

Generic Name
DrugBank Accession Number

NV1020, a genetically engineered herpes simplex virus, is a novel anticancer therapeutic.

Biologic Classification
Protein Based Therapies
Other protein based therapies
Protein Chemical Formula
Not Available
Protein Average Weight
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available



Intended for the treatment of various forms of cancer.

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Not Available

Mechanism of action

Cancer-killing viruses, so-called oncolytic viruses are specific herpes simplex viruses, or HSVs, generally known as the cause of cold sores. These viruses are used, however, in a modified and "disarmed" form in order to make them utilizable as a therapeutic agent in humans. This is achieved by switching off certain genes that normally enable the virus to multiply in healthy cells, which would destroy these cells. As a result of this genetic modification, the HSVs are able to reproduce in tumor cells solely, since only these offer an environment that compensates for the loss of the removed viral genes. Consequently, the virus is able to replicate in the tumor cells, selectively destroying them without harming healthy tissue.


Not Available

Volume of distribution

Not Available

Protein binding

Not Available

Not Available
Route of elimination

Not Available


Not Available


Not Available

Adverse Effects
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Not Available

Not Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available


Drug Interactions
This information should not be interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.
Not Available
Food Interactions
Not Available


Drug Categories
Not Available
Chemical TaxonomyProvided by Classyfire
Not Available
Organic Compounds
Super Class
Organic Acids
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
Sub Class
Amino Acids, Peptides, and Analogues
Direct Parent
Alternative Parents
Not Available
Not Available
Molecular Framework
Not Available
External Descriptors
Not Available
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals

Chemical Identifiers

Not Available
CAS number
Not Available


General References
  1. Israyelyan AH, Melancon JM, Lomax LG, Sehgal I, Leuschner C, Kearney MT, Chouljenko VN, Baghian A, Kousoulas KG: Effective treatment of human breast tumor in a mouse xenograft model with herpes simplex virus type 1 specifying the NV1020 genomic deletion and the gBsyn3 syncytial mutation enabling high viral replication and spread in breast cancer cells. Hum Gene Ther. 2007 May;18(5):457-73. [Article]
  2. Gutermann A, Mayer E, von Dehn-Rothfelser K, Breidenstein C, Weber M, Muench M, Gungor D, Suehnel J, Moebius U, Lechmann M: Efficacy of oncolytic herpesvirus NV1020 can be enhanced by combination with chemotherapeutics in colon carcinoma cells. Hum Gene Ther. 2006 Dec;17(12):1241-53. [Article]
  3. Kemeny N, Brown K, Covey A, Kim T, Bhargava A, Brody L, Guilfoyle B, Haag NP, Karrasch M, Glasschroeder B, Knoll A, Getrajdman G, Kowal KJ, Jarnagin WR, Fong Y: Phase I, open-label, dose-escalating study of a genetically engineered herpes simplex virus, NV1020, in subjects with metastatic colorectal carcinoma to the liver. Hum Gene Ther. 2006 Dec;17(12):1214-24. [Article]
  4. Bennett JJ, Delman KA, Burt BM, Mariotti A, Malhotra S, Zager J, Petrowsky H, Mastorides S, Federoff H, Fong Y: Comparison of safety, delivery, and efficacy of two oncolytic herpes viruses (G207 and NV1020) for peritoneal cancer. Cancer Gene Ther. 2002 Nov;9(11):935-45. [Article]
  5. Ebright MI, Zager JS, Malhotra S, Delman KA, Weigel TL, Rusch VW, Fong Y: Replication-competent herpes virus NV1020 as direct treatment of pleural cancer in a rat model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 Jul;124(1):123-9. [Article]
  6. Cozzi PJ, Malhotra S, McAuliffe P, Kooby DA, Federoff HJ, Huryk B, Johnson P, Scardino PT, Heston WD, Fong Y: Intravesical oncolytic viral therapy using attenuated, replication-competent herpes simplex viruses G207 and Nv1020 is effective in the treatment of bladder cancer in an orthotopic syngeneic model. FASEB J. 2001 May;15(7):1306-8. [Article]
PubChem Substance

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials
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PhaseStatusPurposeConditionsCountStart DateWhy Stopped100+ additional columns
1CompletedTreatmentColorectal Cancer / Metastatic Cancer1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
1, 2CompletedTreatmentColorectal Cancer / Neoplasms, Hepatic1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide


Not Available
Not Available
Dosage Forms
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available


Experimental Properties
Not Available

Drug created at October 21, 2007 22:23 / Updated at June 12, 2020 16:52