U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A


U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A
  • U1 snRNP A
  • U1-A
  • U1A
Gene Name
UniProtKB Entry
NCBI Taxonomy ID
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0019322|U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A
Number of residues
Molecular Weight
Theoretical pI
GO Classification
DNA binding / identical protein binding / U1 snRNP binding
nucleus / U4/U6 x U5 tri-snRNP complex
General Function
Component of the spliceosomal U1 snRNP, which is essential for recognition of the pre-mRNA 5' splice-site and the subsequent assembly of the spliceosome. U1 snRNP is the first snRNP to interact with pre-mRNA. This interaction is required for the subsequent binding of U2 snRNP and the U4/U6/U5 tri-snRNP. SNRPA binds stem loop II of U1 snRNA. In a snRNP-free form (SF-A) may be involved in coupled pre-mRNA splicing and polyadenylation process. May bind preferentially to the 5'-UGCAC-3' motif on RNAs
Specific Function
Dna binding
Pfam Domain Function
Signal Regions
Not Available
Transmembrane Regions
Not Available
Cellular Location
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0019323|U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A (SNRPA)
Chromosome Location
External Identifiers
UniProtKB IDP09012
GenBank Gene IDM60784
PDB ID(s)1AUD, 1DRZ, 1DZ5, 1FHT, 1M5K, 1M5O, 1M5P, 1M5V, 1NU4, 1OIA, 1SJ3, 1SJ4, 1SJF, 1U6B, 1URN, 1VBX, 1VBY, 1VBZ, 1VC0, 1VC5, 1VC6, 1ZZN, 2A3J, 2NZ4, 2OIH, 2OJ3, 2U1A, 3BO2, 3BO3, 3BO4, 3CUL, 3CUN, 3EGZ, 3G8S, 3G8T, 3G96, 3G9C, 3HHN, 3IIN, 3IRW, 3IWN, 3K0J, 3L3C, 3MUM, 3MUR, 3MUT, 3MUV, 3MXH, 3P49, 3PGW, 3R1H, 3R1L, 3UCU, 3UCZ, 3UD3, 3UD4, 4C4W, 4PR6, 4PRF, 4W90, 4W92, 4YB1, 5DDO, 5DDP, 5DDQ, 5DDR, 5FJ4, 6LAS, 6LAU, 6LAX, 6LAZ, 6QX9, 6SQN, 6SQQ, 6SQT, 6SQV, 6SR7, 6XH0, 6XH1, 6XH2, 6XH3, 7AEP, 7B0Y, 7D7V, 7DLZ, 7DWH, 7LHX, 7QR3, 7QR4, 7VPX, 8GXB, 8GXC
KEGG IDhsa:6626
NCBI Gene ID6626
General References
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Associated Data

Drug Relations
DrugDrug groupPharmacological action?TypeActionsDetails
Malonic acidexperimentalunknowntargetDetails