A Phase I Study of the Safety of Proleukin (Aldesleukin) in Combination With Ganciclovir and Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Seropositive Patients With Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis
A Randomized Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Two Regimens of Oral Ganciclovir to Intravenous Ganciclovir Maintenance Therapy for Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in People With AIDS Who Have Received Prior Ganciclovir Therapy
A Randomized Comparison of Intravitreal ISIS 2922 Plus Ganciclovir Versus Ganciclovir as Treatment for Patients With Cytomegalovirus Retinitis ( CMVR )
A Study of Foscarnet Plus Ganciclovir in the Treatment of Cytomegalovirus of the Eye in Patients With AIDS Who Have Already Been Treated With Ganciclovir
A Pilot Study to Obtain Preliminary Information Regarding the Efficacy and Safety of the Combination of Immune Globulin and Ganciclovir as Compared to Ganciclovir Alone in the Treatment of Sight-Threatening CMV Retinitis in Patients With AIDS
A Randomized, Controlled Study of the Safety and Preventive Efficacy of Oral Ganciclovir When Used in Conjunction With An Intravitreal Ganciclovir Implant in the Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Retinitis
The Safety and Effectiveness of Ganciclovir in the Prevention of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) of the Eyes and Disease of the Stomach and Intestines in Patients With HIV
A Randomized Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Maintenance Treatment With Oral Ganciclovir for Newly Diagnosed Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in People With AIDS
A Phase I/II Open-Labelled Trial of Intravitreal Ganciclovir Salvage Therapy for AIDS Patients With Active CMV Retinitis Who Are Intolerant of Systemic Therapy
A Study of the Safety and Tolerance of Long-Term Therapy With Intravenous Cytovene (Ganciclovir Sodium) for Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Persons With AIDS
A Phase I/II Trial to Assess the Safety and Tolerance of Escalating Doses of a Human Anti-Cytomegalovirus Monoclonal Antibody (SDZ MSL-109) in Patients With the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and CMV Retinitis
A Phase II Dose-Ranging, Open-Labelled Trial of Foscarnet Salvage Therapy for AIDS Patients With Sight-Threatening CMV Retinitis Who Cannot Be Treated With Ganciclovir Due To Myelosuppression or Treatment Failure
The Safety and Effectiveness of Ganciclovir Used Alone or in Combination With Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor in the Treatment of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) of the Eye in Patients With AIDS