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Displaying all 9 drugs
Sparfloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic indicated for bacterial infections. Sparfloxacin exerts its antibacterial activity by inhibiting DNA gyrase, a bacterial topoisomerase. DNA gyrase is an essential enzyme which controls DNA topology and assists in DNA replication, repair, deactivation, and transcription.
Clarithromycin, a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic derived from erythromycin, inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the bacterial 50S ribosomal subunit. Binding inhibits peptidyl transferase activity and interferes with amino acid translocation during the translation and protein assembly process. Clarithromycin may be bacteriostatic or bactericidal depending on the organism and drug...
Trovafloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has been commonly marketed under the brand name Trovan by Pfizer. It exerts its antibacterial activity by inhibiting the uncoiling of supercoiled DNA in various bacteria by blocking the activity of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. It was shown to be more effective...
A tetracycline analog having a 7-chloro and a 6-methyl. Because it is excreted more slowly than tetracycline, it maintains effective blood levels for longer periods of time.
Roxithromycin is a semi-synthethic macrolide antibiotic that is structurally and pharmacologically similar to erythromycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin. It was shown to be more effective against certain Gram-negative bacteria, particularly Legionella pneumophila. Roxithromycin exerts its antibacterial action by binding to the bacterial ribosome and interfering with bacterial protein synthesis. It is...
Erythromycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic drug produced by a strain of Saccharopolyspora erythraea (formerly Streptomyces erythraeus) and belongs to the macrolide group of antibiotics which consists of Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Spiramycin and others. It was originally discovered in 1952. Erythromycin is widely used for treating a variety of infections, including those...
Vet approved
Rifalazil is a derivative of the antibiotic rifamycin. It is being investigated by ActivBiotics for the treatment of various bacterial infections.
PRO 2000 is an investigational medicine that is not yet approved by the FDA for use outside of clinical trials. It is being studied for the prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. This medicine does not cure HIV infection or AIDS and is being studied to reduce...
Clomocycline is a tetracycline used to treat bacterial infections.
Displaying all 9 drugs