Vitamin B Complex
- Name
- Vitamin B Complex
- Accession Number
- DBCAT000236 (DBCAT000225, DBCAT000329, DBCAT000502, DBCAT000697, DBCAT001899, DBCAT001923, DBCAT001968, DBCAT002145, DBCAT002157, DBCAT003284, DBCAT004021)
- Description
A group of water-soluble vitamins, some of which are COENZYMES.
- ATC Classification
- Drugs
Drug Drug Description Cyanocobalamin A vitamin available in many formulations to correct vitamin B12 deficiency. Biotin A B-complex vitamin found in many multivitamin products. Riboflavin A vitamin used to correct vitamin B2 deficiency. Thiamine A vitamin used to correct vitamin B1 deficiency. Folic acid A nutrient used to treat megaloblastic anemia and is found in many supplements. Pyridoxine A vitamin used to correct vitamin B6 deficiency and to treat nausea during pregnancy. Hydroxocobalamin A synthetic form of vitamin B12 used to treat vitamin B12 associated disorders and cyanide poisoning. Niacin A B vitamin used to treat hypertriglyceridemia and pellagra. Pantothenic acid A vitamin B5 found in various nutritional supplements. Nicotinamide An ingredient found in a variety of cosmetic products. Pyridoxal phosphate A vitamin available in many formulations to correct vitamin B6 deficiency. Pyridoxal Pyridoxal is one of the natural forms available of vitamin B6, therefore, it is used for nutritional supplementation and for treating dietary shortage or imbalances. Lipoic acid For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance. Leucovorin A folate analog used to treat the toxic effects of methotrexate and other folate antagonists, to treat megaloblastic anemia, and to provide palliative treatment of colorectal cancer. Flavin adenine dinucleotide A coenzyme form of vitamin B2 used in clinical conditions associated with vitamin B2 deficiency. Fursultiamine Compound used for therapy of thiamine deficiency. It has also been suggested for several non-deficiency disorders but has not yet proven useful. Fursultiamine is a vitamin B1 derivative. Dexpanthenol An alcoholic analogue of D-pantothenic acid that is used as a supplement or application to support a healthy epithelium and is also used to prevent vitamin deficiency in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Cobamamide An ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins. Levoleucovorin A folate analog used after high dose methotrexate for osteosarcoma, to reduce the toxic effects of folate analogs, and with 5-fluorouracil in palliative treatment of advanced metastatic colorectal cancer. Pyridoxamine Pyridoxamine has been used in trials studying the treatment of Kidney Stones. Inositol An ingredient found in a variety of nutritional products. Nikethamide A nicotinic acid derivative indicated as a respiratory stimulant. Mecobalamin Not Available Benfotiamine A derivative of thiamine thought to be useful in the management of diabetic neuropathy, although evidence is lacking. Sulbutiamine A thiamine derivative indicated in the treatment of asthenia. Choline A nutrient found in a wide variety of vitamins including pre-natal formulations. Inositol nicotinate A vasodilator and source of niacin found in dietary supplements. Cobalamin Not Annotated Aminobenzoic acid A drug used to reduce the progression of penile deviation in Peyronie's Disease in adults. Pantethine A naturally occurring compound derived from panthothenic acid. It acts as an intermediate in endogenous coenzyme A synthesis and is used as a dietary supplement to treat hypertriglyceridemia. Flavin mononucleotide A form of vitamin B2 used to restore riboflavin in anemia, migraine, alcoholism, and hyperhomocysteinemia. Tetrahydrofolic acid For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance. Levomefolic acid A folate supplement used to prevent neural tube defects in pregnancy or folate deficiency. Triglu-5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate Not Available (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid Not Available 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid is a methylated derivate of tetrahydrofolate. It is generated by methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase from 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate and used to recycle homocysteine back to methionine by 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferases (also called methionine... (6R)-Folinic acid A drug used to treat and prevent iron and folic acid deficiency. Cocarboxylase The coenzyme form of Vitamin B1 present in many animal tissues. It is a required intermediate in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. Pyridoxine phosphate Not Available Panthenol An ingredient used in skin, hair care, and nutritional products but is not an approved medication. 6-hydroxy-FAD Not Available Monophosphothiamine A B vitamin for supplementation to treat macrocytic anemia, and other conditions caused by B vitamin deficiencies. Metadoxine A medication used to increase the clearance of alcohol in patients with chronic alcohol dependancy. Tenofovir alafenamide A nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in adults with compensated liver disease. N(6)-dimethylallyladenine Not Available Niacinamide ascorbate Not Available Calmangafodipir Not Annotated Hemoglobin glutamer-256 (human) Hemoglobin glutamer-256 (human) is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00076648 (Safety and Efficacy of Polyheme(r) in Hemorrhagic Shock Following Traumatic Injuries Beginning in the Pre-hospital Setting). - Drugs & Drug Targets