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Displaying categories 1651 - 1675 of 5004 in total
CategoryDescription# of Drugs# of Targets
Dietary FiberNot Available20Details
Dietary ProteinsProteins obtained from foods. They are the main source of the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS.61Details
Dietary SugarsA group of pharmacologic activities, effects on living systems and the environment, and...  more115Details
Dietary SupplementsNot Available53944Details
DiethylaminesDiethylamine with the formula CH3CH2NHCH2CH3 and its derivatives.10Details
Digestive/GI System Activity AlterationNot Available11Details
Digestives, Incl. EnzymesNot Available7127Details
Digitalis GlycosidesGlycosides from plants of the genus DIGITALIS. Some of these are useful as cardiotonic ...  more829Details
Digoxin and derivativesA cardiotonic glycoside obtained mainly from Digitalis lanata; it consists of three sug...  more415Details
Digoxin Binding ActivityNot Available11Details
Digoxin, antagonists & inhibitorsNot Available00Details
Digoxin, immunologyNot Available115Details
DihydroergotoxineA mixture of three different hydrogenated derivatives of ERGOTAMINE: DIHYDROERGOCORNINE...  more15Details
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) inhibitorsNot Available214Details
Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase InhibitorsNot Available17Details
Dihydropyridine DerivativesNot Available17209Details
DihydropyridinesPyridine moieties which are partially saturated by the addition of two hydrogen atoms i...  more14173Details
DihydrostilbenoidsOrganic compounds characterized by the functional group 1,2-dihydrostilbene.36Details
DihydroxyphenylalanineA beta-hydroxylated derivative of phenylalanine. The D-form of dihydroxyphenylalanine h...  more421Details
DiketopiperazinesPiperazines with two keto oxygens.12Details
DiluentsNot Available31Details
DimethylaminesDerivatives of dimethylamine (the structural formula CH3NHCH3).223Details
DimethyldithiocarbamateA chemical that acts as a dopamine beta-hydroxylase inhibitor. Its salts are agricultur...  more21Details
DimethylpolysiloxanesSilicone polymers which consist of silicon atoms substituted with methyl groups and lin...  more10Details
DinitrobenzenesBenzene derivatives which are substituted with two nitro groups in the ortho, meta or p...  more12Details
Displaying categories 1651 - 1675 of 5004 in total