors.

DrugDrug Description
OndansetronA serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist used to prevent nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy and postoperatively.
GranisetronA 5HT3 antagonist used to treat nausea and vomiting in cancer therapy and postoperatively.
DolasetronAn antinauseant and antiemetic used in chemotherapy and postoperatively.
PalonosetronA serotonin antagonist used in the prophylaxis or management of vomiting that results from emetogenic chemotherapy, and for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
AlosetronA 5-HT3 antagonist used to treat diarrhea-predominant IBS.
Drugs & Drug Targets
Ondansetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3Atarget
OndansetronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
OndansetronCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
OndansetronCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
OndansetronCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
OndansetronCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
Ondansetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4target
Ondansetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Ondansetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
OndansetronMu-type opioid receptortarget
OndansetronCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
OndansetronCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
Granisetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3Atarget
GranisetronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
GranisetronCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
Dolasetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3Atarget
DolasetronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DolasetronCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
DolasetronCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
Palonosetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3Atarget
PalonosetronCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PalonosetronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PalonosetronCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
Alosetron5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3Atarget
AlosetronCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
AlosetronCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AlosetronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AlosetronCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme