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Polysilicone-15 is a silicone based UVB absorber 2,3,4,7,8,9. The compound is a colorless to pale yellow viscous liquid which is soluble in organic solvents of medium polarity and insoluble in water 2,3,4,7,8,9. It is the first polymeric UVB filer consisting of chromophores attached to a silicone backbone 2,3,4,7,8,9. When included in various other cosmetic shampoos, conditioners, or hairsprays the compound also functions as an effective photostabilizer of the product 2,3,4,7,8,9.

Small Molecule
  • Diethylbenzylidene malonate dimethicone
  • Diethylmalonylbenzylidene oxypropene dimethicone
  • Dimethicodiethylbenzalmalonate



Polysilicone-15 is used as an UV-filter in cosmetic sunscreen products as well as in other cosmetic products (like shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, etc.) where it can confer photostability to the product(s) 4,9.

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Prevention ofSunburn••• •••
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As an active ingredient in sunscreen products, polysilicone-15 is applied directly onto human skin where it acts as a chemical sunscreen layer between skin and sunlight that also directly absorbs the UV sunlight radiation 2,3,4,7,8,9. When used in combination with other ingredients in cosmetic shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, etc. the photostable polysilicone-15 confers photostability onto the entire combined product, protecting it from deterioration in the sunlight by absorbing the UV light radiation 4,9. Additionally, there have been studies suggesting polysilicone-15 is also considered to have little to no absorption through the skin 2, so little systemic exposure and pharmacokinetics are expected and users can freely wash off and re-apply the compound as necessary.

Mechanism of action

Ultraviolet radiation is the invisible energy component to sunlight and consists of three wavelength ranges:

(a) UVA is long-range UV radiation between 320-400nm 6. Although not as energetic as UVB, UVA can penetrate deep into the dermis 6. UVA can cause immediate tanning, premature skin aging, and can also play a role in the formation of some skin cancers 6. Approximately 95% of UVA from the sun passes through Earth's ozone layer 6.

(b) UVB is short-wavelength UV radiation between 280-320nm 6. It is capable of penetrating the outer protective layer of the skin and is responsible for delayed tanning, sunburns, and most skin cancers 6. A large amount of UVB is absorbed by the ozone layer, however, as only 5% reaches the Earth's surface 6.

(c) UVC is comprised of wavelengths between 100-280nm and is very energetic 6. It is very dangerous to all forms of life, even when the exposure is short 6. However, UVC radiation is generally filtered out by the ozone layer and never reaches the Earth 6.

Ultimately, the shorter the wavelength, the more harmful the UV radiation - although shorter wavelength UV radiation is less able to penetrate the skin 6.

Polysilicone-15 is comprised of chromophores that are attached to polysiloxane chains in a controlled manner with optimal micro-distance between chromophores 8. This arrangement forms a flexible film that disperses the chromophores in a way that effectively falls into and flows about the natural ergonomics of the skin surface - as opposed to how conventional UV filters tend to accumulate in the troughs of the skin 8. Regardless, polysilicone-15 is specifically a UVB filter and is often combined with other approved UV filters to achieve a wide range of UV protection 8.

Finally, polysilicone-15 is itself photostable, containing specialized chemicals that take excited state energy away from molecules of the compound that have absorbed high-energy UV light particles and return the molecules to the ground state, ready to absorb more UV radiation and having been spared from various photochemical reactions that would have been facilitated by the retention of the high energy UV radiation, had it not been neutralized by the photostabilizer chemicals 5. When combined with other ingredients in cosmetic shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray products this photostability is conferred upon the entire combination product, allowing the product to remain intact after it has been applied to hair and exposed to sunlight outdoors 4,9.


Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. At this time, however, studies demonstrate that the components of most commonly used sunscreens are likely absorbed into the skin at least to some extent - although penetration to deeper tissues and the cutaneous circulation remains limited 1. Despite the extensive use of sunscreen products around the world, there have been few reports of adverse effects related to their use 1.

Volume of distribution

Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.

Protein binding

Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.


Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.

Route of elimination

Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.


Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.


Polysilicone-15 is reported as having little to no absorption through the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.

Adverse Effects
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From what studies are available, the overall belief at the moment is that polysilicone-15 largely remains on the surface of the skin when applied and that skin penetration tests demonstrated maximum retention on the skin 2,8. The systemic presence of the compound is consequently expected to be minimal.

Not Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available


Drug Interactions
This information should not be interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.
Not Available
Food Interactions
No interactions found.


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International/Other Brands
Parsol SLX
Mixture Products
NameIngredientsDosageRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
BRING GREEN Tea Tree CICA Cooling SunPolysilicone-15 (2.0 g/100g) + Bemotrizinol (1.5 g/100g) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (3.5 g/100g) + Octyl triazone (3.0 g/100g)StickTopicalCJ Olive Young Corporation2022-08-01Not applicableUS flag
Derma Pella Sunscreen Advance Cream-GelPolysilicone-15 (20 mg/1g) + Avobenzone (50 mg/1g) + Ensulizole (20 mg/1g) + Octisalate (50 mg/1g) + Octocrylene (100 mg/1g) + Titanium dioxide (16 mg/1g)CreamTopicalPella Pharmaceuticals Co. ltd2022-12-26Not applicableUS flag
OHUI SUN SCIENCE Perfect Sunblock Blue EX plusPolysilicone-15 (5 mL/100mL) + Bemotrizinol (2 mL/100mL) + Ensulizole (3.9 mL/100mL) + Octisalate (4.8 mL/100mL) + Titanium dioxide (9 mL/100mL)CreamTopicalLg Household & Health Care Ltd.2011-08-03Not applicableUS flag
P.CALM Water Barrier SuncreamPolysilicone-15 (10 mg/1mL) + Bemotrizinol (5 mg/1mL) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (10 mg/1mL) + Ecamsule (26.4 mg/1mL) + Octyl triazone (27 mg/1mL)CreamTopicalLIFE WITH CORPORATION Inc.2023-10-17Not applicableUS flag
SUN PROJECT SILKY CALMING SUN stickPolysilicone-15 (0.28 g/14g) + Bemotrizinol (0.21 g/14g) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (0.49 g/14g) + Octyl triazone (0.42 g/14g)StickTopicalThank You Farmer Co., Ltd.2022-05-31Not applicableUS flag
Unapproved/Other Products
NameIngredientsDosageRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
BRING GREEN Tea Tree CICA Cooling SunPolysilicone-15 (2.0 g/100g) + Bemotrizinol (1.5 g/100g) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (3.5 g/100g) + Octyl triazone (3.0 g/100g)StickTopicalCJ Olive Young Corporation2022-08-01Not applicableUS flag
P.CALM Water Barrier SuncreamPolysilicone-15 (10 mg/1mL) + Bemotrizinol (5 mg/1mL) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (10 mg/1mL) + Ecamsule (26.4 mg/1mL) + Octyl triazone (27 mg/1mL)CreamTopicalLIFE WITH CORPORATION Inc.2023-10-17Not applicableUS flag
SUN PROJECT SILKY CALMING SUN stickPolysilicone-15 (0.28 g/14g) + Bemotrizinol (0.21 g/14g) + Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (0.49 g/14g) + Octyl triazone (0.42 g/14g)StickTopicalThank You Farmer Co., Ltd.2022-05-31Not applicableUS flag


Drug Categories
Not classified
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals

Chemical Identifiers

CAS number


General References
  1. Benson HA: Assessment and clinical implications of absorption of sunscreens across skin. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2000 Jul-Aug;1(4):217-24. [Article]
  2. DSM Presents Latest Data on Parsol [Link]
  3. IJPDerma: International Journal of Parenteral and Dermatology - Sunscreen Actives, An Overview [Link]
  4. Cosmetics Info: Polysilicone-15 [Link]
  5. Ross Organic: Sunscreen Photostability 101 [Link]
  6. Health Canada Approved ingredients list [Link]
  7. Parsol SLX Product Brochure [File]
  8. Parsol SLX: UV Protection by Liquid-Mineral Technology [File]
  9. European Commission Directorate-General for Health & Consumers: Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety Opinion On Polysilicone-15 [File]
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Experimental Properties
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Mass Spec (NIST)
Not Available
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Chromatographic Properties
Collision Cross Sections (CCS)
Not Available

Drug created at December 03, 2015 16:51 / Updated at October 06, 2020 17:43