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Displaying categories 2051 - 2075 of 5004 in total
CategoryDescription# of Drugs# of Targets
GABA ModulatorsSubstances that do not act as agonists or antagonists but do affect the GAMMA-AMINOBUTY...  more40301Details
GABA Uptake InhibitorsCompounds that suppress or block the plasma membrane transport of GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC AC...  more13Details
GABA-A Receptor AgonistsEndogenous compounds and drugs that bind to and activate GABA-A RECEPTORS.742Details
GABA-A Receptor AntagonistsDrugs that bind to but do not activate GABA-A RECEPTORS thereby blocking the actions of...  more27Details
GABA-B Receptor AgonistsEndogenous compounds and drugs that bind to and activate GABA-B RECEPTORS.27Details
Gaba-derivative Skeletal Muscle RelaxantsNot Available13Details
Gabapentin and ProdrugsThis category is used to create drug-drug interactions.215Details
GabapentinoidsNot Available314Details
Gadolinium-based Contrast AgentNot Available89Details
GalactitolA naturally occurring product of plants obtained following reduction of GALACTOSE. It a...  more20Details
GalactosamineNot Available22Details
GalactosidasesA family of galactoside hydrolases that hydrolyze compounds with an O-galactosyl linkag...  more47Details
GalactosidesGlycosides formed by the reaction of the hydroxyl group on the anomeric carbon atom of ...  more510Details
Gallbladder FunctionNot Available13Details
GalliumA rare, metallic element designated by the symbol, Ga, atomic number 31, and atomic wei...  more49Details
Gallium IsotopesStable gallium atoms that have the same atomic number as the element gallium, but diffe...  more12Details
Gallium RadioisotopesNot Available612Details
GallstonesNot Available10Details
Gamma Secretase Inhibitors and ModulatorsAgents that suppress GAMMA-SECRETASE by inhibiting or modulating its activities. Target...  more1139Details
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor AgonistNot Available15Details
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor Positive ModulatorNot Available110Details
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-ergic AgonistNot Available213Details
gamma-CyclodextrinsCyclic GLUCANS consisting of eight (8) glucopyranose units linked by 1,4-glycosidic bonds.10Details
gamma-Glutamyl Hydrolase, antagonists & inhibitorsNot Available10Details
Ganciclovir and prodrugNot Available214Details
Displaying categories 2051 - 2075 of 5004 in total