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Displaying drugs 226 - 250 of 1396 in total
Hydrochlorothiazide is the most commonly prescribed thiazide diuretic. It is indicated to treat edema and hypertension.[A185138,L8447,L8450] Hydrochlorothiazide use is common but declining in favour of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Many combination products are available containing hydrochlorothiazide and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors[L8390,L8423] or angiotensin II receptor blockers.[L7426,L7459] Hydrochlorothiazide was granted FDA...
Vet approved
Matched Categories: … Sodium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors …
Trichloroethylene is a halocarbon commonly used as an industrial solvent, not to be confused with the similar 1,1,1-trichloroethane, also known as chlorothene. It has been sold under a variety of trade names including Trimar and Trilene and used as a volatile anesthetic and as an inhaled obstetrical analgesic. Environmental exposure,...
Beractant is a pulmonary surfactant used for the treatment of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature infants. Considered a natural source of surfactant as it is made from bovine lung extract, beractant contains a mixture of phospholipids, neutral lipids, fatty acids, and surfactant-associated proteins such as SP-B and SP-C. The...
Matched Description: … It is suspended in 0.9% sodium chloride solution, and heat-sterilized. …
Chlorobutanol, or chlorbutol, is an alcohol-based preservative with no surfactant activity . It also elicits sedative-hypnotic and weak local anesthetic actions in addition to antibacterial and antifungal properties. Similar in nature to chloral hydrate, it is formed by the simple nucleophilic addition of chloroform and acetone. As a long-term stabilizer...
Vet approved
An inhalation anesthetic. Currently, methoxyflurane is rarely used for surgical, obstetric, or dental anesthesia. If so employed, it should be administered with nitrous oxide to achieve a relatively light level of anesthesia, and a neuromuscular blocking agent given concurrently to obtain the desired degree of muscular relaxation. (From AMA Drug...
Vet approved
Dichloralphenazone is a sedative composed of chloral hydrate and phenazone. It is typically found in combination products Nodolor and Midrin containing isometheptene and acetaminophen used for the relief of tension and vascular headaches. It is a US Schedule IV drug and its clinical use is limited.
Ethchlorvynol is a sedative and hypnotic drug. It has been used to treat insomnia, but has been largely superseded and is only offered where an intolerance or allergy to other drugs exists.
Constituent of striated muscle and liver. It is used therapeutically to stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretions and in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemias.
Matched Salts name: … Levocarnitine chloride
A vesicant and necrotizing irritant destructive to mucous membranes, mechlorethamine is an alkylating drug. It was formerly used as a war gas. The hydrochloride is used as an antineoplastic in Hodgkin's disease and lymphomas. It causes severe gastrointestinal and bone marrow damage. The FDA granted marketing approval for the orphan...
Clodronic acid is a first generation bisphosphonate similar to etidronic acid and tiludronic acid. These drugs were developed to mimic the action of pyrophosphate, a regulator of calcification and decalcification. clodronate’s use has decreased over the years in favor of the third generation, nitrogen containing bisphosphonate zoledronic acid, ibandronic acid,...
Vet approved
Dichlorobenzyl alcohol is a mild antiseptic with a broad spectrum for bacterial and virus associated with mouth and throat infections. Dichlorobenzyl alcohol is considered as an active ingredient found in several marketed OTC products by Health Canada which has categorized this agent as an anatomical therapeutic chemical. On the other...
Sibutramine (trade name Meridia in the USA, Reductil in Europe and other countries), usually as sibutramide hydrochloride monohydrate, is an orally administered agent for the treatment of obesity. It is a centrally acting stimulant chemically related to amphetamines thus it is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance in the...
Dichloroacetic acid, often abbreviated DCA, is an acid analogue of acetic acid in which two of the three hydrogen atoms of the methyl group have been replaced by chlorine atoms. Salts of DCA are used as drugs since they inhibit the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Early reports of its activity...
Also known as coagulation factor II, thrombin is a serine protease that plays a physiological role in regulating hemostasis and maintaining blood coagulation. Once converted from prothrombin, thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which, in combination with platelets from the blood, forms a clot. Medical thrombin is a protein substance produced...
Matched Description: … which prothrombin of bovine origin is activated by tissue thromboplastin in the presence of calcium chloride
A chlorinated bisphenol antiseptic with a bacteriostatic action against Gram-positive organisms, but much less effective against Gram-negative organisms. It is mainly used in soaps and creams and is an ingredient of various preparations used for skin disorders. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p797)
Chlorquinaldol was used historically as a topical antiseptic under the trade name Sterosan. It was marketed in the 1950s as an iodine-free alternative which was also unrelated to sulfa drugs or hormones. Chlorquinaldol is currently approved by the European Medicines Agency as a combination tablet with promestriene for the treatment...
Haloprogin is used as a topical ointment or cream in the treatment of Tinea infections. Tinea infections are superficial fungal infections caused by three species of fungi collectively known as dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton). Commonly these infections are named for the body part affected, including tinea corporis (general skin),...
Rupatadine is a dual histamine H1 receptor and platelet activating factor receptor antagonist that is used for symptomatic relief in seasonal and perennial rhinitis as well as chronic spontaneous urticaria. It was approved for marketing in Canada under the tradename Rupall and comes in tablet formulation for adult use and...
A centrally acting central muscle relaxant with sedative properties. It is claimed to inhibit muscle spasm by exerting an effect primarily at the level of the spinal cord and subcortical areas of the brain. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoea, 30th ed, p1202)
Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial biguanide used as a topical antiseptic and in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory dental conditions caused by microorganisms. It is one of the most common skin and mucous membrane antiseptic agents in use today. The molecule itself is a cationic bis-guanide consisting of...
Vet approved
Sevelamer is a phosphate binding drug used to prevent hyperphosphataemia in patients with chronic renal failure. It is marketed by Genzyme under the trade name Renagel.
Pitolisant is a selective antagonist or inverse agonist of the histamine H3 receptor used to treat type 1 or 2 narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects 1 in 2,000 individuals and is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, abnormal REM sleep manifestations, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. About...
Zytron (DMPA) is under investigation for the treatment and health services research of HIV, Lactation, Contraception, Postpartum Depression, and Immune Cells (Mucosal and Systemic). DMPA has been investigated for the prevention, treatment, and basic science of Weight and Microbiota.
Displaying drugs 226 - 250 of 1396 in total