Chemotaxis protein CheY


Chemotaxis protein CheY
Not Available
Gene Name
UniProtKB Entry
Escherichia coli (strain K12)
NCBI Taxonomy ID
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0011458|Chemotaxis protein CheY
Number of residues
Molecular Weight
Theoretical pI
GO Classification
acetyltransferase activity / magnesium ion binding
bacterial-type flagellum-dependent cell motility / chemotaxis / internal peptidyl-lysine acetylation / phosphorelay signal transduction system / protein acetylation
General Function
Involved in the transmission of sensory signals from the chemoreceptors to the flagellar motors. In its active (phosphorylated or acetylated) form, CheY exhibits enhanced binding to a switch component, FliM, at the flagellar motor which induces a change from counterclockwise to clockwise flagellar rotation. Overexpression of CheY in association with MotA and MotB improves motility of a ycgR disruption, suggesting there is an interaction (direct or indirect) between the c-di-GMP-binding flagellar brake protein and the flagellar stator.
Specific Function
acetyltransferase activity
Pfam Domain Function
Signal Regions
Not Available
Transmembrane Regions
Not Available
Cellular Location
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0011459|Chemotaxis protein CheY (cheY)
Chromosome Location
Not Available
Not Available
External Identifiers
UniProtKB IDP0AE67
UniProtKB Entry NameCHEY_ECOLI
GenBank Protein ID7144481
GenBank Gene IDK02175
PDB ID(s)1A0O, 1AB5, 1AB6, 1BDJ, 1C4W, 1CEY, 1CHN, 1CYE, 1D4Z, 1DJM, 1E6K, 1E6L, 1E6M, 1EAY, 1EHC, 1F4V, 1FFG, 1FFS, 1FFW, 1FQW, 1HEY, 1JBE, 1KMI, 1MIH, 1U8T, 1UDR, 1VLZ, 1YMU, 1YMV, 1ZDM, 2B1J, 2ID7, 2ID9, 2IDM, 2LP4, 3CHY, 3F7N, 3FFT, 3FFW, 3FFX, 3FGZ, 3MYY, 3OLV, 3OLW, 3OLX, 3OLY, 3OO0, 3OO1, 3RVJ, 3RVK, 3RVL, 3RVM, 3RVN, 3RVO, 3RVP, 3RVQ, 3RVR, 3RVS, 5CHY, 6CHY
KEGG IDecj:JW1871
NCBI Gene ID946393
General References
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  9. Wang H, Matsumura P: Characterization of the CheAS/CheZ complex: a specific interaction resulting in enhanced dephosphorylating activity on CheY-phosphate. Mol Microbiol. 1996 Feb;19(4):695-703. [Article]
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  17. Bellsolell L, Cronet P, Majolero M, Serrano L, Coll M: The three-dimensional structure of two mutants of the signal transduction protein CheY suggest its molecular activation mechanism. J Mol Biol. 1996 Mar 22;257(1):116-28. [Article]
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  19. Wilcock D, Pisabarro MT, Lopez-Hernandez E, Serrano L, Coll M: Structure analysis of two CheY mutants: importance of the hydrogen-bond contribution to protein stability. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 1998 May 1;54(Pt 3):378-85. [Article]
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Associated Data

Drug Relations
DrugDrug groupPharmacological action?TypeActionsDetails
S-Methyl PhosphocysteineexperimentalunknowntargetDetails
Aspartate beryllium trifluorideexperimentalunknowntargetDetails