Sage oil

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Generic Name
Sage oil
DrugBank Accession Number

Sage oil is extracted from sage or Salvia officinalis, the herb commonly used for culinary purposes. Salvia officinalis is a common sage and a member of the genus Salvia, that includes aromatic and perennial plants with flowers. Essential oil has been traditionally used in medicine for the relief of pain and the treatment of inflammation and infections, as it is reported to exhibit carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and astringent properties 2. The main constituents of sage oil include camphor, 1,8-cineole, α-thujone, β-thujone, borneol, and viridiflorol, which are thought to mainly produce the biological effects of sage oil. Sage oil also contains flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that mediate strong antioxidant, radical-scavenging, and antibacterial activities 2. It is found in cosmetics, personal care products and dietary supplements.

  • Broadleaf sage oil
  • Common sage oil
  • Culinary sage oil
  • Dalmatian sage oil
  • Fema no. 3001
  • Garden sage oil
  • Kitchen sage oil
  • Purple sage oil
  • Red sage oil
  • Sage leaf oil
  • Sage leaf water
  • Sage oil
  • Sage oil albania
  • Sage oil cuba
  • Sage oil dalmatian
  • Sage oil england
  • Sage oil france
  • Sage oil germany
  • Sage oil sardinia
  • Sage oil spanish
  • Sage oil, dalmatian type
  • Sage volatile oil
  • Salvia officinalis (sage) leaf water
  • Salvia officinalis (sage) oil
  • Salvia officinalis leaf oil
External IDs
  • FEMA NO. 3002



Not Available

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Not Available

Mechanism of action
Not Available

Not Available

Volume of distribution

Not Available

Protein binding

Not Available

Not Available
Route of elimination

Not Available


Not Available


Not Available

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Not Available

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Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available


Drug Interactions
This information should not be interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.
AcetazolamideThe therapeutic efficacy of Acetazolamide can be decreased when used in combination with Sage oil.
AmifampridineThe risk or severity of seizure can be increased when Sage oil is combined with Amifampridine.
AmobarbitalThe therapeutic efficacy of Amobarbital can be decreased when used in combination with Sage oil.
BrexanoloneThe therapeutic efficacy of Brexanolone can be decreased when used in combination with Sage oil.
BrivaracetamThe therapeutic efficacy of Brivaracetam can be decreased when used in combination with Sage oil.
Food Interactions
Not Available


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Active Moieties
Sageunknown065C5D077JNot AvailableNot applicable
Over the Counter Products
NameDosageStrengthRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
ADHD Care SynergyOil8 mg/50mLTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-02-29Not applicableUS flag
Menopause Care SynergyOil3 mg/50mLTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Stork I SynergyOil5 mg/50mLTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Storks Synergy for balance of uterusOil0.8 mg/50mLTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Mixture Products
NameIngredientsDosageRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
GLP-1 Balance SynergySage oil (40 mg/50mL) + Eucalyptus oil (60 mg/50mL)OilTopical; TransdermalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Shaping without workoutSage oil (3 mg/50mL) + Eucalyptol (4.3 mg/50mL)OilTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Slim Booster with natural slimming activatorsSage oil (4.3 mg/50mL) + Eucalyptol (13 mg/50mL)OilTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
Swelling Solution - improving lymphatic drainageSage oil (5.3 mg/50mL) + Peppermint (13 mg/50mL)OilTopicalPhytopia Co., Ltd.2016-04-01Not applicableUS flag
The Natural Dentist Peppermint SageSage oil (0.02 g/100g) + Peppermint oil (0.1 g/100g)Paste, dentifriceDentalCaldwell Consumer Health Llc2011-05-012018-11-01US flag


Drug Categories
Not classified
Affected organisms
Not Available

Chemical Identifiers

CAS number


General References
  1. Abu-Darwish MS, Cabral C, Ferreira IV, Goncalves MJ, Cavaleiro C, Cruz MT, Al-bdour TH, Salgueiro L: Essential oil of common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) from Jordan: assessment of safety in mammalian cells and its antifungal and anti-inflammatory potential. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:538940. doi: 10.1155/2013/538940. Epub 2013 Oct 9. [Article]
  2. Hamidpour M, Hamidpour R, Hamidpour S, Shahlari M: Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Medicinal Property of Sage (Salvia) to Prevent and Cure Illnesses such as Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Lupus, Autism, Heart Disease, and Cancer. J Tradit Complement Med. 2014 Apr;4(2):82-8. doi: 10.4103/2225-4110.130373. [Article]
PubChem Substance

Clinical Trials

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Not Available
Not Available
Dosage Forms
OilTopical8 mg/50mL
OilTopical; Transdermal
OilTopical3 mg/50mL
OilTopical5 mg/50mL
OilTopical0.8 mg/50mL
Paste, dentifriceDental
Not Available
Not Available


Not Available
Experimental Properties
Not Available

Drug created at December 03, 2015 16:51 / Updated at June 12, 2020 17:42