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Displaying categories 726 - 750 of 5004 in total
CategoryDescription# of Drugs# of Targets
BacteriochlorophyllsPyrrole containing pigments found in photosynthetic bacteria.12Details
BacteriocinsSubstances elaborated by specific strains of bacteria that are lethal against other str...  more10Details
Baloxavir and prodrugsNot Available27Details
BandagesNot Available00Details
BarbituratesA class of chemicals derived from barbituric acid or thiobarbituric acid. Many of these...  more14172Details
Barbiturates and DerivativesNot Available571Details
Barbiturates, PlainNot Available17124Details
Barium CompoundsInorganic compounds that contain barium as an integral part of the molecule.10Details
Barium Sulfate Containing X-Ray Contrast MediaNot Available10Details
Base Pair MismatchNot Available10Details
Basic Lotions and LinimentsNot Available322Details
Basic Ointments and ProtectantsNot Available13182Details
Basic Powders and DemulcentsNot Available10Details
BasidiomycotaA phylum of fungi that produce their sexual spores (basidiospores) on the outside of th...  more10Details
BCL-2 InhibitorNot Available15Details
Bcr-Abl Tyrosine Kinase InhibitorsNot Available6122Details
BCRP/ABCG2 InducersNot Available573Details
BCRP/ABCG2 InhibitorsNot Available1542613Details
BCRP/ABCG2 SubstratesNot Available1431959Details
Bee and Wasp VenomUsed in arranging bee and wasp venom drug interactions.120Details
BeesNot Available20Details
Belladonna AlkaloidsAlkaloids obtained from various plants, especially the deadly nightshade (Atropa bellad...  more732Details
Belladonna Alkaloids, Semisynthetic, Quaternary Ammonium CompoundsNot Available611Details
Belladonna Alkaloids, Tertiary AminesNot Available216Details
Belladonna and Derivatives, PlainNot Available827Details
Displaying categories 726 - 750 of 5004 in total