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Displaying drugs 1451 - 1475 of 2065 in total
Pegadricase is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01021241 (Safety and Efficacy Study of Intravenous Uricase-PEG 20).
Gavorestat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04902781 (Clinical Benefit, Safety, PK and PD Study of AT-007 in Pediatric Subjects With Classic Galactosemia).
Sasanlimab is under investigation in clinical trial NCT06218069 (Immuno-pet Imaging Responses Administered Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor).
M0002 is an orally-active selective vasopressin antagonist that inhibits water re-absorption from the kidneys. It is a vasopressin 2 antagonist and represents a new class of compounds – aquaretics – that produce profound diuresis without loss of electrolytes. It will be of major benefit to those patients not responding satisfactorily...
ReN001 is a clonal human neural stem cell line developed for clinical use in the treatment of stable disability after stroke. ReN001 a strong candidate for one of the first cell-based IND applications to be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration in the United States for consideration for the...
TRC093 is a recombinant humanized IgG1k monoclonal antibody.
AMZ002 is a sterile injectable hormone developed as a purified synthetic polypeptide alternative to current FDA-approved epileptic seizure treatments.
INM004, a Neutralizing Equine Anti-Stx Hyperimmune Immunoglobulin F(Ab')2 Fragment, is currently being investigated to treat Shiga-toxin producing bacterial infection relating to the prevention of hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Apc001 is an aptamer developed for the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta.
MUL001 is live attenuated strain of Salmonella typhimurium being investigated for the treatment of schwannomas.
WU-CART-007 consists of allogeneic, fratricide-resistant genetically modified T cells transduced with a 2nd generation 4-1BB-CD3z chimeric antigen receptor targeting human CD7.
D3S-001 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT05410145 (A Study of D3S 001 Monotherapy or Combination Therapy in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors With a KRAS p.g12c Mutation).
Doramectin is a veterinary drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of parasites such as gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, eyeworms, grubs, sucking lice and mange mites in cattle.
Vet approved
Matched Iupac: … (1'R,2S,4'S,5S,6R,8'R,10'E,12'S,13'S,14'E,16'E,20'R,21'R,24'S)-6-cyclohexyl-21',24'-dihydroxy-12'-{[( ... oxy}-5,11',13',22'-tetramethyl-5,6-dihydro-3',7',19'-trioxaspiro[pyran-2,6'-tetracyclo[^{4,8}.0^ …
Vet approved
Matched Iupac: … '-tetracyclo[^{4,8}.0^{20,24}]pentacosane]-10',14',16',22'-tetraen-2'-oneoxy]-4-methoxy-2-methyloxan ... N-[(2S,3R,4R,6S)-6-{[(2S,3R,4S,6R)-6-[(1'R,2S,4'S,5S,6R,8'R,10'Z,12'S,13'S,14'Z,16'Z,20'R,21'R,24'S)- ... 21',24'-dihydroxy-5,11',13',22'-tetramethyl-6-(propan-2-yl)-5,6-dihydro-3',7',19'-trioxaspiro[pyran-2,6 …
TH0318 is a stabilized analogue of human GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) under investigation for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
CG0070 is investigated in clinical trials for treating bladder cancer. CG0070 is a solid. CG0070 can potentially destroy cancer cells by two different mechanisms: direct cell killing by the virus and immune-mediated cell killing stimulated by GM-CSF. CG0070, an oncolytic virus therapy with specificity for multiple cancers, has been evaluated...
PF-03187207 is a nitric oxide-donating prostaglandin F2-alpha analogs for the potential treatment of glaucoma. Based on the very promising preclinical results and on the well-known activities of nitric oxide, PF-03187207 is expected to have an increased capacity to reduce high IOP. The development of abnormally high IOP, due to blockage...
BIIB015 is a humanized, IgG1 [immunoglobulin G 1], DM4-Conjugated, anti-cripto, monoclonal antibody. It has been investigated for the treatment of subjects with relapsed or refractory solid tumours.
PF-00489791 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hypertension, Raynaud's Disease, Diabetic Nephropathies, Hypertension, Pulmonary, and Peripheral Vascular Disease.
Displaying drugs 1451 - 1475 of 2065 in total