Diagnostic Agents
- Name
- Diagnostic Agents
- Accession Number
- DBCAT002094
- Description
Not Available
- ATC Classification
- Drugs
Drug Drug Description Corticorelin ovine triflutate A synthetic corticotropin-releasing hormone used for diagnostic purposes in differentiating pituitary and ectopic production of ACTH in patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. Pentagastrin A gastrin-like molecule used as a diagnostic aid for the evaluation of gastric acid secretory function, gastric hypersecretion, and Zollinger-Ellison tumors. Betazole For use clinically to test gastric secretory function. Aminohippuric acid A hippuric acid derivative injection utilized in the measurement of effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and functional capacity of the renal excretory system. Ceruletide Caerulein is used in the treatment of paralytic ileus and as diagnostic aid in pancreatic malfunction. Bentiromide Indicated as a screening test for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and to monitor the adequacy of supplemental pancreatic therapy. Inulin Historically used in an important medical test of renal function, specifically a measure of glomerular filtration rate. Sometimes used to help relieve symptoms of diabetes mellitus - a condition characterised... Fluorescein A dye used in angiography or angioscopy of the iris and retina. Metyrapone A steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase inhibitor used to test hypothalamic-pituitary ACTH function. Tolbutamide A sulfonylurea used to treat hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Histamine An ingredient of topical drugs for the relief of joint pain or muscle aches and pains. Corticorelin A synthetic corticotropin-releasing factor analog used to diagnose causes of excessive adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production. Cholecystokinin For use as a diagnostic aid for evaluation of gallbladder disorders. It is also used in conjunction with secretin in pancreatic insufficiency . Sincalide A diagnostic agent used to stimulate gallbladder contraction or pancreatic secretion during diagnostic tests, and accelerate fluoroscopy and x-ray examination of the intestinal tract. Methylene blue An oxidation-reduction agent used for the treatment of pediatric and adult patients with acquired methemoglobinemia. Protirelin A synthetic analogue of thyrotropin-releasing hormone that has been used during diagnostic tests to evaluate function of the thyroid gland. Rose bengal Indicated as a diagnostic agent in routine ocular examinations or when superficial conjunctiva or corneal tissue change is suspected, and as an aid in the diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, keratitis,... Indigotindisulfonic acid A medication used to visualize ureteral orifices during cystoscopy and ureteral catheterization. Somatorelin A synthetic version of growth hormone-releasing hormone used in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency. Macimorelin A medication used to treat adult growth hormone deficiency. Phenolsulfonphthalein Phenolsulfonphthalein or otherwise called phenol red is a pH indicator commonly used in cell biology laboratories. Phenolsulfonphthalein is being investigated for use clinically due to its weak estrogen mimicking actions... Sulfobromophthalein Sulfobromophthalein or otherwise called bromsulphthalein is used as a test of liver function in humans . Alsactide Not Annotated Sermorelin For the treatment of dwarfism, prevention of HIV-induced weight loss Vitamin A A vitamin important for retinal function that is used clinically to correct vitamin A deficiency. Caffeine A stimulant present in tea, coffee, cola beverages, analgesic drugs, and agents used to increase alertness. It is also used in to prevent and treat pulmonary complications of premature birth. Gonadorelin A synthetic GnRH used to test the function of gonadotropes and the pituitary. Magnesium sulfate A drug used to treat convulsions during pregnancy, nephritis in children, magnesium deficiency, and tetany. Sorbitol A product that can be used as a laxative to relieve constipation, and also as a urologic irrigating fluid. May also be used as a pharmaceutical sweetener. Benzoic acid An antimicrobial food additive. Galactose There are limited therapeutic uses for which galactose is formally indicated. Some predominant indications include (a) the use of galactose to facilitate the construction of structurally and immunologically effective attenuated... Secretin human A secretin hormone used to stimulate pancreatic or gastric secretions to diagnose exocrine pancreas dysfunction, gastrinoma, and abnormalities in the bile and pancreatic ducts. Thyrotropin A medication indicated in thyroid stimulation before radioactive iodine ablation or for thyroid imaging. Sodium phosphate P 32 Not Annotated Perflexane Not Annotated Bicisate A compound complexed with technetium 99 used in single photon emission computerized tomography to localize a stroke. Folic acid A nutrient used to treat megaloblastic anemia and is found in many supplements. Mannitol A sugar alcohol used to test for asthma, to reduce intracranial and intraocular pressure, to measure glomerular filtration rate, and to manage pulmonary symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis. Edrophonium A cholinesterase inhibitor used to diagnose and evaluate myasthenia gravis. Hexaminolevulinate An optical imaging agent used to perform Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLCâ„¢) in order to detect carcinoma of the bladder. Methacholine A parasympathomimetic bronchoconstrictor used to diagnose bronchial hyperreactivity in subjects who do not have clinically apparent asthma. Urea C-13 A diagnostic agent used for the detection of urease associated with Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach and initial diagnosis or post-treatment monitoring of Helicobacter pylori infection in adults. Carbon monoxide A gas used as a marker of respiratory status in spirometry tests. Patent Blue A dye used to label lymphatic vessels, arterial territories, and lymph nodes prior to biopsy in some cancers. Indocyanine green A diagnostic agent for vascular imagine and radiography of the eye, as well as liver function tests. Pafolacianine An optical imaging agent indicated in adult patients with ovarian cancer as an adjunct for intraoperative identification of malignant lesions. Lithium chloride An injection indicated for cardiac output measurement. - Drugs & Drug Targets