


Methocarbamol is a CNS depressant indicated with rest, physical therapy and other treatments to control the discomfort associated with various acute musculoskeletal conditions.

Brand Names
Robaxacet, Robaxacet-8, Robaxin, Robaxisal
Generic Name
DrugBank Accession Number

Methocarbamol was developed in the early 1950s as a treatment for muscle spasticity and the associated pain.6,7 It is a guaiacol glyceryl ether.7

Methocarbamol tablets and intramuscular injections are prescription medicines indicated in the United States as an adjunct to rest, physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomforts associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions.Label,9 In Canada, methocarbamol can be sold as an over the counter oral medicine at a lower dose that may be combined with acetaminophen or ibuprofen.10 A combination product with acetylsalicylic acid and codeine is available in Canada by prescription.10

Methocarbamol was FDA approved on 16 July 1957.8

Small Molecule
Approved, Vet approved
Average: 241.2405
Monoisotopic: 241.095022595
Chemical Formula
  • (RS)-2-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)propyl carbamate
  • Methocarbamol
  • Méthocarbamol
  • Methocarbamolum
  • Metocarbamol
  • Metocarbamolo



Methocarbamol tablets and intramuscular injections are indicated in the United States as an adjunct to rest, physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomforts associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions.Label,9 Oral methocarbamol in America may be given up to 1500mg 4 times daily for 2-3 days.3

In Canada, methocarbamol containing oral formulations are sold over the counter for pain associated with muscle spasm.10 However, if these combination formulations include codeine, they are prescription only.10

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Associated Conditions
Indication TypeIndicationCombined Product DetailsApproval LevelAge GroupPatient CharacteristicsDose Form
Used in combination to treatArthritisCombination Product in combination with: Indomethacin (DB00328)••••••••••••••••••
Adjunct therapy in treatment ofDiscomfort•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••
Used in combination to treatGouty arthritisCombination Product in combination with: Indomethacin (DB00328)••••••••••••••••••
Adjunct therapy in treatment ofMuscle pain•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••
Used in combination for symptomatic treatment ofMuscle spasmMixture Product in combination with: Codeine (DB00318), Acetylsalicylic acid (DB00945)••••••••••••••••••
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Methacarbamol is a skeletal muscle relaxant with an unknown mechanism of action.5 Methacarbamol has been shown to block spinal polysynaptic reflexes, decrease nerve transmission in spinal and supraspinal polysynaptic pathways, and prolong the refractory period of muscle cells.5,4 Methocarbamol does not act as a local anesthetic upon injection.4 In animal studies, methocarbamol also prevents convulsions after electric shock.5

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of methocarbamol is thought to be dependant on its central nervous system depressant activity.3 This action may be mediated through blocking spinal polysynaptic reflexes, decreasing nerve transmission in spinal and supraspinal polysynaptic pathways, and prolonging the refractory period of muscle cells.5,4 Methocarbamol has been found to have no effect on contraction of muscle fibres, motor end plates, or nerve fibres.9

NCarbonic anhydrase 1

The time to maximum concentration is 1.1 hours for both healthy patients and those on hemodialysis.1 The maximum plasma concentration is 21.3mg/L for healthy patients and 28.7mg/L in hemodialysis patients.1 The area under the curve for healthy patients is 52.5mg/L*hr and 87.1mg/L*hr in hemodialysis patients.1 AUC% based on terminal elimination half life is 2% for healthy patients and 4% for hemodialysis patients.1

Older studies report maximum plasma concentrations in 0.5 hours.2

Volume of distribution

Volume of distribution data in humans is scarce. In horses, the volume of distribution is 515-942mL/kg at steady state or 724-1130mL/kg.5

Protein binding

Methocarbamol is 46-50% protein bound in healthy patients and 47.3-48.9% protein bound in hemodialysis patients.1


Methocarbamol is metabolized in the liver by demethylation to 3-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol-1-carbamate or hydroxylation to 3-(4-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol-1-carbamate.2 Methocarbamol and its metabolites are conjugated through glucuronidation or sulfation.2

Hover over products below to view reaction partners

Route of elimination

In humans the majority of the dose is eliminated in the urine.2 In dogs, 88.85% of the dose is eliminated in urine and 2.14% in the feces.2 In rats, 84.5-92.5% of the dose is eliminated in the urine and 0-13.3% is eliminated in the feces.2


The elimination half life is 1.14 hours in healthy subjects and 1.24 hours in subjects with renal insufficiency.1 Older studies report half lives of 1.6-2.15 hours.2



Adverse Effects
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Overdose of methocarbamol may be associated with alcohol and other central nervous system depressants.Label Patients may experience nausea, drowsiness, blurred vision, hypotension, seizures, and coma.Label Treatment of overdose is generally through airway maintenance, monitoring urinary output, vital signs, and giving fluid intravenously if necessary.Label

The oral LD50 in rats is 3576.2mg/kg.10

The FDA has classified methocarbamol as pregnancy category C.Label Animal and human studies have not been performed to determine the risks to a fetus, however fetal and congenital abnormalities have been reported.Label Methocarbamol is excreted in the milk of dogs, however it is unknown if this is also the case for humans.Label Caution should be exercised when taking methocarbamol while breastfeeding.Label

Studies to assess the carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or effects on fertility of methocarbamol have not been performed.Label

Not Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available


Drug Interactions
This information should not be interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.
1,2-BenzodiazepineThe risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Methocarbamol is combined with 1,2-Benzodiazepine.
AcetazolamideThe risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Methocarbamol is combined with Acetazolamide.
AcetophenazineThe risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Methocarbamol is combined with Acetophenazine.
AgomelatineThe risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Methocarbamol is combined with Agomelatine.
AlfentanilThe risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when Methocarbamol is combined with Alfentanil.
Food Interactions
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Take with or without food. The absorption is unaffected by food.


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Product Images
International/Other Brands
Bolaxin (Ying Yuan) / Carbaflex (Paill) / Delaxin / DoloVisan (Dr.Kade Pharmaceutische Fabrik) / Fubaxin (Grape King) / Lumirelax (Juvise) / Metocarbamol (AZ Pharma) / Mioflex (Labinco) / Miorel (Cheminter) / Musxan (Pharmasant) / Ortoton (Recordati) / Rebamol (Winston) / Robaxin-750 (Pfizer) / Robinax (Khandelwal) / Sinaxar (Armofar) / Taspan (Honten)
Brand Name Prescription Products
NameDosageStrengthRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
Methocarb 500-EZSKit500 mg/1OralPureTek Corporation2018-10-23Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet750 mg/1OralLannett Company, Inc.2007-06-19Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet750 mg/1OralVintage Pharmaceuticals, LLC2007-09-132007-09-13US flag
MethocarbamolTablet500 mg/1OralLannett Company, Inc.2007-06-19Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet500 mg/1OralVintage Pharmaceuticals, LLC2007-09-132007-09-13US flag
Generic Prescription Products
NameDosageStrengthRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
MethcarbamolTablet500 mg/1OralCentral Packaging2013-03-20Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet750 mg/1Oralbryant ranch prepack2019-08-15Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet, film coated500 mg/1OralPD-Rx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.2018-01-15Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet750 mg/1OralUnit Dose Services2000-01-01Not applicableUS flag
MethocarbamolTablet500 mg/1OralRedPharm Drug, Inc.2013-03-20Not applicableUS flag
Over the Counter Products
NameDosageStrengthRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
RobaxinTablet500 mgOralGlaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Ulc1958-12-31Not applicableCanada flag
Robaxin 750Tablet750 mgOralGlaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Ulc1993-12-31Not applicableCanada flag
Mixture Products
NameIngredientsDosageRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
A.S.A. With Methocarbamol Night-time Extra StrengthMethocarbamol (400 mg) + Acetylsalicylic acid (500 mg)TabletOralCellchem Pharmaceuticals Inc.Not applicableNot applicableCanada flag
Acetaminophen 325mg + Methocarbamol 400mg CapletsMethocarbamol (400 mg) + Acetaminophen (325 mg)TabletOralMarcan Pharmaceuticals IncNot applicableNot applicableCanada flag
Acetaminophen 500mg + Methocarbamol 400mg Extra Strength CapletsMethocarbamol (400 mg) + Acetaminophen (500 mg)TabletOralMarcan Pharmaceuticals IncNot applicableNot applicableCanada flag
Advil Back PainMethocarbamol (500 mg) + Ibuprofen (200 mg)TabletOralGlaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare UlcNot applicableNot applicableCanada flag
ADVIL FLEXIFEN ® TABLETAS RECUBIERTASMethocarbamol (500 mg) + Ibuprofen (200 mg)Tablet, coatedOralHALEON COLOMBIA S.A.S.2021-07-06Not applicableColombia flag
Unapproved/Other Products
NameIngredientsDosageRouteLabellerMarketing StartMarketing EndRegionImage
Methocarb 500-EZSMethocarbamol (500 mg/1)KitOralPureTek Corporation2018-10-23Not applicableUS flag


ATC Codes
M03BA73 — Methocarbamol, combinations with psycholepticsM03BA03 — MethocarbamolM03BA53 — Methocarbamol, combinations excl. psycholeptics
Drug Categories
Chemical TaxonomyProvided by Classyfire
This compound belongs to the class of organic compounds known as anisoles. These are organic compounds containing a methoxybenzene or a derivative thereof.
Organic compounds
Super Class
Phenol ethers
Sub Class
Direct Parent
Alternative Parents
Phenoxy compounds / Methoxybenzenes / Alkyl aryl ethers / Carbamate esters / Secondary alcohols / Organic carbonic acids and derivatives / Organopnictogen compounds / Organonitrogen compounds / Organic oxides / Hydrocarbon derivatives
show 1 more
Alcohol / Alkyl aryl ether / Anisole / Aromatic homomonocyclic compound / Carbamic acid ester / Carbonic acid derivative / Carbonyl group / Ether / Hydrocarbon derivative / Methoxybenzene
show 9 more
Molecular Framework
Aromatic homomonocyclic compounds
External Descriptors
carbamate ester, aromatic ether, secondary alcohol (CHEBI:77498)
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals

Chemical Identifiers

CAS number
InChI Key
2-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)propyl carbamate


General References
  1. Sica DA, Comstock TJ, Davis J, Manning L, Powell R, Melikian A, Wright G: Pharmacokinetics and protein binding of methocarbamol in renal insufficiency and normals. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1990;39(2):193-4. [Article]
  2. Bruce RB, Turnbull LB, Newman JH: Metabolism of methocarbamol in the rat, dog, and human. J Pharm Sci. 1971 Jan;60(1):104-6. [Article]
  3. Witenko C, Moorman-Li R, Motycka C, Duane K, Hincapie-Castillo J, Leonard P, Valaer C: Considerations for the appropriate use of skeletal muscle relaxants for the management of acute low back pain. P T. 2014 Jun;39(6):427-35. [Article]
  4. Crankshaw DP, Raper C: Mephenesin, methocarbamol, chlordiazepoxide and diazepam: actions on spinal reflexes and ventral root potentials. Br J Pharmacol. 1970 Jan;38(1):148-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.1970.tb10343.x. [Article]
  5. Muir WW 3rd, Sams RA, Ashcraft S: The pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of high-dose methocarbamol in horses. Equine Vet J Suppl. 1992 Feb;(11):41-4. [Article]
  6. Authors unspecified: Methocarbamol-A New Lissive Agent. Can Med Assoc J. 1958 Dec 15;79(12):1008-9. [Article]
  7. O'DOHERTY DS, SHIELDS CD: Methocarbamol; new agent in treatment of neurological and neuromuscular diseases. J Am Med Assoc. 1958 May 10;167(2):160-3. [Article]
  8. FDA Approved Drug Products: Robaxin [Link]
  9. FDA Approved Drug Products: Robaxin Intramuscular Injection [Link]
  10. Pfizer Canada: Robax [Link]
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PhaseStatusPurposeConditionsCountStart DateWhy Stopped100+ additional columns
4CompletedTreatmentBack Pain Lower Back1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
4CompletedTreatmentRib Fractures / Wounds and Injuries1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
4RecruitingTreatmentBack Pain Lower Back1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
4RecruitingTreatmentHip Arthroscopy1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide
4RecruitingTreatmentInguinal Hernias / Ventral Hernias1somestatusstop reasonjust information to hide


  • Marsam pharmaceuticals llc
  • Watson laboratories inc
  • Baxter healthcare corp anesthesia critical care
  • Ferndale laboratories inc
  • Forest laboratories inc
  • Able laboratories inc
  • American therapeutics inc
  • Ascot hosp pharmaceuticals inc div travenol laboratories inc
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  • Heather drug co inc
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  • Upsher smith laboratories inc
  • Vintage pharmaceuticals inc
  • West ward pharmaceutical corp
  • Schwarz pharma inc
  • Aidarex Pharmacuticals LLC
  • Amerisource Health Services Corp.
  • Amneal Pharmaceuticals
  • Apical Pharmaceutical Corporation
  • Apotheca Inc.
  • A-S Medication Solutions LLC
  • Baxter International Inc.
  • Blenheim Pharmacal
  • Bryant Ranch Prepack
  • C.O. Truxton Inc.
  • Cardinal Health
  • Caremark LLC
  • Carlisle Laboratories Inc.
  • Comprehensive Consultant Services Inc.
  • Corepharma LLC
  • Coupler Enterprises Inc.
  • Direct Dispensing Inc.
  • DispenseXpress Inc.
  • Dispensing Solutions
  • Diversified Healthcare Services Inc.
  • Group Health Cooperative
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  • H.J. Harkins Co. Inc.
  • Heartland Repack Services LLC
  • Hetero Drugs Ltd.
  • Innoviant Pharmacy Inc.
  • Ivax Pharmaceuticals
  • Kaiser Foundation Hospital
  • Keltman Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Lake Erie Medical and Surgical Supply
  • Lannett Co. Inc.
  • Liberty Pharmaceuticals
  • Major Pharmaceuticals
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  • Martin Surgical Supply
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  • Merit Pharmaceuticals
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  • Schein Pharmaceutical Inc.
  • Schwarz Pharma Inc.
  • Southwood Pharmaceuticals
  • St Mary's Medical Park Pharmacy
  • Stat Rx Usa
  • Talbert Medical Management Corp.
  • United Research Laboratories Inc.
  • Va Cmop Dallas
  • Vangard Labs Inc.
  • Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Watson Pharmaceuticals
  • West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
Dosage Forms
Tablet, coatedOral200 mg
Tablet, film coatedOral
KitOral500 mg/1
InjectionIntramuscular; Intravenous100 mg/1mL
InjectionIntravenous100 mg/1mL
InjectionParenteral100 mg/1mL
Injection, solutionIntramuscular; Intravenous1000 mg/10mL
PowderNot applicable1 kg/1kg
TabletOral500 mg/1
TabletOral750 mg/1
Tablet, coatedOral1000 mg/1
Tablet, coatedOral500 mg/1
Tablet, coatedOral750 mg/1
PowderNot applicable90 mg/1001
Powder90 mg/100mg
SolutionIntramuscular; Intravenous0.1 g
SolutionParenteral500 mg
Tablet, delayed releaseOral750 mg
SolutionIntramuscular; Intravenous1 g
TabletOral750 mg
Tablet, coatedOral750 mg
Tablet, film coatedOral750 mg
Tablet, coatedOral400 mg
Tablet, coatedOral
Injection, solutionIntramuscular; Intravenous100 mg/1mL
Tablet, film coatedOral500 mg/1
Tablet, film coatedOral750 mg/1
SolutionParenteral1 g
LiquidIntramuscular; Intravenous100 mg / mL
TabletOral75000000 mg
TabletOral500 mg
Unit descriptionCostUnit
Robaxin-750 750 mg tablet2.48USD tablet
Robaxin 100 mg/ml vial2.2USD ml
Robaxin-750 tablet1.99USD tablet
Robaxin 500 mg tablet1.68USD tablet
Methocarbamol powder0.95USD g
Methocarbamol 750 mg tablet0.49USD tablet
Methocarbamol 500 mg tablet0.38USD tablet
DrugBank does not sell nor buy drugs. Pricing information is supplied for informational purposes only.
Not Available


Experimental Properties
melting point (°C)92MSDS
water solubility2.5g/100mLMSDS
Predicted Properties
Water Solubility4.21 mg/mLALOGPS
pKa (Strongest Acidic)13.6Chemaxon
pKa (Strongest Basic)-3.4Chemaxon
Physiological Charge0Chemaxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count4Chemaxon
Hydrogen Donor Count2Chemaxon
Polar Surface Area91.01 Å2Chemaxon
Rotatable Bond Count7Chemaxon
Refractivity59.07 m3·mol-1Chemaxon
Polarizability24.28 Å3Chemaxon
Number of Rings1Chemaxon
Rule of FiveYesChemaxon
Ghose FilterYesChemaxon
Veber's RuleNoChemaxon
MDDR-like RuleNoChemaxon
Predicted ADMET Features
Human Intestinal Absorption+0.9638
Blood Brain Barrier+0.5747
Caco-2 permeable-0.6689
P-glycoprotein substrateNon-substrate0.6452
P-glycoprotein inhibitor INon-inhibitor0.9411
P-glycoprotein inhibitor IINon-inhibitor0.8887
Renal organic cation transporterNon-inhibitor0.9105
CYP450 2C9 substrateNon-substrate0.8431
CYP450 2D6 substrateNon-substrate0.7658
CYP450 3A4 substrateNon-substrate0.606
CYP450 1A2 substrateInhibitor0.9107
CYP450 2C9 inhibitorNon-inhibitor0.9302
CYP450 2D6 inhibitorNon-inhibitor0.9231
CYP450 2C19 inhibitorNon-inhibitor0.9066
CYP450 3A4 inhibitorNon-inhibitor0.9338
CYP450 inhibitory promiscuityLow CYP Inhibitory Promiscuity0.9542
Ames testNon AMES toxic0.5776
BiodegradationNot ready biodegradable0.8358
Rat acute toxicity2.2930 LD50, mol/kg Not applicable
hERG inhibition (predictor I)Weak inhibitor0.984
hERG inhibition (predictor II)Non-inhibitor0.9411
ADMET data is predicted using admetSAR, a free tool for evaluating chemical ADMET properties. (23092397)


Mass Spec (NIST)
Not Available
SpectrumSpectrum TypeSplash Key
Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MSPredicted GC-MSsplash10-006x-9710000000-980d3da52c934f7c7bd5
LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-qTof , PositiveLC-MS/MSsplash10-02t9-2900000000-df41a784aa756b8e064d
LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-qTof , PositiveLC-MS/MSsplash10-02t9-0900000000-97aeacf66e8410c23139
MS/MS Spectrum - , positiveLC-MS/MSsplash10-02t9-0900000000-97aeacf66e8410c23139
MS/MS Spectrum - , positiveLC-MS/MSsplash10-02t9-2900000000-df41a784aa756b8e064d
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-0k9x-4930000000-3fa385fe454ac613c10d
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-00fr-9500000000-49c6e427cd1abb21f595
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-052f-9500000000-bcc8f2787999f25d4d7c
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-0ufr-9800000000-28e0def4bb3834ea2602
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-0006-9000000000-3f4f89cdb8eb9ddc34c2
Predicted MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive (Annotated)Predicted LC-MS/MSsplash10-0006-9500000000-cebb6d197fada53d4f34
Predicted 1H NMR Spectrum1D NMRNot Applicable
Predicted 13C NMR Spectrum1D NMRNot Applicable
Chromatographic Properties
Collision Cross Sections (CCS)
AdductCCS Value (Å2)Source typeSource
DarkChem Lite v0.1.0
DeepCCS 1.0 (2019)
DarkChem Lite v0.1.0
DeepCCS 1.0 (2019)
DarkChem Lite v0.1.0
DeepCCS 1.0 (2019)


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Pharmacological action
General Function
Zinc ion binding
Specific Function
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. Can hydrates cyanamide to urea.
Gene Name
Uniprot ID
Uniprot Name
Carbonic anhydrase 1
Molecular Weight
28870.0 Da
  1. Parr JS, Khalifah RG: Inhibition of carbonic anhydrases I and II by N-unsubstituted carbamate esters. J Biol Chem. 1992 Dec 15;267(35):25044-50. [Article]

Drug created at June 13, 2005 13:24 / Updated at July 26, 2024 01:51