Mercurial Products
- Name
- Mercurial Products
- Accession Number
- DBCAT002605
- Description
Not Available
- ATC Classification
- Drugs
Drug Drug Description Mercuric iodide Not Available Thimerosal Used as preservative in some cosmetics, topical pharmaceuticals, and biological drug products, which includes vaccines [L1671, L1672, L1673]. Mercuric amidochloride Not Annotated Merbromin A topical antiseptic indicated in the disinfection of lacerations. Mercuric chloride Mercury chloride (HgCl2) is a highly toxic compound that volatizes slightly at ordinary temperature and appreciably at 100 degrees C. It is corrosive to mucous membranes and used as a... Phenylmercuric borate Not Annotated - Drugs & Drug Targets