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Displaying drugs 151 - 175 of 1343 in total
Molsidomine is an orally active, long-acting vasodilator, which belongs to the class of medications known as syndnones. Interestingly, it is being studied as being a preventive measure in cerebral infarction .
Digoxin is one of the oldest cardiovascular medications used today. It is a common agent used to manage atrial fibrillation and the symptoms of heart failure. Digoxin is classified as a cardiac glycoside and was initially approved by the FDA in 1954. This drug originates from the foxglove plant, also...
Commonly known as decadron, dexamethasone acetate is a glucocorticosteroid previously marketed in the USA for the treatment of inflammatory respiratory, allergic, autoimmune, and other conditions.[T797,L10695,L14348] Developed in 1957, dexamethasone is structurally similar to other corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone and prednisolone. Dexamethasone acetate has largely been replaced by dexamethasone phosphate and...
Vet approved
Matched Description: … [A188724] Dexamethasone acetate has largely been replaced by [dexamethasone] phosphate and continues …
Lodoxamide is a mast-cell stabilizer for topical administration into the eye. Mast-cell stabilizers, first one approved being cromolyn sodium, are used in treatment of ocular hypersensitivity reactions such as vernal conjunctivitis. These conditions often require treatment with anti-inflammatory medications such as ophthalmic NSAIDs or topical steroids which may cause systemic...
Matched Description: … Mast-cell stabilizers, first one approved being cromolyn sodium, are used in treatment of ocular hypersensitivity …
An antipsychotic phenothiazine derivative with actions and uses similar to those of chlorpromazine.
Technetium Tc-99m oxidronate, also known as 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate, is a radiopharmaceutical agent. A radiopharmaceutical is defined as a medicinal formulation containing radioisotopes that are used in major clinical areas for diagnosis and/or therapy. The radiopharmaceuticals based on technetium-99m are widely used for diagnostic purposes because 99mTc has a versatile chemistry...
Matched Description: … The group oxidronate falls into the category of diphosphonates whose structure allows them to bind to calcium
An anabolic steroid that has been used in the treatment of male hypogonadism, delayed puberty in males, and in the treatment of breast neoplasms in women.
Gliclazide is an oral antihyperglycemic agent used for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). It has been classified differently according to its drug properties in which based on its chemical structure, gliclazide is considered a first-generation sulfonylurea due to the structural presence of a sulfonamide group able to release...
Glipizide is an oral hypoglycemic agent in the second-generation sulfonylurea drug class that is used to control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It was first introduced in 1984 and is available in various countries including Canada and the U.S. According to the 2018 Clinical Practice...
Ethinylestradiol was first synthesized in 1938 by Hans Herloff Inhoffen and Walter Hohlweg at Schering. It was developed in an effort to create an estrogen with greater oral bioavailability. These properties were achieved by the substitution of an ethinyl group at carbon 17 of estradiol. Ethinylestradiol soon replaced mestranol in...
Matched Mixtures name: … Drospirenone/Ethinyl Estradiol/Levomefolate Calcium and Levomefolate Calcium ... Drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol/levomefolate calcium and levomefolate calcium ... Drospirenone, Ethinyl Estradiol and Levomefolate Calcium and Levomefolate Calcium
Flecainide is a Class I anti-arrhythmic agent like encainide and propafenone. Flecainide’s development began in 1966 and was first synthesized in 1972 as an attempt to generate new anesthetics. It is used to prevent supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, as well as paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and flutter.[L8878,L5056] Flecainide was granted FDA...
Matched Categories: … Sodium Channel Blockers ... Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blockers …
A stable, non-explosive inhalation anesthetic, relatively free from significant side effects.
Vet approved
An essential amino acid occurring naturally in the L-form, which is the active form. It is found in eggs, milk, gelatin, and other proteins.
Matched Mixtures name: … Aminosyn II with Electrolytes in Dextrose with Calcium ... Aminosyn II with Electrolytes in Dextrose with Calcium ... Aminosyn II with Electrolytes in Dextrose with Calcium
Piperazine is an organic compound that consists of a six-membered ring containing two opposing nitrogen atoms. First used as a solvent for uric acid, the use of piperazine as an anthelmintic agent was first introduced in 1953. Upon entry into the systemic circulation, the drug is partly oxidized and partly...
Vet approved
Matched Salts name: … Piperazine phosphate
Pimecrolimus is an immunomodulating agent that was first marketed by Novartis under the trade name Elidel. It is now promoted in Canada by Galderma since early 2007. It is currently available as a topic cream used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (eczema).
Eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) is an anticonvulsant medication approved for use in Europe, the United States and Canada as an adjunctive therapy for partial-onset seizures that are not adequately controlled with conventional therapy. Eslicarbazepine acetate is a prodrug that is rapidly converted to eslicarbazepine, the primary active metabolite in the body....
Matched Description: … activity by inhibiting repeated neuronal firing and stabilizing the inactivated state of voltage-gated sodium
Matched Categories: … Sodium Channel Blockers ... Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blockers …
Levosalbutamol, or levalbuterol, is a short-acting β2 adrenergic receptor agonist used in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Salbutamol has been marketed as a racemic mixture, although beta2-agonist activity resides almost exclusively in the (R)-enantiomer. The enantioselective disposition of salbutamol and the possibility that (S)-salbutamol has...
Dornase alfa is a biosynthetic form of human deoxyribunuclease I (DNase I) enzyme. It is produced in genetically modified Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using recombinant DNA technology. The 260-amino acid sequence of dornase alfa is identical to the endogenous human enzyme. Dornase alfa cleaves extracellular DNA to 5´-phosphodinucleotide and...
Praziquantel is a pyrazino-isoquinolein derivative from the thioxantonic group used as a broad anthelmintic spectrum. Specifically, it is known as a treatment of trematodes and cestodes infections such as schistosomiasis, taeniasis, and cysticercosis. The efficacy of praziquantel in treating parasitic flatworms infection with low cost (~US$0.20 drug cost to treat...
Vet approved
Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) used to treat hypertension, heart failure, and myocardial infarction.[L8384,L8387,L8390] Lisinopril and captopril are the only ACEIs that are not prodrugs. It functions by inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme as well as the renin angiotensin aldosterone system.[A184781,A184808,A184817] ACEIs are commonly used as a...
Matched Categories: … ACE Inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers …
Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound used in a number of manufacturing processes. It can be found in rubbers, plastics, ceramics, glass, cement, lubricants, paints, ointments, adhesives, sealants, pigments, foods, batteries, ferrites, fire retardants, and first-aid tapes. It occurs naturally as the mineral zincite, but most zinc oxide is produced...
Matched Mixtures name: … Calcium Plus ... Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide ... Calcium and Magnesium With Zinc …
Matched Products: … Softlips Pure Tint Shell Pink ... Stem Cellular CC Cream rosy glow ... Stem Cellular CC Cream warm glow …
A thiazide diuretic with actions and uses similar to those of hydrochlorothiazide. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p826)
Matched Categories: … Sodium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors …
Nimesulide is a relatively COX-2 selective, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its approved indications are the treatment of acute pain, the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis and primary dysmenorrhoea in adolescents and adults above 12 years old. Due to concerns about the risk of hepatotoxicity, nimesulide has...
Matched Categories: … Calcium Channel Blockers …
Ramipril is a prodrug belonging to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor class of medications. It is metabolized to ramiprilat in the liver and, to a lesser extent, kidneys. Ramiprilat is a potent, competitive inhibitor of ACE, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensin I (ATI) to angiotensin II (ATII)....
Matched Categories: … ACE Inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers …
A metallic element found in certain minerals, in nearly all soils, and in mineral waters. It is an essential constituent of hemoglobin, cytochrome, and other components of respiratory enzyme systems. Its chief functions are in the transport of oxygen to tissue (hemoglobin) and in cellular oxidation mechanisms. Depletion of iron...
Matched Mixtures name: … Calcium Et Magnesium Plus Vitamine D/fe/zn …
Displaying drugs 151 - 175 of 1343 in total