Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen



Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen is a viable, bioengineered, allogeneic, cellularized scaffold product applied to deep thermal burns to aid in healing.

Brand Names
Generic Name
Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen
DrugBank Accession Number

Stratagraft (allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen-dsat) is an allogeneic cellularized scaffold product used for the treatment of adults with thermal burns containing intact dermal elements for which surgical intervention is clinically indicated (also known as deep partial-thickness burns).2 It was developed as an alternative to autografting - the process by which a patient's own skin is harvested and grafted onto the burn site - which has the disadvantage of creating a new wound at the site from which the graft is taken.3

Stratagraft consists of two kinds of lab-grown skin cells, keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, which are grown together on a murine collagen matrix to make a bi-layered construct (i.e. a cellularized scaffold). Sheets containing this scaffold product are applied to the burn site and, as they contain metabolically active and viable cells, provide a variety of human growth factors and cytokines as well as extracellular matrix proteins, all of which are known to be involved in wound repair. The product does not remain permanently engrafted, instead being replaced by the patient's own cells over time, which can reduce or even eliminate the need for autografting.2

Stratagraft was in the early stages of development as far back as 20091 and was granted full FDA approval in June 2021.3

Biologic Classification
Cell transplant therapies
Other cell transplant therapies
  • allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen-dsat
  • Viable and metabolically active allogeneic human NIKS keratinocytes and human dermal fibroblasts cellularized layered scaffold



Stratagraft is an allogeneic cellularized scaffold product indicated for the treatment of adults with thermal burns containing intact dermal elements for which surgical intervention is clinically indicated (deep partial-thickness burns).2

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Associated Conditions
Indication TypeIndicationCombined Product DetailsApproval LevelAge GroupPatient CharacteristicsDose Form
Treatment ofDeep partial-thickness thermal burn••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••• •••••••••
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Stratagraft is a topical rectangular sheet which is applied to excised and debrided thermal wound beds in order to aid in healing, serving a generally similar function to autologous skin grafting.2

Mechanism of action

Stratagraft consists of a murine collagen matrix with human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts embedded within. As these cells are viable and metabolically active, they secrete human growth factors and cytokines that help to heal the affected tissues. The Stratagraft cells are slowly replaced by the patient's own cells over time, which aids in wound closure and can help to eliminate or reduce the need for autologous skin grafting (i.e. autografting).2


Not Available

Volume of distribution

Not Available

Protein binding

Not Available

Not Available
Route of elimination

Not Available


Not Available


Not Available

Adverse Effects
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Following the administration of 14 cm2 (~25% BSA) to full-thickness wounds in immunocompromised athymic nude mice, no evidence of local or systemic toxicity was observed.2

Not Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available


Drug Interactions
This information should not be interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.
ChlorhexidineThe therapeutic efficacy of Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen can be decreased when used in combination with Chlorhexidine.
MafenideThe therapeutic efficacy of Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen can be decreased when used in combination with Mafenide.
Silver sulfadiazineThe therapeutic efficacy of Allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen can be decreased when used in combination with Silver sulfadiazine.
Food Interactions
No interactions found.


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International/Other Brands
StrataGraft (Stratatech Corporation)
Brand Name Prescription Products
NameDosageStrengthRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
StrataGraftCellular Sheet1 cm2/1cm2TopicalStratatech Corporation2021-06-15Not applicableUS flag
StrataGraftCellular Sheet1 cm2/1cm2TopicalStratatech Corporation2021-06-15Not applicableUS flag


Drug Categories
Not classified
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals

Chemical Identifiers

Not Available
CAS number
Not Available


General References
  1. Schurr MJ, Foster KN, Centanni JM, Comer AR, Wicks A, Gibson AL, Thomas-Virnig CL, Schlosser SJ, Faucher LD, Lokuta MA, Allen-Hoffmann BL: Phase I/II clinical evaluation of StrataGraft: a consistent, pathogen-free human skin substitute. J Trauma. 2009 Mar;66(3):866-73; discussion 873-4. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e31819849d6. [Article]
  2. FDA Approved Drug Products: Stratagraft (allogeneic cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts in murine collagen- dsat) for topical use [Link]
  3. FDA Press Announcement: FDA Approves StrataGraft for the Treatment of Adults with Thermal Burns [Link]

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials
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PhaseStatusPurposeConditionsCountStart DateWhy Stopped100+ additional columns
3CompletedTreatmentBurns / Dermabrasion / Trauma-related Wound1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
3CompletedTreatmentDeep Partial Thickness Burn1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
3CompletedTreatmentThermal Burns1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
2CompletedTreatmentFull Thickness Thermal Burn1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
2TerminatedTreatmentBurns / Dermabrasion / Trauma-related Wound1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide


Not Available
Not Available
Dosage Forms
Cellular sheetTopical1 cm2/1cm2
Not Available
Not Available


Experimental Properties
Not Available

Drug created at August 12, 2021 15:13 / Updated at August 13, 2021 04:45