Peristalsis evoked by 5-HT and renzapride: evidence for putative 5-HT4 receptor activation.

Article Details


Craig DA, Clarke DE

Peristalsis evoked by 5-HT and renzapride: evidence for putative 5-HT4 receptor activation.

Br J Pharmacol. 1991 Mar;102(3):563-4.

PubMed ID
1364818 [ View in PubMed

The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and renzapride was studied on the peristaltic reflex elicited in vitro in the guinea-pig ileum. Both agents evoked the reflex at subthreshold intraluminal pressures (50% of threshold) and were blocked by ICS 205-930 (3 microM), but not ondansetron (5 microM). This novel finding suggests strongly that the prokinetic action of renzapride and gut motility stimulating action of 5-hydroxytryptamine are mediated via agonism at the putative 5-HT4 receptor.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

Drug Targets
DrugTargetKindOrganismPharmacological ActionActions
Renzapride5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4ProteinHumans