Back Pain, Acute

Also known as: Acute Back Pain / (Backache unspecified) or (back pain unspecified & [acute]) / Pain back / Back pain / Pain dorsal / Back ache / Backache / Backache (finding) / Backache (disorder) / Backache NOS / Back pain (finding) / (Backache NOS) or (back pain [& low]) / Back pain (disorder) / Backache symptom NOS / Backache symptom / Pain over the back / Backache, unspecified (disorder) / Backache, unspecified / Backache symptom NOS (disorder) / Dorsal pain / Dorsalgia / Dorsalgia (finding)

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DB00712FlurbiprofenAn NSAID used to treat the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
DB11324NonivamideNonivamide is used as a topical analgesic and is also used as a flavoring ingredient , , .
DB11582ThiocolchicosideA semi-synthetic colchicine derivative used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount