Accession Number

A superfamily of proteins containing the globin fold which is composed of 6-8 alpha helices arranged in a characterstic HEME enclosing structure.

DrugDrug Description
HemoglobinAn iron-containing protein found in all red blood cells (RBCs) for proper binding of oxygen and transport throughout the body, included in blood transfusions in severe hemorrhage.
Hemoglobin crosfumarilHemoglobin in which the alpha-subunit are cross-linked intramolecularly.
HemoximerHemoximer is a modified version of hemoglobin that undergoes pyridoxylation, for the purpose of lowering the oxygen affinity, and coupling with polyoxyethylene (POE), to increase its molecular weight.
Pegylated carboxyhemoglobin (bovine)Not Annotated
Hemoglobin glutamer-250 (bovine)Hemoglobin glutamer-250 (bovine) is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00300040 (Safety/feasibility Study of HBOC-201 in Amputation At/below Knee From Critical Lower Limb Ischemia).
Hemoglobin glutamer-256 (human)Hemoglobin glutamer-256 (human) is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00076648 (Safety and Efficacy of Polyheme(r) in Hemorrhagic Shock Following Traumatic Injuries Beginning in the Pre-hospital Setting).
Drugs & Drug Targets