Sulfur Compounds

Sulfur Compounds
Accession Number

Inorganic or organic compounds that contain sulfur as an integral part of the molecule.

ATC Classification
DrugDrug Description
AdemetionineS-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is used as a drug in Europe for the treatment of depression, liver disorders, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis. It has also been introduced into the United States market as...
MethionineAn amino acid commonly found as a component in total parenteral nutrition.
CystineAn oxidated derivative of the amino acid cysteine found in various nutritional products, acne treatments, and creams to treat cervical injury or inflammation.
CysteineAn amino acid commonly found as a component of total parenteral nutrition and used as an antidote for acetaminophen overdose.
ThiamineA vitamin used to correct vitamin B1 deficiency.
Lipoic acidFor nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.
CevimelineA muscarinic agonist with parasympathomimetic activities that is used for the symptomatic treatment of dry mouth in patients with Sjögren's Syndrome.
TroglitazoneFor the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus. It is used alone or in combination with a sulfonylurea, metformin, or insulin as an adjunct to diet and exercise.
SildenafilA phosphodiesterase inhibitor used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
DofetilideA class III antiarrhythmic drug used for the maintenance of normal sinus rhythm and cardioversion in cases of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter.
TiclopidineA platelet aggregation inhibitor used in the prevention of conditions associated with thrombi, such as stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIA).
PantoprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to treat erosive esophagitis, gastric acid hypersecretion, and to promote healing of tissue damage caused by gastric acid.
TorasemideA diuretic used to treat hypertension and edema associated with heart failure, renal failure, or liver disease.
GlimepirideA sulfonylurea drug used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus.
CefotiamA cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat a variety of bacterial infections.
MethyclothiazideA diuretic drug used to treat hypertension and edema caused by heart failure, renal conditions, treatment with corticosteroids, and estrogen therapy.
ZiprasidoneAn atypical antipsychotic used to manage schizophrenia, bipolar mania, and agitation in patients with schizophrenia.
DapsoneA sulfone drug used to treat acne vulgaris, Hansen's disease, and dermatitis herpetiformis.
SulfanilamideA sulfonamide anti-infective used to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis caused by Candida albicans.
SulfisoxazoleA sulfonamide antibiotic used with other antibiotics to prevent and treat a variety of bacterial infections.
CefmenoximeUsed to treat female gynecologic and obstetric infections caused by susceptible aerobic (including the gonococcus) and anaerobic bacteria.
CefmetazoleA cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat a variety of bacterial infections.
RaltitrexedA folate analog thymidylate synthase inhibitor used in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
FlucloxacillinA narrow spectrum penicillin antibiotic that exerts specific activity against Gram positive organisms in skin and soft tissue infections, except those caused by methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
ErtapenemA carbapenem antibiotic used for the treatment of moderate to severe infections caused by susceptible bacteria.
IbutilideA class III antiarrhythmic agent used to correct atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, which can be considered as an alternative to cardioversion.
ChlorthalidoneA diuretic used to treat hypertension or edema caused by heart failure, renal failure, hepatic cirrhosis, estrogen therapy, and other conditions.
EthoxzolamideFor use in the treatment of duodenal ulcers, as a diuretic, and in the treatment of glaucoma, and may also be useful in the treatment of seizures associated with epilepsy.
PiperacillinA penicillin antibiotic combined with tazobactam to treat piperacillin-resistant, piperacillin/tazobactam­ susceptible, β-lactamase generating strains of several bacteria.
OmeprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to treat GERD associated conditions such as heartburn and gastric acid hypersecretion, and to promote healing of tissue damage and ulcers caused by gastric acid and H. pylori infection.
MetixeneUsed for the symptomatic treatment of parkinsonism.
AztreonamA beta-lactam antibiotic used to treat select aztreonam sensitive gram negative bacteria.
SulfadiazineA sulfonamide antibiotic used in a variety of infections, such as urinary tract infections, trachoma, and chancroid.
SucralfateA gastro-duodenal protective agent used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers and to prevent duodenal ulcer recurrence.
ThiethylperazineA drug used for the treatment of nausea and vomiting.
ProfenamineAn antidyskinetic phenothiazine used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
RosiglitazoneA thiazolidinedione indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to maintain glycemic control in type 2 diabetes.
PramipexoleA non-ergot dopamine agonist used to treat the signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
AcetohexamideUsed in the management of diabetes mellitus type 2 (adult-onset).
AmpicillinA penicillin derivative used for the treatment of a variety of infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as some anaerobes.
PhenoxymethylpenicillinA penicillin antibiotic used to prevent and treat mild to moderately severe infections in the respiratory tract, skin, and soft tissues.
PromazineA phenothiazine used to manage schizophrenia.
CefpiramideFor treatment of severe infections caused by susceptible bacteria such as P. aeruginosa.
ProchlorperazineA phenothiazine derivative used in the treatment of schizophrenia and anxiety and to relieve severe nausea and vomiting.
BendroflumethiazideA diuretic used to suppress lactation and to treat hypertension and edema.
CeftazidimeAn injected broad-spectrum third-generation cephalosporin beta-lactam antibiotic used to treat or prevent a variety of bacterial infections, including pneumonia, gynecological infections, bone and joint infections, and septicemia, among others.
LansoprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to help gastrointestinal ulcers heal, to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), to eradicate Helicobacter pylori, and to treat hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.
CefalotinA broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic used for the treatment of serious bacterial infections in various locations, such as the urinary tract, skin, bone, and lower respiratory tract.
Sodium tetradecyl sulfateAn anionic surfactant used to treat varicose veins of the lower extremities.
TenoxicamAn anti inflammatory analgesic used to treat mild to moderate pain as well as the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
DuloxetineA serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor used to treat generalized anxiety disorder, neuropathic pain, osteoarthritis, and stress incontinence.
ChlorpromazineA phenothiazine antipsychotic used to treat nausea, vomiting, preoperative anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe behavioral problems in children.
CelecoxibAn NSAID used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain, menstrual symptoms, and to reduce polyps is familial adenomatous polyposis.
DicloxacillinA penicillin used to treat penicillinase-producing bacterial infections that are susceptible to the drug.
CefotaximeA third generation cephalosporin used to treat susceptible Gram negative and Gram positive bacterial infections.
NitazoxanideA thiazolide anti-infective used to treat infections by protozoa, helminths, anaerobic bacteria, microaerophilic bacteria, and viruses.
TriflupromazineUsed mainly in the management of psychoses. Also used to control nausea and vomiting.
MetolazoneA thiazide-like diuretic used to treat hypertension.
TolnaftateAn antifungal agent used to treat various skin infections caused by fungi.
RofecoxibA COX-2 inhibitor NSAID used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain, primary dysmenorrhea, and migraine attacks.
CefdinirA third generation cephalosporin used to treat susceptible Gram negative and Gram positive bacterial infections.
ZafirlukastA leukotriene receptor antagonist used for prophylaxis and chronic treatment of asthma.
PiroxicamAn NSAID used to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
BosentanA dual endothelin receptor antagonist used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension.
BenzthiazideFor the treatment of high blood pressure and management of edema.
SuccimerA mercaptodicarboxylic acid heavy metal chelator used in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning.
CephalexinA first generation cephalosporin used to treat certain susceptible bacterial infections.
SulfamethizoleA sulfonamide antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of susceptible bacterial infections.
CarbenicillinFor the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the upper and lower urinary tract and in asymptomatic bacteriuria due to susceptible strains of bacteria.
ValdecoxibA COX-2 inhibitor used to treat osteoarthritis and dysmenorrhoea.
NizatidineAn H2 receptor antagonist used to treat GERD and a variety of ulcers.
CinalukastFor Protection against second- phase inflamation in exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and Asthma.
CyclothiazideCyclothiazide is indicated as adjunctive therapy in edema associated with congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. It is also indicated in the management of hypertension either...
NafcillinA penicillin derivative antibiotic used to treat susceptible staphylococcal infections.
FluphenazineA phenothiazine used to treat patients requiring long-term neuroleptic therapy.
SulfacetamideA sulfonamide used to treat inflammatory ocular conditions and acne vulgaris.
Magnesium sulfateA drug used to treat convulsions during pregnancy, nephritis in children, magnesium deficiency, and tetany.
AcamprosateA medication used to maintain alcohol abstinence in patients with alcohol dependence.
SulfametopyrazineAn antibiotic used in the treatment or prevention of bacterial infections and malaria.
SumatriptanA serotonin receptor agonist used to treat migraines and cluster headaches.
CefiximeA third generation cephalosporin used to treat susceptible Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections.
ChlorpropamideA sulfonylurea used in the treatment of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
ThioridazineA phenothiazine antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder.
MoricizineAn antiarrhythmic used to treat arrhythmias.
Pentosan polysulfateA sulfated pentosyl polysaccharide used to treat bladder pain and discomfort due to interstitial cystitis.
CephaloglycinFor treatment of severe infections caused by susceptible bacteria.
FurosemideA loop diuretic used to treat hypertension and edema in congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, renal disease, and hypertension.
AmprenavirA protease inhibitor used to treat HIV infection.
MethazolamideA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat open angle glaucoma and acute angle closure glaucoma.
TamsulosinAn alpha-1A and alpha-1B adrenergic receptor antagonist used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, ureteral stones, prostatitis, and female voiding dysfunction.
OxacillinA penicillin antibiotic used to treat a number of susceptible bacterial infections.
ThiabendazoleA benzimidazole used in the treatment of strongyloides, cutaneous larva migrans, visceral larva migrans, and trichinosis infections.
EsomeprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to treat GERD, reduce the risk of NSAID associated gastric ulcers, eradicate H. pylori, and to treat conditions causing gastric acid hypersecretion.
HetacillinHetacillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic prodrug used to treat bacterial infections. In the body it gets converted to ampicillin.
RiluzoleA glutamate antagonist used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
ClopidogrelAn antiplatelet agent used to prevent blood clots in peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, and cerebrovascular disease.
MeropenemA carbapenem antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of infections in the body.
MethimazoleA thionamide antithyroid agent that inhibits the actions of thyroid peroxidase, leading to a reduction in thyroid hormone synthesis and amelioration of hyperthyroidism.
MalathionA parasympathomimetic organophosphate used to treat head lice.
HydroflumethiazideA thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension as well as edema due to congestive heart failure and liver cirrhosis.
PropiomazinePropiomazine is largely used for its antihistamininc sleep inducing effects in treating insomnia.
SulfasalazineA salicylate used to treat Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
IndapamideA thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension as well as edema due to congestive heart failure.
MeloxicamAn NSAID used to treat osteoarthritis in adults, rheumatoid arthritis in adults, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in pediatrics.
Sodium lauryl sulfateAn anionic surfactant used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals as a fat emulsifier, wetting agent, and detergent.
AcetazolamideA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat edema from heart failure or medications, certain types of epilepsy, and glaucoma.
DisulfiramA carbamate derivative used to treat alcohol addiction.
TrifluoperazineA phenothiazine used to treat depression, anxiety, and agitation.
CefaclorA second generation cephalosporin used to treat a wide variety of infections in the body.
TolazamideA sulfonylurea used in the treatment of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
CysteamineA cystine depleting agent used to treat the effects of cystinosis.
LevamisoleLevamisole is a nicotinic receptor agonist used to treat helminth infections and some skin infections.
PerphenazineA phenothiazine used to treat schizophrenia as well as nausea and vomiting.
PenicillamineA chelator used to treat Wilson's disease, cystinuria, and rheumatoid arthritis.
DorzolamideA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat high intraocular pressure in ocular hypertension and open angle glaucoma.
FlupentixolA thioxanthene neuroleptic used to treat schizophrenia and depression.
EprosartanAn ARB used to treat hypertension, diabetic nephropathy, and congestive heart failure.
ChlorothiazideA thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension and edema in congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy.
OmapatrilatFor the treatment of hypertension.
BumetanideA sulfamyl diuretic used to treat edema in congestive heart failure, hepatic and renal disease, and nephrotic syndrome.
SulfapyridineA sulfonamide antibiotic used to treat dermatitis herpetiformis, benign mucous membrane pemphigoid and pyoderma gangrenosum.
Benzylpenicilloyl polylysineA penicillin derivative used to determine penicillin allergies.
MethdilazineUsed for the symptomatic relief of hypersensitivity reactions and particularly for the control of pruritic skin disorders
CeforanideFor the treatment of infections caused by susceptible organisms.
FamotidineA histamine H2 receptor antagonist used to treat duodenal ulcers, benign gastric ulcers, GERD, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
MesoridazineA phenothiazine antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia, organic brain disorders, alcoholism, and psychoneuroses.
MezlocillinUsed to treat serious gram–negative infections of the lungs, urinary tract, and skin.
AzathioprineAn immunosuppressant used to prevent renal transplant rejection, treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
HydrochlorothiazideA thiazide diuretic used to treat edema associated with a number of conditions, and hypertension.
CyclacillinFor the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible organisms.
BusulfanAn alkylating agent used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia.
SulfamethoxazoleAn oral sulfonamide antibiotic, given in combination with trimethoprim, used to treat a variety of infections of the urinary tract, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal tract.
GlyburideA sulfonylurea used in the treatment of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
TrichlormethiazideUsed in the treatment of oedema (including that associated with heart failure) and hypertension.
ProbenecidA medication used to treat gouty arthritis, tophaceous gout, and hyperuricemia.
MercaptopurineAn antineoplastic agent used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia.
BenzylpenicillinA penicillin used for the treatment of infections caused by gram-positive cocci, in particular streptococcal infections. This form of penicillin is typically used in intravenous or long-acting injectable formulations due to poor oral absorption.
EchothiophateAn acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used in ophthalmic preparations to increase the drainage of intraocular fluid; most commonly used for the treatment of glaucoma.
AmoxicillinA penicillin derivative used for the treatment of infections caused by gram-positive bacteria, in particular streptococcal bacteria causing upper respiratory tract infections.
AzlocillinFor the treatment of infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Haemophilus influenzae.
AcetophenazineFor the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. Also used to help treat false perceptions (e.g. hallucinations or delusions.)
CefditorenA broad-spectrum third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic typically used to treat bacterial infections of the skin and respiratory tract.
GlipizideA sulfonylurea medication used in Type 2 Diabetes to sensitize pancreatic beta cells and stimulate insulin release.
PromethazineA first-generation antihistamine used for the treatment of allergic conditions, nausea and vomiting, and motion sickness.
MequitazineFor the treatment of Hay fever, urticaria (hives) and allergic rhinitis
Dimethyl sulfoxideA reversible mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 (MEK1) and MEK2 inhibitor used to treat certain types of melanoma, metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, and locally advanced or metastatic anaplastic thyroid cancer.
RosuvastatinAn HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor used to lower lipid levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease including myocardial infarction and stroke.
CefuroximeA cephalosporin indicated for the treatment of a variety of infections including acute bacterial otitis media, several upper respiratory tract infections, skin infections, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, early Lyme disease, and impetigo.
DiazoxideA non diuretic benzothiadiazine indicated for the management of hypoglycemia in patients who produce an excess of insulin caused by a variety of conditions.
GliclazideA sulfonylurea used to treat hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
TolbutamideA sulfonylurea used to treat hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
BicalutamideAn androgen receptor inhibitor used to treat Stage D2 metastatic carcinoma of the prostate.
RabeprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to help gastrointestinal ulcers heal, to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), to eradicate Helicobacter pylori, and to treat hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.
PioglitazoneA thiazolidinedione used adjunctively with diet and exercise to normalize glycemic levels in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
CefapirinA first generation cephalosporin indicated in the treatment of susceptible bacterial infections.
CefadroxilA cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, such as urinary tract infections, skin and skin structure infections, and tonsillitis.
AmifostineA cytoprotective adjuvant used for reduction in the cumulative renal toxicity in patients with ovarian cancer and moderate to severe xerostomia in patients undergoing post-operative radiation treatment for head and neck cancer.
DiclofenamideA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used for the management of open-angle and secondary glaucoma, as well as acute angle-closure glaucoma in delayed pre-operative setting requiring a reduction in intraocular pressure.
SulfoxoneFor the treatment of leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis
CloxacillinAn antibiotic agent used for the treatment of beta-hemolytic streptococcal and pneumococcal infections as well as staphylococcal infections.
CefprozilA cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, and uncomplicated skin infections.
SertaconazoleA topical antifungal agent used in the treatment of interdigital tinea pedis in immunocompetent patients.
AmdinocillinUsed in the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by some strains of E. coli and klebsiella and enterobacter species. Used mainly against Gram negative organisms.
ChlormezanoneUsed in the management of anxiety and in the treatment of muscle spasm.
BrinzolamideA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used for the reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma.
CeftriaxoneA broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic used for the treatment of bacterial infections in various locations, such as in the respiratory tract, skin, soft tissue, and urinary tract.
ChlorprothixeneA thioxanthene antipsychotic.
AlimemazineAn antihistamine agent used to prevent and relieve allergic conditions which cause pruritus and other allergic skin conditions, including urticaria.
GliquidoneA sulfonylurea drug used in the management of diabetes mellitus type 2.
DasatinibA tyrosine kinase inhibitor used for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia or chronic myeloid leukemia.
DarunavirA HIV protease inhibitor used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in patients with history of prior antiretroviral therapies.
GlisoxepideFor the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2.
SulfacytineUsed orally in the treatment of acute urinary tract infections.
SulfadoxineA long acting sulfonamide used for the treatment or prevention of malaria.
FosamprenavirAn antiretroviral agent used for the treatment and postexposure prophylaxis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection.
PolythiazideA thiazide diuretic used in the management of hypertension and treatment of edema.
QuinethazoneUsed to treat hypertension.
CefamandoleA beta-lactam antibiotic used in the treatment of various infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria, such as lower respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, and bone and joint infections.
CefazolinA broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic mainly used for the treatment of skin bacterial infections and other moderate to severe bacterial infections in the lung, bone, joint, stomach, blood, heart valve, and urinary tract.
CefonicidFor the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible microorganisms.
CefoperazoneA broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic used for the treatment of bacterial infections in various locations, including the respiratory tract, abdomen, skin, and female genital tracts.
CefotetanAn antibiotic medication used for the prophylaxis and treatment of various bacterial infections, including urinary tract infections, bone and joint infection, and lower respiratory tract infections.
CefoxitinA semi-synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotic for parenteral administration used for the treatment of serious bacterial infections, such as urinary tract infection, blood infection, bone and joint infection, and lower respiratory tract infection.
CeftizoximeA third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, including lower respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infection, and gonorrhea.
CefradineA first-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts and of the skin and soft tissues.
GlymidineGlycodiazine is used concomitantly with insulin for the treatment of noninsulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus.
MethotrimeprazineA phenothiazine used in the management of psychosis, particular those of schizophrenia, and manic phases of bipolar disorder.
CefepimeA fourth-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and skin infections.
CefacetrileA broad-spectrum first-generation cephalosporin used for the treatment of susceptible bacterial infections.
CeftibutenA third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic commonly used in the treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (ABECB), acute bacterial otitis media, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.
CefpodoximeA third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, including gonorrhea, community acquired pneumonia, and sinusitis.
DiethylthiambuteneNot Available
SulfamerazineAn antibacterial agent used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, such as bronchitis, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections.
SulfamethazineAn antibacterial agent used in the treatment of various bacterial infections, such as bronchitis, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections.
ImipenemA carbapenem antibiotic normally administered with cilastatin to treat a variety of infections.
BacampicillinAn ampicillin prodrug used to treat various susceptible bacterial infections in the body, such as respiratory infections and skin and subcutaneous tissue infections.
MeticillinUsed to treat infections caused by susceptible Gram-positive bacteria, particularly beta-lactamase-producing organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus that would otherwise be resistant to most penicillins.
PivampicillinAn ampicillin prodrug used to treat a variety of infections.
PivmecillinamA prodrug of the beta lactam antibiotic mecillinam, indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs).
TazobactamA beta lactamase inhibitor administered with antibiotics such as piperacillin and ceftolozane to prevent their degradation, resulting in increased efficacy.
TicarcillinA beta lactam antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections in the body.
PericiazineA phenothiazine used with other medications to treat aggressiveness, impulsiveness, and hostility associated with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia.
AcepromazineAcepromazine was first used in humans in the 1950s as an antipsychotic agent. It is now rarely used in humans. Acepromazine is frequently used in animals as a sedative and...
AceprometazineAceprometazine is often used in combination with meprobamate for the treatment of sleep disorders.
PipotiazineAn antipsychotic indicated for the management of chronic, non-agitated schizophrenic patients.
ThioproperazineAn antipsychotic indicated for the management of acute and chronic schizophrenia, including cases that are refractory to more common neuroleptics. May also be used to treat manic syndromes.
ThiothixeneAn antipsychotic indicated for the management of schizophrenia.
ZuclopenthixolAn antipsychotic indicated for the management of schizophrenia. The acuphase formulation is indicated for initial treatment of acute psychosis or exacerbation of psychosis, while the depot formulation is best for maintenance.
EtoricoxibA selective COX-2 inhibitor used to relieve moderate post-surgical dental pain as a short-term treatment and inflammatory and painful symptoms of various forms of arthritis.
SC-74020Not Available
N-AcetylmethionineAn amino acid used as a peritoneal dialysis treatment in patients with renal failure and nutritional therapy in patients with nutritional deficiency or post-infection weakness.
DithioerythritolA compound that, along with its isomer, Cleland's reagent (dithiothreitol), is used for the protection of sulfhydryl groups against oxidation to disulfides and for the reduction of disulfides to sulfhydryl...
Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranosideA non-metabolizable galactose analog that induces expression of the LAC operon.
AR-AO-14418Not Available
WAY-151693Not Available
S-MethylcysteineNot Available
L-methionine (R)-S-oxideNot Available
5'-S-methyl-5'-thioadenosineNot Available
2-AminothiazolineNot Available
4-(2-Thienyl)Butyric AcidNot Available
2-Hydroxyethyl DisulfideNot Available
DitiocarbA chelating agent that has been used to mobilize toxic metals from the tissues of man and experimental animals. It is the main metabolite of DISULFIRAM.
Latrunculin ALatrunculin A is an actin binding macrolide purified from the red sea sponge Latrunculia magnifica. It is under investigation for the treatment of cancer. It disrupts actin polymerization, prevents mitotic...
IDD552Not Available
DansylamideNot Available
3-Butylthiolane 1-OxideNot Available
TricyclazoleNot Available
MethylthioinosineAn analog of inosine with a methylthio group replacing the hydroxyl group in the 6-position.
PiretanideA loop diuretic used to manage essential arterial hypertension and edema cardiac, hepatic, and renal origin.
5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazoleNot Available
GE-2270ANot Available
p-Toluenesulfonic acidNot Available
3-(2-Benzothiazolylthio)-1-Propanesulfonic AcidNot Available
N,O-didansyl-L-tyrosineNot Available
RWJ-51084Not Available
ThiocellobioseNot Available
N-cyclohexyltaurineNot Available
Cephalosporin CNot Available
S-PhosphocysteineNot Available
Isopenicillin NNot Available
Ethanesulfonic acidNot Available
Tribenuron MethylNot Available
P-(2'-Iodo-5'-Thenoyl)Hydrotropic AcidNot Available
Dihydrolipoic AcidNot Available
TrifluoromethionineNot Available
BatimastatNot Available
D-pantetheine 4'-phosphateNot Available
Dodecyl sulfateNot Available
ButyrylthiocholineA sulfur-containing analog of butyrylcholine which is hydrolyzed by butyrylcholinesterase to butyrate and thiocholine. It is used as a reagent in the determination of butyrylcholinesterase activity. [PubChem]
MonastrolNot Available
Taurocholic acidThe product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. Its sodium salt is the chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals. It acts as a detergent to solubilize fats...
S-sulphocysteineNot Available
ThiodigalactosideThiodigalactoside is a solid. This compound belongs to the dihexoses. These are disaccharides containing two hexose carbohydrates. This medication is known to target galectin-1, heat-labile enterotoxin b chain, neurocan core...
N-FormylmethionineN-Formylmethionine is effective in the initiation of protein synthesis. The initiating methionine residue enters the ribosome as N-formylmethionyl tRNA. This process occurs in Escherichia coli and other bacteria as well...
N-(6-Aminohexyl)-5-Chloro-1-NaphthalenesulfonamideNot Available
LatamoxefLatamoxef is an oxacephem antibiotic usually grouped with the cephalosporins. It is used to treat bacterial infections. Latamoxef is primarily indicated in conditions like Bone and joint infection, GI infections,...
Naphthalene-2,6-disulfonic acidNot Available
HydroxyfasudilNot Available
MyxothiazolNot Available
NimesulideA cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor used to treat acute pain and primary dysmenorrhea.
SuraminFor treatment of human sleeping sickness, onchocerciasis and other diseases caused by trypanosomes and worms.
TanaprogetTanaproget (NSP-989) is an investigational non-steroidal progestin. It is a high affinity, high efficacy agonist of the progesterone receptor (PR) with a much more selective binding profile relative to most...
ThenoyltrifluoroacetoneThenoyltrifluoroacetone is a chelating agent and inhibitor of cellular respiration.
THIO-ATPANot Available
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneNot Available
Tienilic acidFor the treatment of hypertension.
FebuxostatA xanthine oxidase inhibitor used for the management of chronic hyperuricemia in adults with gout who have an inadequate response or intolerance to allopurinol.
LintitriptFor the treatment of pancreatic cancer and appetite disorders.
CeftobiproleA broad spectrum 5th-generation cephalosporin antibacterial indicated for certain kinds of pneumonia, bacteremia, and skin and skin structure infections, including those caused by MRSA.
LucanthoneIntended for use as a radiation sensitizer in the treatment of brain cancer.
BelinostatA histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor used for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL).
ErdosteineA mucolytic agent used to treat conditions characterized by pathological mucus such as respiratory tract infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
CimicoxibInvestigated for use/treatment in depression.
KD3010Investigated for use/treatment in metabolic disease and obesity.
Silver sulfadiazineA topical sulfonamide antibiotic that acts on the bacterial cell wall and cell membrane; approved for the treatment of burns.
RotigotineA non-selective dopamine agonist used for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome.
TetomilastInvestigated for use/treatment in ulcerative colitis.
DexlansoprazoleA proton pump inhibitor used to treat erosive esophagitis, heartburn, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
ChlorfensonInvestigated for use/treatment in fungal infections.
SulfathiazoleSulfathiazole is effective against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative pathogenic microorganisms. Although no longer used in humans, it is used in cattle.
SulfadimethoxineFor use in the treatment of infections.
AcetylcysteineA medication that can be used as a mucolytic in patients with certain lung conditions and as an antidote for acetaminophen overdose.
PizotifenA serotonin and tryptamine antagonist indicated for migraine prophylaxis.
PrasugrelA P2Y12 platelet inhibitor used to reduce risk of thrombotic cardiovascular events in unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and in patients with STEMI when managed with either primary or delayed PCI.
DoripenemAn antibiotic of the penem class used to treat complicated intra-abdominal and urinary tract infections.
RivaroxabanA factor Xa inhibitor used to treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). May also be used as thrombosis prophylaxis in specific situations.
CaldaretInvestigated for use/treatment in heart disease and myocardial infarction.
ArzoxifeneInvestigated for use/treatment in breast cancer, osteoporosis, and endometrial cancer.
UdenafilA PDE5 inhibitor used to treat erectile dysfunction.
SitaxentanInvestigated for use/treatment in pulmonary hypertension, connective tissue diseases, hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
SimeprevirA direct-acting antiviral agent that inhibits HCV NS3/4A protease to treat chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in adults with HCV genotype 1 or 4.
RefametinibInvestigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified).
ElinogrelInvestigated for use/treatment in cardiovascular disorders and myocardial infarction.
RelacatibInvestigated for use/treatment in osteoporosis and bone metastases.
IndisulamInvestigated for use/treatment in lung cancer.
AbafunginInvestigated for use/treatment in fungal infections, bacterial infection, skin infections/disorders, and onychomycosis.
RavuconazoleInvestigated for use/treatment in fungal infections, aspergillosis, candidiasis, and onychomycosis.
AvasimibeInvestigated for use/treatment in peripheral vascular disease.
ErtiprotafibInvestigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2.
TramiprosateInvestigated for use/treatment in strokes and alzheimer's disease.
TesaglitazarInvestigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2.
PazopanibAn antineoplastic agent used in the treatment of advanced renal cell cancer and advanced soft tissue sarcoma in patients with prior chemotherapy.
Ceftaroline fosamilAn antibacterial agent used to treat various bacterial infections, such as acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.
N-chlorotaurineInvestigated for use/treatment in eye disorders/infections.
ClazosentanInvestigated for use/treatment in strokes.
LornoxicamAn NSAID indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate pain, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
SulfaphenazoleFor the treatment bacterial infections.
ZaltoprofenA non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug approved for use in Japan in 1993.
FomivirsenIndicated for the local treatment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), when other therapy has been ineffective or is considered unsuitable [FDA Label, L1428].
Cupric sulfateA compound used as an intravenous copper supplement for Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).
DimercaprolA chelating agent used as an antidote to arsenic, gold, and mercury poisoning, as well as acute lead poisoning in combination with edetate calcium disodium.
MafenideAn antimicrobial topical agent indicated for use as an adjunctive treatment to control bacterial infection when used under moist dressings over meshed autografts on excised burn wounds.
SulfameterLong acting sulfonamide used in leprosy, urinary, and respiratory tract infections.
TioproninA thiol agent indicated for the prevention of kidney stone formation in patients with severe homozygous cystinuria.
TO-901317TO-901317 is an LXRalpha and LXRbeta agonist.
4-(2-Aminoethyl)Benzenesulfonyl FluorideNot Available
5-(2-methylpiperazine-1-sulfonyl)isoquinolineNot Available
Latrunculin BLatrunculin B is a 14-membered macrolide attached to 2-thiazolidinone moiety, isolated from Red Sea sponge Latrunculia magnifica.
IDD594Not Available
2-Naphthalenesulfonic acidNot Available
SulthiameA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used primarily in benign focal epilepsies of childhood that may be useful as an adjunct therapy in a variety of other refractory epilepsies.
ThiorphanA potent inhibitor of membrane metalloendopeptidase (enkephalinase). Thiorphan potentiates morphine-induced analgesia and attenuates naloxone-precipitated withdrawal symptoms.
AzidocillinFor treatment of infection (Respiratory, GI, UTI and meningitis) due to E. coli, P. mirabilis, enterococci, Shigella, S. typhosa and other Salmonella, nonpenicillinase-producing N. gononhoeae, H. influenzae, staphylococci, streptococci including...
PipazethateFor the treatment of cough.
SulfamoxoleFor the treatment of bacterial infection.
LurasidoneAn atypical antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and depressive episodes associated with bipolar I disorder.
TemocaprilTemocapril is an ACE inhibitor primarily indicated in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure, diabetic nephropathy, and improvement of prognosis for coronary artery diseases (including acute myocardial infarction).
VemurafenibA kinase inhibitor used to treat patients with Erdheim-Chester Disease who have the BRAF V600 mutation, and melanoma in patients who have the BRAF V600E mutation.
MirabegronA beta-3 adrenergic agonist used to treat overactive bladder and neurogenic detrusor overactivity.
CanagliflozinA sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor used to manage hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Also used to reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in patients with established cardiovascular disease and type 2 DM.
AleglitazarInvestigated for use in patients with type II diabetes to reduce their risks of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity.
PerospironeFor the treatment of schizophrenia and acute cases of bipolar mania.
AcediasulfoneAcediasulfone (INN) is an antimicrobial and antimalarial long-acting prodrug of dapsone.
MacitentanAn endothelin receptor antagonist used to manage pulmonary arterial hypertension to delay disease progression.
LetosteineLetosteine is a mucolytic used in the treatment of chronic bronchopneumopathies and related conditions.
IsoxicamIsoxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is not marketed in the United States.
AzosemideAzosemide is a loop diuretic used to treat hypertension, edema, and ascites.
GlibornurideGlibornuride is a sulfonylurea-type anti-diabetic drug.
FursultiamineCompound used for therapy of thiamine deficiency. It has also been suggested for several non-deficiency disorders but has not yet proven useful. Fursultiamine is a vitamin B1 derivative.
DimetotiazineDimetotiazine has considerable antiemetic & serotonin antagonistic action used mainly in allergic skin conditions.
CyamemazineCyamemazine (Tercian), also known as cyamepromazine, is a typical antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine class used primarily in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis-associated anxiety. Cyamemazine actually behaves like an...
CefaloridineCephaloridine or cefaloridine is a first generation semisynthetic cephalosporin. It is derived from cephalosporin C and is a zwitterion at physiological pH.
CeftolozaneA cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat complicated intra-abdominal infections in combination with metronidazole, complicated urinary tract infections, and hospital-acquired pneumonia.
CeritinibAn antineoplastic kinase inhibitor used to treat anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients with inadequate clinical response or intolerance to crizotinib.
CobicistatA CYP3A inhibitor used to increase the systemic exposure of atazanavir or darunavir in combination with other antiretroviral agents in the treatment of HIV-1 infection.
EdoxabanA novel oral anticoagulant used for reducing the risk of stroke and systemic embolism (SE) in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF).
Potassium alumPotassium alum is considered safe by the FDA and its use is in homepathic or OTC products. Due to its presence in several different drugs, the main indications for the...
Coenzyme MA uroprotective agent used for the reduction and prophylaxis of oxazaphosphorine-induced toxicity in the urinary tract.
BrexpiprazoleA serotonin–dopamine activity modulator used in the treatment of major depressive disorder as an adjunct, schizophrenia, and agitation associated with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease.
Trypan blue free acidA dye used as a visualizing aid to stain the epiretinal membranes during ophthalmic surgical vitrectomy procedures, thereby facilitating removal of the tissue.
DosulepinA tricyclic antidepressant commonly used only in patients for whom alternative therapies are ineffective due to its toxicity potential.
DasabuvirA direct-acting antiviral agent used to treat specific hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in combination with other antiviral agents.
TalsupramTalsupram is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI). It was under research for the treatment of depression in 1960 and 1970 but it was never marketed. Talsupram presents a similar...
LobeglitazoneLobeglitazone was approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (South Korea) in 2013, and is being monitored by postmarketing surveillance until 2019. Lobeglitazone is not approved for use...
NetoglitazoneNetoglitazone (MCC-555) is a hypoglycemic agent.
RivoglitazoneRivoglitazone (INN) is a thiazolidinedione undergoing research for use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It is being developed by Daiichi Sankyo Co.
CiglitazoneDeveloped by Takeda Pharmaceuticals in the early 1980s, it is considered the prototypical compound for the thiazolidinedione class. Ciglitazone was never used as a medication, but it sparked interest in...
FirocoxibUsed for the treatment of pain inflammation and fever in horses and dogs.
ZotepineZotepine, like other atypical antipsychotics, is considered as the first-line treatment in newly diagnosed schizophrenia. It is usually thought to be an option of choice for managing acute schizophrenic episodes...
Methylene blueAn oxidation-reduction agent used for the treatment of pediatric and adult patients with acquired methemoglobinemia.
Strontium ranelateA medication used for the management of severe osteoporosis in high-risk postmenopausal women and adult men.
Sodium aurothiomalateA disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) indicated for the symptomatic treatment of arthritis.
TianeptineAn atypical tricyclic antidepressant with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects primarily used to treat major depressive disorder.
CarindacillinA penicillin antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections, but is no longer marketed in the USA.
Procaine benzylpenicillinA local anesthetic and antibiotic combination for intramuscular injection to treat a variety of bacterial infections while reducing pain from a deep intramuscular injection.
Zinc sulfateA drug used to replenish low levels of zinc or prevent zinc deficiency, or to test for zinc deficiency.
SulbactamAn beta-lactamase inhibitor antibiotic combined with other antibiotics to treat a variety of susceptible bacterial infections.
SulfabenzamideA sulfonamide antibacterial used as an ingredient in various topical and vaginal preparations to treat certain infections, but has been discontinued by the FDA.
Evans blueNot Annotated
Technetium Tc-99m sulfur colloidA radiopharmaceutical diagnostic agent used for the localization of lymph nodes, evaluation of peritoneovenous (LeVeen) shunt patency, imaging areas of functioning reticuloendothelial cells, and gastrointestinal imaging.
Technetium Tc-99m succimerA radioactive diagnostic agent used as an aid in the scintigraphic evaluation of renal parenchymal disorders.
Sodium sulfateAn agent used for bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy or barium enema X-ray examination.
Thiosulfuric acidA sulfur donor used sequentially with sodium nitrite for the reversal of life-threatening acute cyanide poisoning. Also used to reduce the risk of ototoxicity associated with cisplatin.
EcamsuleA sunscreen agent found in sunscreens that absorbs UV rays.
Sulfur hexafluorideA medication used in ultrasound to enhance viewing of blood vessels and the urinary tract.
EnsulizoleAn ingredient used in sunscreens to absorb UVB radiation.
Barium sulfateA contrast agent used for CT scans of the gastrointestinal tract.
PyrantelAn anthelmintic used to treat helminth infections.
Sodium sulfideSodium sulfide is a chemical compound with a chemical formula Na2S. Sodium sulfide is used in the pulp and paper industry, water treatment, textile industry, and various chemical manufacturing processes...
Light green SF yellowishLight green SF yellowish is a green triarylmethane dye that is used in the preparation of the staining solution which is widely used as a counterstain. It is used in...
PantethineA naturally occurring compound derived from panthothenic acid. It acts as an intermediate in endogenous coenzyme A synthesis and is used as a dietary supplement to treat hypertriglyceridemia.
Calcium sulfideNot Annotated
Aluminum sulfateA medication used to prevent infections and to treat minor bleeding.
Sulfuric acidNot Annotated
PidotimodA synthetic agent with immunomodulatory properties used in patients with documented cell-mediated immunosuppression to stimulate their immunity during lung and urinary tract infections.
CefroxadineWas used for the treatment of bacterial infections.
CefaloniumNot Annotated
ClorsulonNot Annotated
CoumaphosThis drug is a fat-soluble phosphorothioate agent that kills both insects and mites. It is non-volatile in nature and is well known by a variety of names as such a...
CythioateCythioate is a member of the organothiophosphate compounds that is used as an insecticide and anthelmintic. It is mainly used in veterinary as a treatment for fleas.
DeracoxibDeracoxib is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the coxib class, used in veterinary medicine to treat osteoarthritis in dogs. It is sold in tablets, which have added beefy flavour to...
FamphurNot Annotated
FenthionFenthion is an organothiophosphate drug used as an insecticide, avicide, and acaricide. Its mode of action is explained by cholinesterase enzyme inhibition, which is similar to other organophosphates. Fenthion is...
OclacitinibNot Annotated
PhenothiazinePhenothiazine (PTZ) is an organic thiazine compound.
PhosmetPhosmet is a phthalimide-derived organophosphate. It is a non-specific insecticide. It is mainly used on apple trees to control codling moths. It is also used on other fruit crops, ornamentals,...
RonnelNot Annotated
SulfachlorpyridazineA sulfonamide antimicrobial used for urinary tract infections and in veterinary medicine.
SulfaethoxypyridazineNot Annotated
SulfanitranNot Annotated
SulfaquinoxalineSulfaquinoxaline is a veterinary medicine which can be given to cattle and sheep to treat coccidiosis.It is available in Pakistan with Sanna Laboratories in combination with Amprolium and Vitamin K...
TioxidazoleNot Annotated
XylazineA non-opioid and clonidine analog with analgesic and muscle relaxant properties used as a tranquilizer used in veterinary medicine.
CeftiofurCeftiofur is a third generation cephalosporin antibiotic, first described in 1987, and now used in veterinary medicine. It is marketed by pharmaceutical company Zoetis as Excenel, and is the active...
2-mercaptobenzothiazoleNot Annotated
SulfotepNot Annotated
CefovecinCefovecin is a cephalosporin antibiotic used for the treatment of skin infections in cats and dogs. It is the first single-dose injectable antibiotic for dogs and cats that assures owner...
DithiazanineDithiazanine is a highly potent anthelmintic, introduced in 1959 for the treatment of strongyloid worms and whipworms. However, its use is severely limited due to its toxicity. Dithiazanine iodide was...
MasitinibMasitinib is a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor used in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs. It has been available in Europe since 2009, under the brand name Masivet. In the...
PropiopromazineNot Annotated
TiletamineThis drug is a dissociative anesthetic agent that falls under the drug category of NMDA receptor antagonists. Tiletamine is chemically similar to another dissociative anesthetic, ketamine. Tiletamine hydrochloride, the salt...
LesinuradA uric acid 1 transporter inhibitor typically used in combination with a xanthine oxidase inhibitor to treat hyperuricemia associated with gout in patients with inadequate control of uric acid levels with xanthine oxidase inhibitor monotherapy.
VenetoclaxA BCL-2 inhibitor used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small lymphocytic lymphoma, or acute myeloid leukemia.
AsunaprevirAn NS3 protease inhibitor used to treat hepatitis C genotype 1b.
NitrocefinNitrocefin is a chromogenic cephalosporin substrate used to detect the presence of beta-lactamase enzymes, an important mediator of bacterial antibiotic resistance. While other detection methods exist, such as PCR, nitrocefin...
LifitegrastA medication used to treat dry eye disease.
PF-4191834PF-4191834 has been investigated for the basic science of Asthma.
AfuresertibAfuresertib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cancer and Neoplasms, Haematologic.
PictilisibPictilisib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Solid Cancers, Breast Cancer, Advanced Solid Tumours, Metastatic Breast Cancer, and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Solid Cancers, among others.
TreosulfanTreosulfan is under investigation in Allogeneic Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Treosulfan has been investigated for the treatment of Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute, Childhood.
PavinetantPavinetant has been used in trials studying the basic science and treatment of Safety and Schizophrenia.
RacecadotrilAn anti-secretory enkephalinase inhibitor useful in the treatment of diarrhea.
IpragliflozinIpragliflozin is under investigation in Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2.
EncorafenibA kinase inhibitor used to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma with specific mutations.
MitoglitazoneMitoglitazone has been used in trials studying the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease.
LinerixibatGSK2330672 has been investigated for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2.
VonoprazanA potassium-competitive acid blocker used in the treatment of acid-related disorders and as an adjunct to Helicobacter pylori eradication.
BenfotiamineA derivative of thiamine thought to be useful in the management of diabetic neuropathy, although evidence is lacking.
TenapanorAn NHE3 inhibitor indicated for the treatment of constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C) and chronic kidney disease,
ZytronZytron (DMPA) is under investigation for the treatment and health services research of HIV, Lactation, Contraception, Postpartum Depression, and Immune Cells (Mucosal and Systemic). DMPA has been investigated for the...
PilaralisibPilaralisib is an orally available small molecule that selectively inhibits the activity of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K). Pilaralisib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cancer, Lymphoma, Solid Tumors,...
BMS-903452BMS-903452 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Diabetes.
DanoprevirDanoprevir has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hepatitis C, Chronic.
AllicinAllicin has been used in trials studying the treatment of Follicular Lymphoma.
MirodenafilMirodenafil has been used in trials studying the treatment and supportive care of Kidney Diseases, Urologic Diseases, Renal Insufficiency, Erectile Dysfunction, and Male Erectile Dysfunction.
AZD-5672Azd5672 has been used in trials studying the basic science and treatment of Pharmacokinetics, Renal Impairment, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
FaldaprevirFaldaprevir has been investigated for the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C.
BaricitinibA Janus kinase inhibitor used to treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis that has responded poorly to at least one TNF antagonist.
NifurtimoxAn antiparasitic drug used for the treatment of Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi infection).
TMC-647055TMC647055 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hepatitis C, Chronic Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C, Chronic, and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus.
PF-04958242PF-04958242 has been used in trials studying the basic science and treatment of Schizophrenia and Hearing Loss, Sensorineural.
PritelivirPritelivir has been used in trials studying the prevention of HSV-2 and Genital Herpes.
LitronesibLitronesib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Solid Tumors, Ovarian Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Acute Leukaemia, among others.
AlvelestatAlvelestat has been investigated for the basic science of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
PF-00610355PF-00610355 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Lung Disease, Moxifloxacin, Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Bronchial, and Bronchial Diseases, among others.
AvagacestatAvagacestat has been investigated for the basic science and treatment of Alzheimer Disease.
EfatutazoneEfatutazone has been used in trials studying the treatment of Lymphoma, Liposarcoma, Solid Tumors, Multiple Myeloma, and Recurrent Thyroid Cancer, among others.
2,4-thiazolidinedioneThiazolidinedione has been investigated for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, and DIABETES MELLITUS, TYPE 2.
GisadenafilGisadenafil has been investigated for the treatment of Prostatic Hyperplasia.
DanirixinDanirixin has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Virus Diseases, Nutritional Status, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive, and Infections, Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
FlomoxefFlomoxef has been used in trials studying the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection.
TriapineTriapine has been used in trials studying the treatment of Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Pancreatic Cancer, among others.
TasisulamTasisulam has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Melanoma, Lymphoma, Solid Tumors, Breast Cancer, and Ovarian Cancer, among others.
AvatrombopagA thrombopoietin receptor agonist used pre-operatively to treat thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic liver disease and in patients with chronic refractory thrombocytopenia.
AlpelisibAlpelisib is indicated in combination with fulvestrant to treat postmenopausal women, and men, with advanced or metastatic breast cancer. This cancer must be hormone receptor (HR)-positive, human epidermal growth factor...
PonesimodA sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulator indicated to treat relapsing multiple sclerosis.
SultamicillinA mutual prodrug of ampicillin and sulbactam useful in the treatment of infections caused by beta-lactamase-producing bacteria.
TideglusibTideglusib was initially formulated for the treatment of Alzheimer and progressive supranuclear palsy. The raising interest for the use of tideglusib comes from the significant upregulation of GSK-3 in the...
TemocillinTemocillin has been investigated in Infection, Liver Dysfunction, and Urinary Tract Infection.
TaurolidineAn antimicrobial derivative of taurine used for prophylaxis of catheter-related infections.
FedratinibFedratinib is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with intermediate-2 or high-risk primary or secondary (post-polycythemia vera or post-essential thrombocythemia) myelofibrosis.[L8090,L47016]
PerazineA phenothiazine antipsychotic used in the acute and chronic treatment of psychotic disorders.
GrapiprantThe effects of grapiprant have been investigated in the area of analgesia and anti-inflammation due to the effects that have been reported about this molecule. This molecule has been approved...
MK-0752Mk 0752 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00572182 (MK0752 in Treating Young Patients With Recurrent or Refractory CNS Cancer).
CP-547632CP-547632 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Ovarian Cancer, Lung Neoplasms, Ovarian Neoplasms, Peritoneal Neoplasms, and Fallopian Tube Cancer, among others.
RoniciclibRoniciclib has been investigated for the treatment of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.
NepicastatNepicastat has been investigated for the treatment of Cocaine Dependence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
TinoridineTinoridine is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01224756 (Efficacy of Tinoridine in Treating Pain and Inflammation in Adults).
LFF-571LFF571 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Moderate Clostridium Difficile Infection.
ButaperazineButaperazine was approved in 1967 , and possibly discontinued in the 1980s .
ThiramThiram may be used in dermatology as a scabicide . Thiram is mainly used as a fungicide for plants and treatment for seeds, however, this use is being investigated for...
PhthalylsulfathiazoleA sulfonamide antibacterial indicated in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections.
ClothiapineAn atypical antipsychotic indicated in the treatment of acute psychosis, exacerbations of chronic psychosis, chronic psychosis, paranoid psychosis, and anxiety.
PimethixenePimethixene is approved for use in Brazil and is marketed under the trade name Muricalm. It is an anticholinergic used in the treatment of bronchitis.
CyclopenthiazideCyclopenthiazide is a thiazide diuretic with antihypertensive properties. In a double blind, randomized crossover study, cyclopenthiazide was effective in reducing diastolic blood pressure in mildly hypertensive non-insulin dependent diabetic patients...
CefpiromeAn antibiotic indicated in the treatment of a wide variety of infections in the body.
NoxytiolinLocal antibacterial that probably acts by releasing formaldehyde in aqueous solutions. It is used for THERAPEUTIC IRRIGATION of infected body cavities - bladder, peritoneum, etc. and as a spray for...
Anethole trithioneA medication used to treat dry mouth associated with medication or radiotherapy of the head and neck.
DimazoleDimazole (diamthazole) is an antifungal. It was withdrawn in Franch in 1972 due to neuropsychiatric reactions.
Ferric subsulfateFerric subsulfate is a stypic or hemostatic agent that causes agglutination of surface proteins resulting in local hemostasis. It has the chemical formula Fe4(OH)2(SO4)5. It is used after superficial skin...
RacemethionineA preparation of methionine that includes a mixture of D-methionine and L-methionine isomers.
Sodium bisulfiteAn ingredient in parenteral nutrition products for patients with severe liver disorders.
Acetyl sulfisoxazoleAcute, recurrent or chronic urinary tract infections (primarily pyelonephritis, pyelitis and cystitis) due to susceptible organisms (usually Escherichia coli, Klebsiella-Enterobacter, staphylococcus, Proteus mirabilis and, less frequently, Proteus vulgaris) in the...
PyrithioneAn antimicrobial agent used for the treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
Tetramethylthiuram monosulfideNot Annotated
Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamateZinc dibutyldithiocarbamate is approved for use within allergenic epicutaneous patch tests which are indicated for use as an aid in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in persons 6...
ThiohexamThiohexam is approved for use within allergenic epicutaneous patch tests which are indicated for use as an aid in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in persons 6 years...
2,2'-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide2,2'-Dibenzothiazyl disulfide is approved for use within allergenic epicutaneous patch tests which are indicated for use as an aid in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in persons 6...
MorpholinylmercaptobenzothiazoleNot Annotated
Acetylcysteine amideNot Available
Potassium sulfateAn osmotic laxative used to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy.
EprodisateInvestigated for use/treatment in amyloidosis.
Perphenazine enanthateNot Annotated
Phenyl hydrogen sulfateNot Annotated
Estradiol sulfamateInvestigated for use/treatment in endometriosis.
PiprozolinNot Annotated
TosylchloramideA chlorinated disinfectant of the genitals and injured skin.
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine5'-S-(3-Amino-3-carboxypropyl)-5'-thioadenosine. Formed from S-adenosylmethionine after transmethylation reactions.
TaurineAn ingredient found in mixture products indicated for nutritional support.
CocarboxylaseThe coenzyme form of Vitamin B1 present in many animal tissues. It is a required intermediate in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex.
S-EthylisothioureaS-Ethylisothiourea is a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor.
IrosustatIrosustat has been investigated for the treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer.
Benzenesulfinic acidNot Available
NesbuvirNesbuvir has been investigated for the treatment of Hepatitis C.
FasudilFasudil has been investigated in Carotid Stenosis.
EnceniclineEncenicline has been investigated for the treatment of Cognition, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's Disease, Cardiac Repolarization, and Central Nervous System Diseases.
VosaroxinVosaroxin is under investigation for the treatment of Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute.
QuizartinibA FLT3 inhibitor used in combination with cytarabine and anthracycline to treat acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3 internal tandem duplication
Cefamandole nafateA second generation cephalosporin indicated in the prevention of infections during surgery.
PX-12Investigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified), gastric cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
Ceftobiprole medocarilA broad spectrum 5th-generation cephalosporin antibacterial indicated for certain kinds of pneumonia, bacteremia, and skin and skin structure infections, including those caused by MRSA.
MercaptoethanolNot Available
NarlaprevirNot Annotated
MacozinoneMacozinone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03036163 (Phase 1 Study of PBTZ169).
SB-649868SB-649868 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01030939 (Study to Investigate Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Cardiac Function After Repeat Doses of SB-649868 in Healthy-volunteers).
MethamidophosMethamidophos is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03223753 (Web-Based Physical Activity Intervention in Improving Long Term Health in Children and Adolescents With Newly Diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in First Remission).
BMS-791826BMS-791826 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03198013 (A Study of Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD) in Relation to Prednisolone in Healthy Males).
ABT-639ABT-639 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01345045 (A Multicenter Study Comparing the Analgesic Effects and Safety of ABT-639 Compared to Placebo in Subjects With Diabetic Neuropathic Pain).
FlutemetamolFlutemetamol is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02353949 (Investigating the Clinical Consequences of Flutemetamol-PET-scanning).
AprocitentanAn endothelin receptor antagonist used for the treatment of uncontrolled hypertension in patients inadequately controlled on other treatments.
DexpramipexoleDexpramipexole is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01511029 (Study to Evaluate the QTC Interval in Healthy Volunteers Dosed With Dexpramipexole (QTC = Electrocardiogram (ECG) Interval Measured From the Onset of...
Pittsburgh Compound BPittsburgh Compound B is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01723553 (Amyloid-related Imaging Abnormalities (Microbleeds) in Atypical AD).
DubermatinibDubermatinib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03572634 (Phase 1/2 Study of TP-0903 (an Inhibitor of AXL Kinase) in Patients With Previously Treated CLL).
JNJ-26489112JNJ-26489112 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00579384 (A Study of the Effects of JNJ-26489112 on the Photic Induced Paroxysmal Electroencephalogram (EEG) Response in Patients With Photosensitive Epilepsy).
EsaxerenoneEsaxerenone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02722265 (Long-term Study of CS-3150 as Monotherapy or in Combination With Other Antihypertensive Drug in Japanese Patients With Essential Hypertension).
TelaglenastatTelaglenastat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02071862 (Study of the Glutaminase Inhibitor CB-839 in Solid Tumors).
Di-2-pyridylketone 4-cyclohexyl-4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazoneDi-2-pyridylketone 4-cyclohexyl-4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02688101 (Dose-finding and Pharmacokinetic Study of DpC, Administered Orally to Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors).
VercirnonVercirnon is a novel, orally active anti-inflammatory agent that targets a chemokine receptor protein implicated in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, the two principal forms of IBD. It is...
EpalrestatEpalrestat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03244358 (Evaluation of Epalrestat in Metastatic Triple-negative Breast Cancer).
Hypothiocyanite ionHypothiocyanite ion is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02598999 (Dose Escalation Study of ALX-009 in Healthy Men and Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and Non-CF Bronchiectasis Patients).
FlorasulamFlorasulam is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01193465 (Temperature and Humidity Among Different Anesthesia Work-station).
VM4-037VM4-037 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00884520 (An Exploratory, Open Label, Multi-Center, Non-Randomized Study of [F-18]VM4-037).
XanomelineXanomeline is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02831231 (Pilot Study Comparing Effects of Xanomeline Alone to Xanomeline Plus Trospium).
MK-2748MK-2748 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01593735 (A Multiple Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MK-2748 in Hepatitis C-Infected Participants (MK-2748-002 AM1)).
SAR-125844SAR-125844 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01391533 (Study of SAR125844 Single Agent Administered as Slow Intravenous Infusion in Adult Patients With Advanced Malignant Solid Tumors).
GLPG-0974GLPG-0974 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01721980 (Multiple Ascending Dose Study of GLPG0974 in Healthy Subjects).
GiripladibGiripladib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00396955 (A Study Comparing 4 Dose Regimens of PLA-695, Naproxen, and Placebo In Subjects With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee).
Thioglycolic acidThioglycolic acid is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03238105 (Treatment of Periorbicular Hyperchromia Comparing 10% Thioglycolic Acid Peeling Versus Pulsed Intense Light).
GlucoraphaninGlucoraphanin is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01879878 (Pilot Study Evaluating Broccoli Sprouts in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer [POUDER Trial]).
TimololA non-selective beta adrenergic blocker used in the treatment of elevated intraocular pressure in ocular hypertension or open angle glaucoma.
ZonisamideA sulfonamide anticonvulsant used to treat partial seizures.
TolevamerA potassium-binding resin used in the treatment of hyperkalemia.
EdaglitazoneInvestigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2.
Flutemetamol (18F)A radiopharmaceutical diagnostic agent used during Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the brain to estimate β-amyloid neuritic plaque density in adult patients to diagnose the causes of cognitive impairment.
RuzasvirRuzasvir has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C, Chronic, and Hepatitis C Infection.
EpacadostatEpacadostat has been used in trials studying the treatment of HL, Melanoma, Glioblastoma, Mucosal Melanoma, and Ovarian Carcinoma, among others.
PF-00489791PF-00489791 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hypertension, Raynaud's Disease, Diabetic Nephropathies, Hypertension, Pulmonary, and Peripheral Vascular Disease.
VoxilaprevirA nonstructural protein 3 and 4a protease inhibitor used to treat Hepatitis C infections.
EmeramideEmeramide has been used in trials studying the treatment of Mercury Poisoning.
DefactinibDefactinib has been investigated for the treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
VerubecestatVerubecestat is under investigation for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, Prodromal Alzheimer's disease, and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. Verubecestat is Merck’s investigational oral β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme (BACE1...
GLPG-0187GLPG0187 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Solid Tumors.
LefamulinA pleuromutilin antibacterial used to treat community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP).
LusutrombopagA medication used to treat thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic liver disease scheduled to have a procedure.
GlecaprevirA Hepatitis C NS3/4A protease inhibitor used to treat Hepatitis C.
VolixibatVolixibat is an investigational drug that has not been approved for use in any conditions.
Baloxavir marboxilA polymerase acidic endonuclease inhibitor used to treat uncomplicated influenza.
MethylchloroisothiazolinoneMethylchloroisothiazolinone is approved for use within allergenic epicutaneous patch tests which are indicated for use as an aid in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in persons 6 years...
LGD-6972LGD-6972 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01919684 (Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of LGD-6972 in Healthy Subjects and Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus).
LanifibranorLanifibranor is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03008070 (Phase 2b Study in NASH to Assess IVA337).
PF-05089771PF-05089771 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01529671 (A Safety And Tolerability Study Of PF-05089771 In Healthy Subjects And In Subjects With Otseoarthritis Of The Knee).
CefiderocolA cephalosporin antibiotic used in complicated urinary tract infections.
OliceridineA biased opioid agonist indicated for the management of severe acute pain in adult patients. Through preferential activation of G-protein-coupled signalling pathways, oliceridine provides analgesic effect with a comparable or improved safety profile over conventional opioid agonists.
CeralasertibCeralasertib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03682289 (Phase II Trial of AZD6738 Alone and in Combination With Olaparib).
TAK-243TAK-243 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03816319 (TAK-243 in Treating Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Refractory Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia).
RogaratinibRogaratinib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03762122 (Rogaratinib in Patients With Advanced Pretreated Squamous-cell Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (SQCLC)).
ABT-072ABT-072 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00890318 (A Study in Healthy Adult Subjects to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Multiple Doses of ABT-072 Used to Treat...
ONO-8539ONO-8539 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01707901 (A Study of the Effect of ONO-8539 on Oesophageal Pain Hypersensitivity in Patients With Non-erosive Reflux Disease).
CerdulatinibCerdulatinib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04021082 (CELTIC-1: A Phase 2B Study of Cerdulatinib in Patients With Relapsed/refractory Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma (PTCL)).
Calcium sulfateNot Annotated
JE-2147Not Available
1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)-3-(1,1-dioxo-2H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl)-6-fluoro-4-hydroxy-2(1H)-quinolinoneNot Available
5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-MonothiophosphateGuanosine 5'-(trihydrogen diphosphate), monoanhydride with phosphorothioic acid. A stable GTP analog which enjoys a variety of physiological actions such as stimulation of guanine nucleotide-binding proteins, phosphoinositide hydrolysis, cyclic AMP accumulation,...
2-[3-(5-Mercapto-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-yl)-ureido]-N-methyl-3-phenyl-propionamideNot Available
2-[3-(5-Mercapto-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2yl)-ureido]-N-methyl-3-pentafluorophenyl-propionamideNot Available
Deacetoxycephalosporin CNot Available
ThiocitrullineNot Available
2-PyridinethiolNot Available
Acid yellow 54 free acidNot Available
N-Acetyl-glucosamine thiazolineN-Acetyl-glucosamine thiazoline (NAG-thiazoline) is an analog of the oxazolinium bicyclic intermediate leading from N-acetylglucosamine to 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid.
RitonavirAn HIV protease inhibitor used in combination with other antivirals in the treatment of HIV infection.
CarbocisteineA expectorant mucolytic used in the relief of respiratory of COPD and other conditions associated with increased mucus viscosity.
TetramisoleAn anthelmintic indicated to treat hookworm infections.
KetotifenA histamine H1 receptor blocker and mast cell stabilizer used to treat mild atopic asthma and allergic conjunctivitis.
SteproninStrepronin is a mucolytic (expectorant) drug.
3-(cyclohexylamino)propanesulfonic acidNot Available
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidNot Available
Vinylsulfonic acidNot Available
REP8839For the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and Streptococcus pyogenes).
PRO 2000Investigated for use/treatment in HIV prevention, prevention of stdis, and vaginal infection.
PRX-08066Investigated for use/treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary hypertension.
Faropenem medoxomilInvestigated for use/treatment in bacterial infection, bronchitis, otitis media, and pediatric indications.
OSI-930Investigated for use/treatment in solid tumors.
EdonerpicInvestigated for use/treatment in alzheimer's disease.
1-Naphthylamine-5-sulfonic acidNot Available
LomibuvirLomibuvir has been used in trials studying the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
IbodutantIbodutant has been used in trials studying the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Diarrhea.
RadalbuvirRadalbuvir has been used in trials studying the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C, Chronic HCV Infection, and Chronic Hepatitis C Infection.
S-3304S-3304 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Lung Cancer, Solid Tumors, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage IIIB Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Stage IIIA Non...
FaropenemFaropenem has been used in trials studying the treatment of Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, and Community Acquired Pneumonia.
TemefosDiphos has been used in trials studying the treatment of Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria.
AZD-7762AZD7762 has been investigated for the treatment of Cancer, Solid Tumors, and Advanced Solid Malignancies.
CRS-3123CRS3123 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Clostridial Infection and Clostridium Difficile Colitis.
BegacestatBegacestat has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Alzheimer Disease.
CG-400549CG400549 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Skin Infection.
OltiprazOltipraz has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Lung Cancer, Liver Fibrosis, Liver Cirrhosis, and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
IndiplonIndiplon has been used in trials studying the treatment of Insomnia and Depression.
PelitrexolPelitrexol has been used in trials studying the treatment of Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific.
QGC-001QGC001 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Essential Hypertension.
EpicillinNot Annotated
CitioloneNot Annotated
MazaticolNot Annotated
Sodium apolateNot Annotated
DixanthogenNot Annotated
PenamecillinNot Annotated
TertatololTertatolol is a beta blocker.
AspoxicillinNot Annotated
MetampicillinMetampicillin is a penicillin antibiotic prepared by the reaction of ampicillin with formaldehyde. It is hydrolysed in aqueous solution to form ampicillin. Hydrolysis is rapid under acid conditions like the...
SR-9009SR-9009 is a REV-ERB agonist. SR-9011 has been demonstrated that it is specifically lethal to cancer cells and oncogene-induced senescent cells, including melanocytic naevi, and has no effect on the...
SR-9011SR-9011 is a REV-ERB agonist. SR-9011 has been demonstrated that it is specifically lethal to cancer cells and oncogene-induced senescent cells, including melanocytic naevi, and has no effect on the...
Sulfate ionNot Annotated
LSZ-102LSZ-102 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02734615 (Phase I/Ib Trial of LSZ102 Single Agent or LSZ102 + LEE011 or LSZ102 + BYL719 in ER+ Breast Cancers).
GC-376 free acidGC-376 is a 3C-like protease (3CLpro or Mpro) inhibitor that stops the cleavage and activation of functional viral proteins required for replication and transcription in host cells . The compound...
FirsocostatFirsocostat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02781584 (Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Selonsertib, Firsocostat, and Cilofexor in Adults With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)).
VicagrelVicagrel is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03599284 (The Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetic of Antiplatelet Therapy for Vicagrel).
RazuprotafibRazuprotafib, also known as AKB-9778, is a small-molecule inhibitor restoring Tie2 activation by inhibiting VE-PTP.[L27171,L27176] In investigations against diabetes and COVID-19, razuprotafib is self-administered by patients through subcutaneous injection.
TerevalefimTerevalefim is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02474667 (Reduce the Severity of DGF in Recipients of a Deceased Donor Kidney).
Calcium acetateA phosphate binder used in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) to prevent elevated phosphate levels and resulting ectopic calcification and secondary hyperparathyroidism.
ArgatrobanA synthetic direct thrombin inhibitor used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis related to heparin use.
LoracarbefUsed to treat upper respiratory tract bacterial infections, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, pharyntitis and tonsillitis, skin absceses, urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis caused by E. coli, S. pyogenes, S. aureus,...
MontelukastA leukotriene receptor antagonist used as part of an asthma therapy regimen, to prevent exercise induced bronchoconstriction, and to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis.
TipranavirA protease inhibitor used to treat HIV-1 resistant to more than 1 protease inhibitor.
(Rp)-cAMPSNot Available
Hexadecanesulfonyl fluorideNot Available
4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acidNot Available
SelenocysteineA naturally occurring amino acid in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. It is found in tRNAs and in the catalytic site of some enzymes. The genes for glutathione peroxidase and...
Cysteine-S-acetamideNot Available
Benzylsulfonic acidNot Available
L-cysteic acidL-cysteic acid is a beta-sulfoalanine. It is an amino acid with a C-terminal sulfonic acid group which has been isolated from human hair oxidized with permanganate. It occurs normally in...
N-phenylthioureaNot Available
L-methionine sulfoneNot Available
HomocysteineHomocysteine is a thiol-containing amino acid formed by a demethylation of methionine.
8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acidNot Available
S-BenzylcysteineNot Available
INCB13739Investigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2 and diabetes prevention.
SLV319Investigated for use/treatment in obesity.
NGX267Investigated for use/treatment in alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders.
CYC116Advanced solid tumors
XL765For the treatment of various forms of cancer.
Actelion-1Investigated for use/treatment in cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, and pulmonary hypertension.
TBC-3711Investigated for use/treatment in congestive heart failure, hypertension, and pulmonary hypertension.
CardarineInvestigated for use/treatment in hyperlipidemia.
NOX-700Investigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus (type 2).
CustirsenInvestigated for use/treatment in brain cancer and breast cancer.
AMG-131Investigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2.
KW-7158Investigated for use/treatment in urinary incontinence.
NaluzotanInvestigated for use/treatment in anxiety disorders and depression.
BL-1020Investigated for use/treatment in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders.
TrabedersenInvestigated for use/treatment in brain cancer, colorectal cancer, melanoma, and pancreatic cancer.
ElesclomolInvestigated for use/treatment in melanoma.
CefilavancinInvestigated for use/treatment in bacterial infection, skin infections/disorders, and staph bacterial infections.
AlethineInvestigated for use/treatment in blood (blood forming organ disorders, unspecified), lymphoma (unspecified), and multiple myeloma.
LaromustineInvestigated for use/treatment in brain cancer, cancer/tumors (unspecified), colorectal cancer, leukemia (lymphoid), leukemia (myeloid), lung cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome, pediatric indications, and solid tumors.
CLX-0921Investigated for use/treatment in diabetes mellitus type 2.
CiluprevirInvestigated for use/treatment in hepatitis (viral, C).
UC-781Investigated for use/treatment in HIV infection.
ResatorvidInvestigated for use/treatment in sepsis and septicemia.
VarlitinibInvestigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified).
SNS-032Investigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified), leukemia (unspecified), lymphoma (unspecified), multiple myeloma, and solid tumors.
FilanesibInvestigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified).
SNS-314Investigated for use/treatment in solid tumors.
AprinocarsenInvestigated for use/treatment in lung cancer.
CariporideInvestigated for use/treatment in cardiac surgery.
ClomethiazoleInvestigated for use/treatment in strokes.
RepinotanInvestigated for use/treatment in strokes, cerebral ischemia, and depression.
PLX-4720Not Available
LidorestatNot Available
SKF-91488Not Available
GW-590735Not Available
GW-813893Not Available
CGS-27023Not Available
H-89Not Available
ThiaclopridNot Available
IsothipendylA 1st generation histamine H1 antagonist primarily applied topically as an antipruritic.
MetiamidePotential in the treatment and the management of acid-reflux disorders (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, heartburn, and acid indigestion.
Taurochenodeoxycholic acidTaurochenodeoxycholic acid is likely indicated as a choleretic and cholagogue. It is also being investigated for its role in inflammation and cancer therapy.
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidThe taurine conjugate of ursodeoxycholic acid with antiapoptotic and ER stress response dampening effects used in some countries to treat gallstones. It is also being investigated for a wide variety of other conditions.
ArticaineA local anesthetic used for inducing local, infiltrative, or conductive anesthesia in both simple and complex dental procedures.
CefminoxCefminox (INN) is a second generation cephalosporin antibiotic. It is approved for use in Japan.
ParitaprevirA direct acting antiviral agent used in combination with other antiviral agents for the treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections.
GrazoprevirAn antiviral and NS3/4A protease inhibitor used to treat hepatitis C infections.
CenicrivirocCenicriviroc has been used in trials studying the treatment of HIV-infection/AIDS, AIDS Dementia Complex, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and HIV-1-Associated Cognitive Motor Complex.
VaniprevirVaniprevir has been used in trials studying the treatment and diagnostic of Hepatitis C, Chronic Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C, Chronic, Chronic Hepatitis C Infection, and Chronic Genotype 1 Hepatitis C...
TeneligliptinTeneligliptin has been investigated for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
AZD-1236AZD1236 has been used in trials studying the basic science and treatment of Cystic Fibrosis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
IlaprazoleIlaprazole has been investigated in Helicobacter Infections.
LetaxabanLetaxaban has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Venous Thromboembolism and Acute Coronary Syndrome.
SetrobuvirSetrobuvir has been used in trials studying the treatment of Hepatitis C, Chronic.
MK-0767MK0767 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Dyslipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, and Diabetes Mellitus, Type II, among others.
T-900607T900607 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Liver Cancer and Gastric Cancer.
LCL-161LCL161 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Leukemia, Neoplasms, Solid Tumors, Breast Cancer, and Ovarian Cancer, among others.
DevimistatDevimistat (CPI-613) has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cancer, Lymphoma, Solid Tumors, Advanced Cancer, and Pancreatic Cancer, among others.
ElubrixinElubrixin has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis, Colitis, Ulcerative, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
GSK-256066Gsk256066 has been used in trials studying the treatment and diagnostic of SAR, Asthma, Mild Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, and Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, among others.
RigosertibRigosertib has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of MDS, RAEB, Cancer, Hepatoma, and Neoplasms, among others.
BucillamineBucillamine has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Gout and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
PresatovirPresatovir has been used in trials studying the treatment of RSV Infection, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infections.
DalcetrapibDalcetrapib is under investigation for the treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome.
AuricloseneAuriclosene has been used in trials studying the treatment of Impetigo, Bacterial Conjunctivitis, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, and Adenoviral Conjunctivitis.
Oxothiazolidinecarboxylic acidProcysteine has been used in trials studying the treatment of HIV Infections.
CerlapirdineCerlapirdine has been investigated for the treatment of Alzheimer Disease.
IguratimodIguratimod is under investigation in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
GW-274150GW274150 has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Asthma, Migraine, Migraine Disorders, and Arthritis, Rheumatoid.
ABT-751ABT-751 has been investigated for the treatment of Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
VidupiprantVidupiprant has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Asthma.
LY-2608204LY2608204 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2.
NavitoclaxNavitoclax has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Solid Tumors, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, EGFR Activating Mutation, Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia, and Hematological Malignancies, among others. Navitoclax is...
MBX-2982MBX-2982 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Diabetes.
5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiolATT has been investigated in Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
ImrecoxibImrecoxib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis.
ApricoxibApricoxib has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer, among others.
R-306465R306465 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Neoplasms.
ResminostatResminostat has been used in trials studying the treatment of Sezary Syndrome, Mycosis fungoides, Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Lymphoma, T-Cell, Cutaneous, among others.
PolmacoxibPolmacoxib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Hip, Osteoarthritis, Knee, Localized Primary Osteoarthritis of Hip, and Localized Primary Osteoarthritis of Knee.
VoxtalisibVoxtalisib has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cancer, Melanoma, Lymphoma, Glioblastoma, and Breast Cancer, among others.
SaccharinA non-nutritive artificial sweetener for sweetening foods and drinks.
SulforaphaneSulforaphane is under investigation for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a naturally occurring isothiocyanate found in high concentration in a variety of broccoli.
BitopertinBitopertin has been used in trials studying the treatment of Schizophrenia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
AcotiamideAcotiamide has been used in trials studying the treatment of Dyspepsia and Functional Dyspepsia.
ElobixibatElobixibat has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Dyslipidemia, Constipation, Chronic Constipation, Functional Constipation, and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation.
FasiglifamFasiglifam has been used in trials studying the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2.
AlagebriumAlagebrium has been investigated for the treatment and prevention of Aging, Heart Failure, Physical Activity, Diabetic Nephropathy, and Cardiovascular Disease, among others.
E-7820E7820 has been investigated for the treatment of Colon Cancer and Rectal Cancer.
GSK-356278Gsk356278 has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Anxiety Disorders, Huntington Disease, Depressive Disorder, Huntingtons Disease, and Depressive Disorder, Major, among others.
SparsentanAn endothelin and angiotensin II receptor antagonist indicated to reduce proteinuria in adults with primary immunoglobulin A nephropathy at risk of rapid disease progression.
MK-5108MK-5108 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Cancer, Neoplasms, Tumors.
ReparixinReparixin has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Breast Cancer, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Pancreatectomy for Chronic Pancreatitis, Islet Transplantation in Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, and Pancreatic...
TaprenepagTaprenepag has been used in trials studying the treatment of Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma, Open-Angle.
IbipinabantIbipinabant has been used in trials studying the treatment of Obesity and Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.
IntepirdineIntepirdine has been used in trials studying the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Phenethyl IsothiocyanatePhenethyl Isothiocyanate has been used in trials studying the prevention and treatment of Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Tobacco Use Disorder, and Lymphoproliferative Disorders.
MethylselenocysteineMethylselenocysteine has been used in trials studying the prevention of Prostate Carcinoma and No Evidence of Disease.
OmipalisibOmipalisib has been used in trials studying the treatment of CANCER, Solid Tumours, and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
MibampatorMibampator has been used in trials studying the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
ASP-3026ASP3026 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Solid Tumor, B-Cell Lymphoma, Advanced Malignancies, Positive for Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase, and Positive for Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase ROS.
AmuvatinibAmuvatinib is a selective multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that suppresses c-MET, c-RET and the mutant forms of c-KIT, PDGFR and FLT3. Amuvatinib also suppresses Rad51 protein, a critical component of...
TAK-901TAK-901 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Lymphoma, Myelofibrosis, Multiple Myeloma, Myeloid Metaplasia, and Advanced Solid Tumors, among others.
BalaglitazoneBalaglitazone has been used in trials studying the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2.
CMX-2043CMX-2043 has been used in trials studying the treatment and prevention of Non STEMI, Unstable Angina, Stable Coronary Artery Disease, and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
CHF-6001CHF6001 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
AtaciguatAtaciguat has been investigated for the basic science of Aortic Valve Stenosis.
AmithiozoneAmithiozone has been used in trials studying the treatment of Mycobacterium Avium-intracellulare Infection.
SivelestatSivelestat has been used in trials studying the treatment of Acute Lung Injury and Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult.
Buthionine sulfoximineButhionine sulfoximine has been used in trials studying the treatment of Neuroblastoma and Melanoma (Skin).
OlitigaltinOlitigaltin has been investigated for the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
ChlorsulfaquinoxalineChlorsulfaquinoxaline has been used in trials studying the treatment of Lung Cancer and Colorectal Cancer.
ProthipendylA neuroleptic agent indicated in the treatment of restlessness and agitation in patients with underlying psychiatric conditions.
RamatrobanRamatroban has been used in trials studying the treatment of Asthma.
FenoverineA phenothiazine based anti-spasmodic agent indicated in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
CH-5132799CH5132799 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Solid Tumors.
UpamostatUpamostat has been used in trials studying the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer.
Methanesulfonyl FluorideMethanesulfonyl Fluoride has been used in trials studying the treatment of Safety.
LY-2811376LY2811376 has been used in trials studying the basic science of Alzheimer's Disease.
DeferitazoleDeferitazole is an iron chelator. It has been used in trials studying the treatment and basic science of Beta-thalassemia, Hepatic Impairment, Impaired Renal Function, Transfusional Iron Overload, and Iron Overload...
AGN-201904Agn 201904 has been used in trials studying the prevention of Peptic Ulcer.
RipasudilA rho kinase inhibitor indicated to treat ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma.
FentiazacNot Annotated
StibophenStibophen is used in the treatment of schistosomiasis, a disease of parasitic flatworms.
TropatepineTropatepine has been used in France for its antiparkinsons activities .
PenimepicyclinePenimepicycline is a tetracycline-class antibiotic. It is mentioned on List A produced by the Government of Canada, which is a list of antimicrobial active pharmaceutical ingredients . In the classification...
CefatrizineNot Annotated
SulfaisodimidineSulfaisodimidine also called sulfisomidine is an antibacterial product that has been studied for the treatment of urinary tract infections in the 1950s, however, it is unclear whether this drug has...
MethiodalNot Annotated
MannosulfanNot Annotated
MesulfenNot Annotated
TolciclateNot Annotated
ChlorproethazineNot Annotated
MefrusideNot Annotated
CarbutamideNot Annotated
SulbutiamineA thiamine derivative indicated in the treatment of asthenia.
ThiazinamNot Annotated
MebutizideNot Annotated
CefodizimeA broad-spectrum, third-generation cephalosporin used to treat serious infections caused by susceptible bacteria.
Antimony pentasulfideNot Annotated
EtamsylateA hemostatic agent that acts by restoring capillary resistance and improving platelet adhesion.
CefsulodinNot Annotated
CefetametNot Annotated
CarfecillinNot Annotated
Dobesilic acidA medication indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency, and other microangiopathies.
SulfatolamideNot Annotated
CarumonamNot Annotated
ThiopropazateNot Annotated
SuccinylsulfathiazoleNot Annotated
TiclatoneNot Annotated
ClorexoloneNot Annotated
CefbuperazoneNot Annotated
MetisazoneNot Annotated
EthacizineNot Annotated
PropicillinNot Annotated
NiridazoleNot Annotated
CefozopranNot Annotated
OxantelAn antihelminthic indicated in the treatment of ascaris, trichocephaliasis, and oxyuriasis infections.
MetahexamideNot Annotated
SulbenicillinNot Annotated
SulfathioureaNot Annotated
SulfaguanidineNot Annotated
DexrabeprazoleA proton pump inhibitor indicated in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and gastrointestinal ulcers.
AurotioprolNot Annotated
SulfamethoxypyridazineA sulphonamide antibiotic indicated in the treatment of gonorrhea, inflammation, urinary tract ulcers, and bronchitis.
CefazedoneNot Annotated
DixyrazineNot Annotated
ClopamideClopamide is an oral diuretic agent with antihypertensive activity. Like thiazide diuretics, it has an aromatic sulfonamide base but with no double-ring structure.
XipamideA diuretic indicated in the treatment of edema.
OblimersenNot Annotated
TalampicillinNot Annotated
OxomemazineA phenothiazine derivative antihistamine indicated in the treatment of allergies.
CeftezoleNot Annotated
ClopenthixolClopenthixol is a thioxanthene with therapeutic actions similar to the phenothiazine antipsychotics. It is an antagonist at D1 and D2 dopamine receptors.
SB-269970SB-269970 is an experimental drug developed by GlaxoSmithKline. In the studies performed with this agent, it has been suggested that SB-269970 acts either as a selective antagonist or inverse agonist...
Thiosalicylic acidNot Annotated
DarglitazoneNot Annotated
EnglitazoneEnglitazone is a hypoglycemic agent.
SC-236SC-236 is a potent, selective, orally active inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) that has been studied in cancer therapy , lower back pain , and inflammation , , , .
NS-398NS-398 is a COX-2 inhibitor. It was developed as part of the mechanistic study of the cyclooxygenases.
HycanthonePotentially toxic, but effective antischistosomal agent, it is a metabolite of LUCANTHONE. Hycanthone was approved by the FDA in 1975 but is no longer used.
Dimercaptosuccinic acidNot Annotated
Dimethyl sulfoneNot Annotated
Methionine sulfoximineNot Annotated
7-Aminodesacetoxycephalosporanic acidNot Annotated
Ditiocarb zincDitiocarb Zinc is approved for use within allergenic epicutaneous patch tests which are indicated for use as an aid in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) in persons 6...
Acetylcysteine zincNot Available
ElsulfavirineElsulfavirine is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03706898 (Study to Evaluate the Safety and PK of Elpida® in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Hepatic Impairment and to Assess the Impact...
AbrocitinibA kinase inhibitor used to treat moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adults.
PadsevonilPadsevonil is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03695094 (A Study in Participants With Epilepsy, to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability of Oxcarbazepine on Padsevonil).
LeriglitazoneLeriglitazone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03917225 (A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of MIN-102 on the Progression of Friedreich's Ataxia in Male and Female Patients).
ApararenoneApararenone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02531568 (Drug Interaction Study of Warfarin and MT-3995).
GefapixantA P2X3 receptor antagonist that reduces the cough reflex in patients with refractory or unexplained chronic cough.
PF-06751979PF-06751979 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03126721 (The Study is to Evaluate the Effect of Multiple Doses PF-06751979 on the Pharmacokinetics of Midazolam in Healthy Adults).
SurufatinibSurufatinib is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02588170 (Phase III Study of Surufatinib in Treating Advanced Extrapancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors).
Tipranavir C-14Tipranavir C-14 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02253797 (Pharmacokinetics of Tipranavir/Ritonavir and Its Metabolites in Healthy Male Subjects).
ZiresovirZiresovir is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03699202 (Anti-RSV Study in Chinese Patients (ASCENT)).
AtabecestatAtabecestat is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02211079 (A Study to Assess Effect of JNJ-54861911 on Pharmacokinetics of Cocktail Representatives for Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, and CYP1A2 Substrates).
TMC-310911TMC-310911 (also known as ASC-09) is a novel investigational protease inhibitor (PI) that is structurally similar to the currently available darunavir. It is being investigated for use in HIV-1 infections....
HalicinNot Annotated
DostarlimabAn anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of mismatch repair deficient endometrial cancers and solid tumours with no alternative treatment options.
FasitibantFasitibant is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02205814 (Fasitibant Intra-articular Injection in Patients With Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee).
FezolinetantA non-hormonal drug used to treat moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause.
BaloxavirBaloxavir is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04327791 (Combination Therapy With Baloxavir and Oseltamavir 1 for Hospitalized Patients With Influenza (The COMBO Trial 1)).
Sulbactam pivoxilA prodrug of a beta-lactamase inhibitor used to improve the efficacy of beta lactam antibiotics
DesmeninolAn amino acid derivative indicated in the management of balanced protein metabolism in patients with renal dysfunction.
Potassium metabisulfiteNot Annotated
Sodium metabisulfiteAn ingredient used in products to treat dehydration and replace electrolytes.
ButhiazideA diuretic indicated in the treatment of edema caused by congestive heart failure, as well as hepatic and renal diseases.
Piroxicam cinnamateAn anti-inflammatory drug indicated to treat pain and inflammation.
MethylisothiazolinoneNot Annotated
Thiamine disulfideA B-vitamin indicated to treat neurological conditions caused by B vitamin deficiency.
ThioctamideAn ingredient in nutritional products for liver health.
2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acidNot Annotated
ClorotepineNot Annotated
Gold sodium thiosulfateNot Annotated
SulfametroleAn antibiotic indicated in combination intravenous products for various bacterial infections.
ParathiazineNot Annotated
Garlic oilNot Annotated
MonophosphothiamineA B vitamin for supplementation to treat macrocytic anemia, and other conditions caused by B vitamin deficiencies.
AzemiglitazoneAzemiglitazone is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01280695 (A Randomized, Double-blind, Comparator- and Placebo-controlled, Multiple-dose Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Three Dose Levels of MSDC-0602 in...
PLX8394PLX8394 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02428712 (A Study of PLX8394 as a Single Agent in Patients With Advanced Unresectable Solid Tumors).
DU125530DU125530 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01119430 (Fluoxetine Versus Fluoxetine Plus DU125530 in Major Depressive Disorder).
SP-420SP-420 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03801889 (SP-420 in Subjects With Transfusion-dependent Beta-thalassemia or Other Rare Anemias).
APG-1387APG-1387 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04568265 (A Clinical Study of APG-1387 in Combination With Entecavir in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B).
BatabulinBatabulin is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00057382 (T138067 Versus Doxorubicin in Chemotherapy-naive, Unresectable, Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients).
TAK-715TAK-715 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00760864 (Safety and Efficacy of TAK-715 in Subjects With Rheumatoid Arthritis).
HIV Integrase InhibitorHIV Integrase Inhibitor is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00397566 (A Multiple Ascending Dose Study of BMS-707035 in HIV-1 Infected Subjects).
CapadenosonCapadenoson is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00518921 (Capadenoson in Angina Pectoris).
DapansutrileDapansutrile is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01768975 (Phase 2 Efficacy Trial of OLT1177 Gel in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Pain Associated With OA of the Knee).
DeferitrinDeferitrin is under investigation in clinical trial NCT00069862 (Iron Balance Study of DFO and GT56-252 in Patients With Transfusional Iron Overload Secondary to Beta-thalassemia).
EbopiprantEbopiprant is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03369262 (Poc Study of OBE022 in Threatened Preterm Labour).
LadarixinLadarixin is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04628481 (A Study of Oral Ladarixin in New-onset Type 1 Diabetes and a Low Residual Β-Cell Function).
DovramilastDovramilast is under investigation in clinical trial NCT01300208 (To Evaluate the Preliminary Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Efficacy of CC-11050 in Subjects With Discoid Lupus Erythematosus and Subacute Cutaneous Lupus...
GSK-2981278GSK-2981278 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03004846 (A Study of GSK2981278 Ointment in Subjects With Plaque Psoriasis).
Sulfur dioxideNot Annotated
BenzoyloxymethylthiamineNot Annotated
IvarmacitinibA selective JAK1 inhibitor under investigation for the treatment of immuno-inflammatory diseases.
S-49076Not Annotated
AZD-5069Not Annotated
Benzyl isothiocyanateNot Annotated
AcesulfameNot Annotated
HEPESNot Annotated
AmpiroxicamNot Annotated
Hydromethylthionine mesylateNot Annotated
AF-710BNot Annotated
Copper(II) dithiosemicarbazoneNot Annotated
MRK-003MRK-003 is a potent and selective γ-secretase inhibitor developed by Merck. It is the preclinical analog of MK-0752, a drug in clinical development.
ABT-737An inhibitor of members of the Bcl‑2 family of apoptosis regulators.
PIK-75PIK-75 is a preferential p110 alpha/gamma PI3K inhibitor.
TPCA-1TPCA-1 is a selective inhibitor of human IκB kinase 2 (IKK-2).
Lansoprazole sulfoneNot Annotated
RedaporfinNot Available
DisufentonNot Annotated
p-ToluenesulfonamideNot Available
BorocaptateNot Available
BioymifiBioymifi is a small molecule that acts as a tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-induced ligand (TRAIL) mimetic. Upon binding to the death receptor 5 (DR5) on cancer cells, bioymifi triggers apoptosis,...
TTI-101Not Annotated
DarapladibInvestigated for use/treatment in atherosclerosis.
PF-03715455PF-03715455 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Asthma, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
PCI-27483PCI-27483 has been used in trials studying the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer, Ductal Adrenocarcinoma, and Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer.
UmifenovirA dual direct-acting antiviral/host-targeting agent used in the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza and other respiratory viruses.
RO-6870810RO-6870810 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02308761 (A Study of RO6870810/TEN-010 in Participants With Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome).
MaralixibatAn ileal bile acid transporter inhibitor indicated to treat cholestatic pruritus in patients with Alagille syndrome.
TAK-418 free baseNot Annotated
ErgothioneineNot Annotated
PhosphocysteamineNot Annotated
AjoeneNot Annotated
K-777Not Annotated
NacystelynNot Annotated
S-NitrosoglutathioneNot Annotated
Isoindolin-1,3-DithioneNot Annotated
PravibismaneNot Annotated
LotilanerAn antiparasitic agent used to treat Demodex blepharitis.
LJ-2698Not Annotated
BuloxibutidNot Annotated
AUM-302Not Annotated
2'-deoxythioguanosineNot Annotated
MocravimodNot Annotated
IndralinNot Annotated
VLX-1005Not Annotated
KUS-121 free acidNot Annotated
CrinecerfontNot Annotated
BMS-986141BMS-986141 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02985632 (A Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics of BMS-986141 in Participants With Hepatic Impairment Compared to Healthy Participants).
TovorafenibA type II RAF inhibitor used to treat pediatric low-grade glioma with BRAF gene mutations.
DanavorextonNot Annotated
Tetradecylthioacetic acidNot Available
SLC-0111Not Available
DrinabantInvestigated for use/treatment in alzheimer's disease, obesity, and schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders.
ORC-13661ORC-13661 is under investigation in clinical trial NCT05730283 (Prevention of Ototoxicity in NTM Patients Treated With IV Amikacin).
Cefetamet pivoxilCefetamet pivoxil is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04664803 (Safety and Efficacy of Cefecin Tab. in Patients With Acute Sinusitis).
Drugs & Drug Targets
AdemetionineGlycine N-methyltransferasetarget
AdemetionineS-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzymetarget
AdemetionineS-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-2target
AdemetionineCystathionine beta-synthasetarget
AdemetionineS-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1target
AdemetionineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
AdemetionineCatechol O-methyltransferasetarget
AdemetionineSpermidine synthaseenzyme
AdemetionineCap-specific mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase 1target
AdemetionineArsenite methyltransferasetarget
MethionineMethionine synthase reductasetarget
MethionineMethionine synthasetarget
MethionineMethionine aminopeptidase 2target
MethionineBetaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1target
MethionineS-methylmethionine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase BHMT2target
MethionineGlutamine synthetaseenzyme
MethionineMethylenetetrahydrofolate reductaseenzyme
MethionineMonocarboxylate transporter 10transporter
MethionineS-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-2enzyme
MethionineMethionine-R-sulfoxide reductase B2, mitochondrialenzyme
MethionineS-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-1enzyme
MethionineMethionine-R-sulfoxide reductase B1enzyme
MethionineMitochondrial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductaseenzyme
MethionineMethionine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmicenzyme
MethionineMethionine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrialenzyme
MethionineMethionine adenosyltransferase 2 subunit betaenzyme
MethionineS-methylmethionine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase BHMT2enzyme
CystineCystine/glutamate transportertarget
CystineMonocarboxylate transporter 10transporter
CystineB(0,+)-type amino acid transporter 1transporter
CystineNeutral and basic amino acid transport protein rBATtransporter
CysteineCysteine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmictarget
CysteineGlutamate--cysteine ligase regulatory subunittarget
CysteineGlutamate--cysteine ligase catalytic subunittarget
CysteineAspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmictarget
CysteineCystathionine gamma-lyasetarget
CysteineCystathionine beta-synthasetarget
CysteineCysteine dioxygenase type 1target
CysteineMethylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferasetarget
CysteineGlutathione synthetasetarget
CysteineProbable cysteine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrialtarget
CysteineCysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylasetarget
CysteineCysteine desulfurase, mitochondrialtarget
CysteineMonocarboxylate transporter 10transporter
CysteineAspartate aminotransferase, mitochondrialtarget
ThiamineThiamin pyrophosphokinase 1target
ThiamineSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
ThiamineSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
ThiamineSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
ThiamineCytochrome P450 4B1enzyme
ThiamineThiamine transporter 1transporter
ThiamineThiamine transporter 2transporter
ThiamineThiamin pyrophosphokinase 1enzyme
ThiamineEctonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5enzyme
ThiamineSerum albumincarrier
Lipoic acidLipoyltransferase 1, mitochondrialtarget
Lipoic acidSodium-dependent multivitamin transportertarget
Lipoic acidLipoyl synthase, mitochondrialtarget
Lipoic acidNADPH--cytochrome P450 reductaseenzyme
CevimelineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
CevimelineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
CevimelineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CevimelineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
CevimelineDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 1enzyme
TroglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
TroglitazoneLong-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 4target
TroglitazonePlasminogen activator inhibitor 1target
TroglitazoneEquilibrative nucleoside transporter 1target
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
TroglitazoneBile salt export pumptransporter
TroglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
TroglitazoneEstrogen-related receptor gammatarget
TroglitazoneSteroid hormone receptor ERR1target
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 19A1enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
TroglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-4enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-6enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-7enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-8enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-10enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
TroglitazoneUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15enzyme
TroglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor deltatarget
TroglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
TroglitazoneGlutathione S-transferase Ptarget
SildenafilcGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterasetarget
SildenafilCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SildenafilRetinal rod rhodopsin-sensitive cGMP 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit gammatarget
SildenafilRetinal cone rhodopsin-sensitive cGMP 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit gammatarget
SildenafilCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SildenafilCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
SildenafilCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
SildenafilMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
SildenafilMultidrug resistance-associated protein 5transporter
SildenafilMultidrug resistance-associated protein 7transporter
SildenafilCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
SildenafilCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
SildenafilCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
SildenafilSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
SildenafilP-glycoprotein 1transporter
SildenafilOrnithine decarboxylasetarget
SildenafilProgrammed cell death 1 ligand 1target
DofetilidePotassium channel subfamily K member 2target
DofetilidePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2target
DofetilideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 12target
DofetilideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DofetilideSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
TiclopidineP2Y purinoceptor 12target
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
TiclopidineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
PantoprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
PantoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
PantoprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PantoprazoleP-glycoprotein 1transporter
PantoprazoleATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
PantoprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
PantoprazoleN(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1target
TorasemideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
TorasemideCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
TorasemideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TorasemideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
TorasemideSolute carrier family 12 member 2target
TorasemideSerum albumincarrier
GlimepirideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 1target
GlimepirideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11target
GlimepirideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
GlimepirideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
GlimepirideBile salt export pumptransporter
CefotiamPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefotiamSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefotiamSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
MethyclothiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
MethyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
MethyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
MethyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
ZiprasidoneAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
ZiprasidoneDopamine D2 receptortarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
ZiprasidoneDopamine D3 receptortarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Dtarget
ZiprasidoneHistamine H1 receptortarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ZiprasidoneDopamine D4 receptortarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
ZiprasidoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ZiprasidoneAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
ZiprasidoneAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
ZiprasidoneAlpha-2B adrenergic receptortarget
ZiprasidoneAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
ZiprasidoneDopamine D1 receptortarget
ZiprasidoneDopamine D5 receptortarget
ZiprasidoneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
ZiprasidoneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
ZiprasidoneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
ZiprasidoneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4target
ZiprasidoneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5target
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Etarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6target
ZiprasidoneAldehyde oxidaseenzyme
ZiprasidoneSerum albumincarrier
ZiprasidoneP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ZiprasidoneAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine 3 receptortarget
Ziprasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5Atarget
DapsoneInactive dihydropteroate synthase 2target
DapsoneDihydropteroate synthase 1target
DapsoneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DapsoneDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3enzyme
DapsoneProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
DapsoneProstaglandin G/H synthase 2enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
DapsoneArylamine N-acetyltransferase 2enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
DapsoneCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
SulfanilamideDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfisoxazoleDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfisoxazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CefmenoximePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefmenoximePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefmetazolePenicillin binding protein 2atarget
CefmetazoleSerum albumincarrier
CefmetazoleSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefmetazoleSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefmetazolePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefmetazolePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefmetazolePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefmetazoleD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacAtarget
CefmetazoleD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
RaltitrexedThymidylate synthasetarget
RaltitrexedFolylpolyglutamate synthase, mitochondrialtarget
FlucloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
FlucloxacillinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
FlucloxacillinBile salt export pumptransporter
ErtapenemPenicillin-binding protein 2target
ErtapenemPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
ErtapenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
ErtapenemD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
ErtapenemD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
ErtapenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
ErtapenemPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
ErtapenemPenicillin-binding protein 2target
ErtapenemSerum albumincarrier
ErtapenemDipeptidase 1enzyme
IbutilidePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 6target
IbutilideVoltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit beta-1target
IbutilideVoltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-1 subunittarget
IbutilideVoltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1target
IbutilidePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2target
IbutilideVoltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1Ctarget
IbutilidePotassium channel subfamily K member 1target
IbutilidePotassium channel subfamily K member 6target
IbutilideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11target
IbutilidePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 7target
ChlorthalidoneSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
ChlorthalidoneSerum albumincarrier
ChlorthalidoneCarbonic anhydrase 1target
EthoxzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
EthoxzolamideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
EthoxzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
EthoxzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
EthoxzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
EthoxzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
PiperacillinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
PiperacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
PiperacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
PiperacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
PiperacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
PiperacillinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
OmeprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
OmeprazoleCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
OmeprazoleP-glycoprotein 1transporter
OmeprazoleATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 1B1enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
OmeprazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
OmeprazoleAryl hydrocarbon receptortarget
MetixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptortarget
AztreonamPenicillin-binding protein 3target
AztreonamBeta-lactamase Toho-1target
SulfadiazineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SulfadiazineDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
SulfadiazineCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
SulfadiazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SucralfatePepsin A-5target
SucralfatePro-epidermal growth factortarget
SucralfateFibroblast growth factor 2target
ThiethylperazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
ProfenamineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 3Atarget
ProfenamineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
ProfenamineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
RosiglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
RosiglitazoneLong-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 4target
RosiglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
RosiglitazoneProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
RosiglitazoneSerum albumincarrier
RosiglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
RosiglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor deltatarget
RosiglitazoneRetinoic acid receptor RXR-alphatarget
RosiglitazoneRetinoic acid receptor RXR-betatarget
RosiglitazoneRetinoic acid receptor RXR-gammatarget
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RosiglitazoneBile salt export pumptransporter
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
RosiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
RosiglitazoneSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
PramipexoleDopamine D3 receptortarget
PramipexoleDopamine D4 receptortarget
PramipexoleDopamine D2 receptortarget
Pramipexole5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
PramipexoleAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
PramipexoleSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
PramipexoleSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
PramipexoleSolute carrier family 22 member 3transporter
AcetohexamideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 1target
AcetohexamideCarbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1enzyme
AcetohexamideSerum albumincarrier
AcetohexamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AmpicillinSerum albumincarrier
AmpicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
AmpicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
AmpicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
AmpicillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
AmpicillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
AmpicillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
AmpicillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
AmpicillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
AmpicillinMonocarboxylate transporter 1transporter
AmpicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
AmpicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2target
AmpicillinAngiopoietin-1 receptortarget
PhenoxymethylpenicillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
PhenoxymethylpenicillinMecA PBP2' (penicillin binding protein 2')target
PhenoxymethylpenicillinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
PhenoxymethylpenicillinPenicillin acylasetarget
PhenoxymethylpenicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
PromazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Promazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Promazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
PromazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
PromazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
PromazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
PromazineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
PromazineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
PromazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PromazineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
PromazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
CefpiramidePenicillin binding protein 2atarget
CefpiramideSerum albumincarrier
CefpiramidePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefpiramidePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefpiramidePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefpiramidePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefpiramideD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
CefpiramidePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
ProchlorperazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
ProchlorperazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ProchlorperazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
ProchlorperazineAlpha-1 adrenergic receptorstarget
ProchlorperazineAlpha-2 adrenergic receptorstarget
BendroflumethiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
BendroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
BendroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
BendroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
BendroflumethiazideCalcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1target
BendroflumethiazideThiopurine S-methyltransferaseenzyme
CeftazidimeSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CeftazidimePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CeftazidimePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CeftazidimePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CeftazidimePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CeftazidimeSerum albumincarrier
CeftazidimeBeta-lactamase Toho-1target
LansoprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
LansoprazoleP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LansoprazoleATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 1B1enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
LansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
LansoprazoleMicrotubule-associated protein tautarget
LansoprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
LansoprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
LansoprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
LansoprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 3transporter
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefalotinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidasetarget
CefalotinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CefalotinSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
CefalotinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
CefalotinSerum albumincarrier
Sodium tetradecyl sulfateVitamin K-dependent protein Ctarget
Sodium tetradecyl sulfateVitamin K-dependent protein Starget
TenoxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
TenoxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
TenoxicamCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TenoxicamSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
DuloxetineSodium-dependent serotonin transportertarget
DuloxetineSodium-dependent dopamine transportertarget
DuloxetineSodium-dependent noradrenaline transportertarget
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DuloxetineSerum albumincarrier
Duloxetinealpha1-acid glycoproteincarrier
DuloxetineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
DuloxetineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ChlorpromazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ChlorpromazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ChlorpromazineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ChlorpromazineSerum albumincarrier
ChlorpromazineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ChlorpromazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
ChlorpromazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
ChlorpromazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
ChlorpromazineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
ChlorpromazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ChlorpromazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
ChlorpromazinePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2target
ChlorpromazineD(1) dopamine receptortarget
ChlorpromazineDopamine D3 receptortarget
ChlorpromazineDopamine D4 receptortarget
ChlorpromazineDopamine D5 receptortarget
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine 2 receptortarget
ChlorpromazineAlpha-1 adrenergic receptorstarget
ChlorpromazineAlpha-2 adrenergic receptorstarget
ChlorpromazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
ChlorpromazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
ChlorpromazineSphingomyelin phosphodiesterasetarget
Chlorpromazinealpha1-acid glycoproteintarget
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6target
Chlorpromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
ChlorpromazineHistamine H4 receptortarget
ChlorpromazineBile salt export pumptransporter
CelecoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
Celecoxib3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1target
CelecoxibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CelecoxibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
CelecoxibMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
CelecoxibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CelecoxibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
CelecoxibCarbonic anhydrase 2target
CelecoxibCarbonic anhydrase 3target
CelecoxibBile salt export pumptransporter
CelecoxibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
CelecoxibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
CelecoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2enzyme
DicloxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
DicloxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
DicloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
DicloxacillinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DicloxacillinSerum albumincarrier
CefotaximePenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
CefotaximePenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
CefotaximePenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
CefotaximePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefotaximePenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 6target
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 8target
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 11target
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 22 member 7target
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
CefotaximeSerum albumintarget
CefotaximeSolute carrier family 15 member 2target
NitazoxanidePyruvate-flavodoxin oxidoreductasetarget
TriflupromazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
TriflupromazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
TriflupromazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
TriflupromazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
Triflupromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
TriflupromazineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
MetolazoneSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
TolnaftateSqualene monooxygenasetarget
RofecoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
RofecoxibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RofecoxibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
RofecoxibMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
RofecoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
RofecoxibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
RofecoxibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CefdinirPenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefdinirSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CefdinirSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefdinirSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefdinirSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefdinirSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefdinirPeptidoglycan transpeptidasetarget
ZafirlukastCysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1target
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
ZafirlukastProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ZafirlukastATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
ZafirlukastCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ZafirlukastSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
PiroxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
PiroxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
PiroxicamSerum albumincarrier
PiroxicamCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
PiroxicamSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
PiroxicamSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
PiroxicamSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
PiroxicamCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PiroxicamSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
BosentanEndothelin B receptortarget
BosentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
BosentanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BosentanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
BosentanBile salt export pumptransporter
BenzthiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrase 9target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrase 12target
BenzthiazideCarbonic anhydrasetarget
CephalexinSerum albumincarrier
CephalexinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CephalexinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CephalexinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CephalexinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CephalexinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CephalexinMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
CephalexinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CephalexinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
CephalexinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
CephalexinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CephalexinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
SulfamethizoleDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfamethizoleSerum albumincarrier
SulfamethizoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CarbenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CarbenicillinPenicillin-binding proteintarget
CarbenicillinCytosolic phospholipase A2enzyme
CarbenicillinBeta-lactamase Toho-1target
ValdecoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
ValdecoxibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
ValdecoxibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ValdecoxibUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
ValdecoxibCarbonic anhydrase 2target
ValdecoxibCarbonic anhydrase 3target
NizatidineHistamine H2 receptortarget
NizatidineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
CinalukastCysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1target
CyclothiazideSodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit gammatarget
CyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
CyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
CyclothiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CyclothiazideSecreted frizzled-related protein 4target
CyclothiazideCarbonic anhydrasetarget
NafcillinCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
NafcillinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
NafcillinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
NafcillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
NafcillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
NafcillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
NafcillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
NafcillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
NafcillinSerum albumincarrier
FluphenazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
FluphenazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
FluphenazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
FluphenazineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
FluphenazineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
FluphenazineAndrogen receptortarget
Fluphenazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Fluphenazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
SulfacetamideDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfacetamideDihydropteroate synthase type-1target
SulfacetamideFolic acid synthesis protein FOL1target
Magnesium sulfateVoltage-dependent L-type calcium channeltarget
AcamprosateMetabotropic glutamate receptor 5target
AcamprosateSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
AcamprosateGlutamate (NMDA) receptortarget
AcamprosateGamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 1target
SulfametopyrazineDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
Sumatriptan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Dtarget
Sumatriptan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
Sumatriptan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Ftarget
SumatriptanAmine oxidase [flavin-containing] Aenzyme
Sumatriptan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
SumatriptanSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
SumatriptanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
SumatriptanATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
SumatriptanSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
CefiximeSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefiximeSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefiximePenicillin-binding proteintarget
CefiximePenicillin-binding protein 2target
ChlorpropamideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
ChlorpropamideSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
ChlorpropamideSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
ChlorpropamideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
ChlorpropamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
ChlorpropamideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ChlorpropamideProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
ThioridazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
ThioridazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Thioridazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ThioridazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
ThioridazineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ThioridazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ThioridazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
ThioridazinePotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2target
ThioridazineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
MoricizineSodium channel protein type 5 subunit alphatarget
Pentosan polysulfateFibroblast growth factor 1target
Pentosan polysulfateFibroblast growth factor 4target
Pentosan polysulfateFibroblast growth factor 2target
CephaloglycinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CephaloglycinPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
FurosemideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
FurosemideSerum albumincarrier
FurosemideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
FurosemideSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
FurosemideSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
FurosemideCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
FurosemideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1transporter
FurosemideSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
Furosemide6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylatingenzyme
FurosemideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
FurosemideUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
FurosemideThyroxine-binding globulincarrier
FurosemideG-protein coupled receptor 35target
AmprenavirHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteasetarget
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AmprenavirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
AmprenavirMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
AmprenavirCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
AmprenavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
MethazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
MethazolamideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
MethazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
MethazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
MethazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
MethazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
TamsulosinAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
TamsulosinAlpha-1D adrenergic receptortarget
TamsulosinAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
TamsulosinAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
TamsulosinCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
TamsulosinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
OxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
OxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
OxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
OxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2target
OxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2target
OxacillinBeta-lactamase Toho-1target
ThiabendazoleFumarate reductase flavoprotein subunittarget
ThiabendazoleCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ThiabendazoleCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
EsomeprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
EsomeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
EsomeprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
EsomeprazoleN(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1target
EsomeprazoleP-glycoprotein 1transporter
EsomeprazoleSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
HetacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
HetacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
HetacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
HetacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
HetacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
RiluzoleSodium channel protein type 5 subunit alphatarget
RiluzoleCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
RiluzoleCystine/glutamate transportertarget
RiluzoleATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
RiluzoleCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
ClopidogrelP2Y purinoceptor 12target
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ClopidogrelCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
ClopidogrelLiver carboxylesterase 1enzyme
ClopidogrelP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ClopidogrelSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
ClopidogrelSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
ClopidogrelSerum albumincarrier
MeropenemD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
MeropenemBeta-lactamase OXA-10enzyme
MeropenemDipeptidase 1enzyme
MethimazoleThyroid peroxidasetarget
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
MethimazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MethimazoleDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3enzyme
MalathionCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
MalathionCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
HydroflumethiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
HydroflumethiazideSodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1target
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
HydroflumethiazideCalcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1target
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 9target
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 12target
HydroflumethiazideSerum albumincarrier
HydroflumethiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
HydroflumethiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
HydroflumethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
Propiomazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
PropiomazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
PropiomazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
Propiomazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
PropiomazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
PropiomazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptortarget
SulfasalazineAcetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrialtarget
SulfasalazineATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
SulfasalazineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
SulfasalazineProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
SulfasalazineProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
SulfasalazineArachidonate 5-lipoxygenasetarget
SulfasalazineProton-coupled folate transportertransporter
SulfasalazinePhospholipase A2target
SulfasalazineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
SulfasalazineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
SulfasalazineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
SulfasalazineSerum albumincarrier
SulfasalazineCystine/glutamate transportertarget
SulfasalazineNuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunittarget
SulfasalazineNuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunittarget
SulfasalazineInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit betatarget
SulfasalazineInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alphatarget
SulfasalazinePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
SulfasalazineSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
IndapamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
IndapamideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
IndapamideEpoxide hydrolase 1enzyme
Indapamidealpha1-acid glycoproteincarrier
IndapamideSerum albumincarrier
MeloxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
MeloxicamCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MeloxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
MeloxicamCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MeloxicamMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
Meloxicam6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylatingenzyme
MeloxicamCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
MeloxicamSerum albumincarrier
MeloxicamHuman vesicular glutamate transporterstransporter
Sodium lauryl sulfateSerum albumincarrier
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 14target
AcetazolamideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
AcetazolamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
AcetazolamideCarbonic anhydrase 12target
DisulfiramAldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrialtarget
DisulfiramCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
DisulfiramDopamine beta-hydroxylasetarget
DisulfiramCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DisulfiramCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
DisulfiramBile salt export pumptransporter
TrifluoperazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
TrifluoperazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
TrifluoperazineNeuron-specific vesicular protein calcyontarget
TrifluoperazineXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseenzyme
TrifluoperazineUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-4enzyme
TrifluoperazineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
TrifluoperazineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
TrifluoperazineTroponin C, slow skeletal and cardiac musclestarget
TrifluoperazineProtein S100-A4target
CefaclorPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefaclorSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefaclorSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefaclorPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefaclorSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefaclorBile salt export pumptransporter
TolazamideSulfonylurea receptor 1, Kir6.2target
TolazamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CysteamineNeuropeptide Y receptor type 2target
CysteamineSerum albumincarrier
LevamisoleNeuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3target
LevamisoleAlkaline phosphatase, germ cell typetarget
LevamisoleAcetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-type unc-38target
LevamisoleAcetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-type unc-63target
LevamisoleAcetylcholine receptor subunit beta-type lev-1target
LevamisoleAcetylcholine receptor subunit beta-type unc-29target
PerphenazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
PerphenazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
PerphenazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PerphenazineSerum albumincarrier
PenicillamineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
DorzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
DorzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
DorzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
DorzolamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DorzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
DorzolamideCytochrome P450 2B1enzyme
DorzolamideCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
DorzolamideCytochrome P450 3A2enzyme
FlupentixolAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
FlupentixolDopamine D2 receptortarget
FlupentixolDopamine D1 receptortarget
FlupentixolAromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylaseenzyme
Flupentixol5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
FlupentixolP-glycoprotein 1transporter
FlupentixolMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
FlupentixolLiver carboxylesterase 1enzyme
FlupentixolDopamine D3 receptortarget
FlupentixolDopamine D4 receptortarget
Flupentixol5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
EprosartanType-1 angiotensin II receptortarget
EprosartanCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
ChlorothiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
ChlorothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
ChlorothiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
ChlorothiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
OmapatrilatAngiotensin-converting enzymetarget
BumetanideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
BumetanideCystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatortarget
BumetanideSolute carrier family 12 member 2target
BumetanideSolute carrier family 12 member 4target
BumetanideSolute carrier family 12 member 5target
BumetanideSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
BumetanideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
BumetanideSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
BumetanideSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
BumetanideSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
BumetanideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
BumetanideProstaglandin G/H synthase 2enzyme
SulfapyridineDihydropteroate synthase type-1target
SulfapyridineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
Benzylpenicilloyl polylysineHigh affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor subunit gammatarget
Benzylpenicilloyl polylysineHigh affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor subunit alphatarget
MethdilazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
CeforanidePenicillin-binding protein 2target
FamotidineHistamine H2 receptortarget
FamotidineSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
FamotidineSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
FamotidineMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
FamotidineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
FamotidineSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
MesoridazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Mesoridazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
MesoridazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MezlocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
MezlocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2target
MezlocillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
AzathioprineThiopurine S-methyltransferaseenzyme
AzathioprineXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseenzyme
AzathioprineGlutathione S-transferase A1enzyme
AzathioprineGlutathione S-transferase A2enzyme
AzathioprineGlutathione S-transferase Mu 1enzyme
AzathioprineRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1target
AzathioprineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
AzathioprineHypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferaseenzyme
AzathioprineNucleotide triphosphate diphosphatase NUDT15enzyme
AzathioprineEquilibrative nucleoside transporter 2transporter
AzathioprineSolute carrier family 28 member 3transporter
AzathioprineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
AzathioprineSolute carrier family 43 member 3transporter
AzathioprineSerum albumincarrier
AzathioprineInosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1enzyme
AzathioprineInosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2enzyme
AzathioprineGMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing]enzyme
AzathioprineInosine triphosphate pyrophosphataseenzyme
HydrochlorothiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
HydrochlorothiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
HydrochlorothiazideCalcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1target
HydrochlorothiazideSerum albumincarrier
HydrochlorothiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
HydrochlorothiazideMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
HydrochlorothiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CyclacillinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CyclacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CyclacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CyclacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CyclacillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CyclacillinPenicillin binding protein 2atarget
CyclacillinPenicillin-binding proteintarget
BusulfanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BusulfanGlutathione S-transferase A2enzyme
BusulfanGlutathione S-transferase A1enzyme
BusulfanGlutathione S-transferase Mu 1enzyme
BusulfanGlutathione S-transferase Penzyme
BusulfanMicrosomal glutathione S-transferase 2enzyme
SulfamethoxazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SulfamethoxazoleSerum albumincarrier
SulfamethoxazoleArylamine N-acetyltransferase 1enzyme
SulfamethoxazoleArylamine N-acetyltransferase 2enzyme
SulfamethoxazoleDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfamethoxazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SulfamethoxazoleBile salt export pumptransporter
GlyburideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 9target
GlyburideBile salt export pumptarget
GlyburideATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1target
GlyburideCystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatortarget
GlyburideSulfonylurea receptor 1, Kir6.2target
GlyburideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
GlyburideCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
GlyburideBile salt export pumptransporter
GlyburideP-glycoprotein 1transporter
GlyburideMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
GlyburideCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
GlyburideATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
GlyburideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
GlyburideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
GlyburideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
GlyburideSerum albumincarrier
GlyburideMitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channeltarget
GlyburideCarnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoformtarget
GlyburideCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
GlyburideCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
GlyburideTransient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4target
TrichlormethiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
TrichlormethiazideSodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1target
TrichlormethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
TrichlormethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
TrichlormethiazideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
TrichlormethiazideThiopurine S-methyltransferaseenzyme
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 8target
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 11target
ProbenecidSerum albumincarrier
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
ProbenecidCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
ProbenecidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
ProbenecidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 5transporter
ProbenecidMonocarboxylate transporter 2transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
ProbenecidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 6transporter
ProbenecidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
ProbenecidMonocarboxylate transporter 1transporter
ProbenecidSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 10transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
ProbenecidCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
ProbenecidATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 11transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 6target
ProbenecidCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
ProbenecidCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 22 member 12transporter
ProbenecidSolute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 9transporter
ProbenecidTaste receptor type 2 member 16target
ProbenecidUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
ProbenecidCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MercaptopurineThiopurine S-methyltransferaseenzyme
MercaptopurineXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseenzyme
MercaptopurineHypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferasetarget
MercaptopurineSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
MercaptopurineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
MercaptopurineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 5transporter
MercaptopurineSodium/nucleoside cotransporter 2transporter
MercaptopurineSolute carrier family 28 member 3transporter
MercaptopurineEquilibrative nucleoside transporter 1transporter
MercaptopurineEquilibrative nucleoside transporter 2transporter
MercaptopurineAldehyde oxidaseenzyme
MercaptopurineInosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenasetarget
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 4transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1transporter
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
BenzylpenicillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 8target
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
BenzylpenicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2target
BenzylpenicillinBeta-lactamase TEMenzyme
BenzylpenicillinSerum albumincarrier
EchothiophateSerum albumincarrier
AmoxicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
AmoxicillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
AmoxicillinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
AmoxicillinCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
AmoxicillinSerum albumincarrier
AmoxicillinBeta-lactamase 2enzyme
AmoxicillinPenicillin binding proteintarget
AzlocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
AcetophenazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
AcetophenazineAndrogen receptortarget
CefditorenPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefditorenPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
GlipizideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
GlipizidePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
GlipizideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
GlipizideUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
GlipizideBile salt export pumptransporter
GlipizideSerum albumincarrier
PromethazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
PromethazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
PromethazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4target
PromethazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
PromethazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5target
PromethazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
PromethazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
PromethazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PromethazineCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
PromethazineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
PromethazineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
PromethazineHistamine H2 receptortarget
PromethazineAlpha adrenergic receptortarget
PromethazineP2 Purinoceptorstarget
PromethazineVoltage-gated sodium channel alpha subunittarget
PromethazineVoltage-gated Potassium Channelstarget
PromethazineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
PromethazineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
PromethazineSerum albumincarrier
MequitazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
MequitazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MequitazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Dimethyl sulfoxideTransthyretincarrier
Dimethyl sulfoxideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
Dimethyl sulfoxideCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
Dimethyl sulfoxideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Dimethyl sulfoxideInterleukin-5 receptor subunit alphatarget
Dimethyl sulfoxideMucin-16target
Dimethyl sulfoxideMyc proto-oncogene proteintarget
Rosuvastatin3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductasetarget
RosuvastatinCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
RosuvastatinMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
RosuvastatinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
RosuvastatinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
RosuvastatinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
RosuvastatinCystine/glutamate transportertransporter
RosuvastatinSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
RosuvastatinBile salt export pumptransporter
RosuvastatinATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
RosuvastatinSerum albumincarrier
RosuvastatinCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
RosuvastatinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
RosuvastatinSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
RosuvastatinIntegrin alpha-Ltarget
CefuroximePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefuroximeSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefuroximeSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
DiazoxideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11target
DiazoxideSerum albumincarrier
DiazoxideMitochondrial ATP synthase F1 domaintarget
GliclazideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
GliclazideSerum albumincarrier
GliclazideVascular endothelial growth factor Atarget
GliclazideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
GliclazideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TolbutamideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 1target
TolbutamideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TolbutamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TolbutamideCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
TolbutamideATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
TolbutamideSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
TolbutamideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
TolbutamideSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
TolbutamideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
TolbutamideSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
TolbutamideCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
TolbutamideSerum albumincarrier
BicalutamideAndrogen receptortarget
BicalutamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BicalutamideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
BicalutamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
BicalutamideCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
BicalutamideP-glycoprotein 1transporter
RabeprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
RabeprazoleATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
RabeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PioglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
PioglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PioglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PioglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
PioglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
PioglitazoneAmine oxidase [flavin-containing] Btarget
PioglitazoneSerum albumincarrier
PioglitazoneCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
CefapirinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefadroxilSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CefadroxilSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefadroxilSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefadroxilSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefadroxilSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefadroxilPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefadroxilPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefadroxilPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
CefadroxilPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
AmifostineAlkaline phosphatase, germ cell typetarget
AmifostineAlkaline phosphatase, tissue-nonspecific isozymeenzyme
DiclofenamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
DiclofenamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
DiclofenamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
DiclofenamideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
DiclofenamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
SulfoxoneDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
CloxacillinSerum albumincarrier
CloxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CloxacillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CloxacillinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacAtarget
CloxacillinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Xtarget
CloxacillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefprozilPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefprozilPenicillin-binding protein 2xtarget
CefprozilPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
SertaconazoleCytochrome P450 51target
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2target
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
AmdinocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
ChlormezanoneTranslocator proteintarget
BrinzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
BrinzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
BrinzolamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BrinzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 5A, mitochondrialtarget
BrinzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
BrinzolamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
BrinzolamideCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
BrinzolamideCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
BrinzolamideCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
BrinzolamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CeftriaxoneSerum albumincarrier
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CeftriaxonePenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
CeftriaxoneGlutamine synthetaseenzyme
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 11target
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 6target
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 22 member 8target
CeftriaxoneSolute carrier family 15 member 1target
CeftriaxoneP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ChlorprothixeneDopamine D1 receptortarget
ChlorprothixeneDopamine D2 receptortarget
ChlorprothixeneDopamine D3 receptortarget
Chlorprothixene5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ChlorprothixeneHistamine H1 receptortarget
ChlorprothixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
ChlorprothixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
ChlorprothixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
ChlorprothixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4target
ChlorprothixeneMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5target
ChlorprothixeneP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ChlorprothixeneSerotonin Receptorstarget
AlimemazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
GliquidoneATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
GliquidoneATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8target
GliquidoneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase ABL1target
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase ABL2target
DasatinibProto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Srctarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase Fyntarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase Lcktarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase Yestarget
DasatinibMast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kittarget
DasatinibPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor betatarget
DasatinibEphrin type-A receptor 2target
DasatinibSignal transducer and activator of transcription 5Btarget
DasatinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DasatinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
DasatinibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
DasatinibCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
DasatinibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
DasatinibCytochrome P450 1B1enzyme
DasatinibCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
DasatinibDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3enzyme
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase BTKtarget
DasatinibNuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 3target
DasatinibBreakpoint cluster region proteintarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase CSKtarget
DasatinibEphrin type-A receptor 5target
DasatinibEphrin type-B receptor 4target
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase Fgrtarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase FRKtarget
DasatinibHeat shock cognate 71 kDa proteintarget
DasatinibTyrosine-protein kinase Lyntarget
DasatinibMitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase MLTtarget
DasatinibMitogen-activated protein kinase 14target
DarunavirHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteasetarget
DarunavirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DarunavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
DarunavirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
DarunavirSerum albumincarrier
DarunavirAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
DarunavirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
GlisoxepideATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8target
GlisoxepideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SulfacytineDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfadoxineDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
SulfadoxineBifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthasetarget
FosamprenavirHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteasetarget
FosamprenavirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PolythiazideSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
PolythiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
PolythiazideSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
PolythiazideSerum albumincarrier
QuinethazoneCarbonic anhydrase 1target
QuinethazoneCarbonic anhydrase 2target
QuinethazoneSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
QuinethazoneSolute carrier family 12 member 2target
QuinethazoneSolute carrier family 12 member 3target
CefamandoleSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefamandoleSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefamandoleSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CefamandoleSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
CefamandolePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefazolinSerum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1target
CefazolinSerum albumincarrier
CefazolinSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefazolinSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefazolinSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CefazolinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefazolinPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefazolinPenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefazolinPenicillin-binding protein 1Ctarget
CefazolinPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefazolinMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
CefazolinThiopurine S-methyltransferaseenzyme
CefonicidSerum albumincarrier
CefonicidPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefonicidPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefonicidPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefonicidD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
CefonicidPenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefoperazoneSerum albumincarrier
CefoperazoneSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefoperazoneSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefoperazoneSolute carrier family 22 member 11transporter
CefoperazoneSolute carrier family 22 member 7transporter
CefoperazonePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefoperazonePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefoperazonePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefoperazonePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefoperazoneD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
CefoperazoneD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacAtarget
CefoperazoneD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
CefoperazonePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefoperazonePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefotetanSerum albumincarrier
CefotetanPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefoxitinPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefoxitinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacAtarget
CefoxitinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
CefoxitinD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
CefoxitinD-alanyl-D-alanine endopeptidasetarget
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefoxitinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
CeftizoximeSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CeftizoximePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CeftizoximePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CeftizoximeSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CeftizoximeSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CeftizoximePeptidoglycan transpeptidasetarget
CeftizoximeD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacCtarget
CefradineSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CefradineSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefradineSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefradineSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefradinePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefradineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CefradineMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
GlymidineATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 1target
GlymidineATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8target
MethotrimeprazineDopamine D3 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
MethotrimeprazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
MethotrimeprazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
MethotrimeprazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4target
MethotrimeprazineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5target
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-1D adrenergic receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MethotrimeprazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineDopamine D5 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineDopamine D4 receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-2B adrenergic receptortarget
MethotrimeprazineAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
Methotrimeprazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Methotrimeprazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
MethotrimeprazineCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
CefepimeSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
CefepimeSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CefepimeSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefepimePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefepimePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefacetrilePenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefacetrilePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefacetrileSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefacetrileSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CeftibutenSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
CeftibutenSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
CeftibutenPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CeftibutenPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CeftibutenPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CeftibutenPenicillin-binding protein 2target
CeftibutenSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CeftibutenSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CefpodoximePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
SulfamerazineDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfamerazineSerum albumincarrier
SulfamethazineDihydropteroate synthasetarget
SulfamethazineSerum albumincarrier
SulfamethazineArylamine N-acetyltransferaseenzyme
ImipenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
ImipenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
ImipenemPenicillin-binding protein 2target
ImipenemPenicillin-binding protein 3target
ImipenemDipeptidase 1enzyme
ImipenemPenicillin-binding protein 4target
ImipenemBeta-lactamase SHV-1enzyme
ImipenemBeta-lactamase TEMenzyme
ImipenemBeta-lactamase CTX-Menzyme
ImipenemBeta-lactamase (KPC-2)enzyme
BacampicillinPenicillin-binding proteintarget
MeticillinMecA PBP2' (penicillin binding protein 2')target
MeticillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
MeticillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
MeticillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
MeticillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
MeticillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
PivampicillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
PivmecillinamPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
TazobactamBeta-lactamase TEMtarget
TazobactamSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
TazobactamSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
TazobactamBeta-lactamase Ohio-1target
TazobactamBeta-lactamase SHV-1target
TicarcillinPenicillin binding protein 2atarget
PericiazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
PericiazineAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
PericiazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
PericiazineAndrogen receptortarget
AcepromazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
AcepromazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
Acepromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Acepromazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
AcepromazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
AcepromazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
AcepromazineSerum albumincarrier
AceprometazineHistamine H1 receptortarget
PipotiazineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PipotiazineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PipotiazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
PipotiazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
Pipotiazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Pipotiazine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
PipotiazineSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
PipotiazineSerum albumincarrier
PipotiazineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ThioproperazineDopamine D2 receptortarget
ThioproperazineDopamine D1 receptortarget
ThioproperazineAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
ThioproperazineAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
ThioproperazineSerum albumincarrier
ThiothixeneCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ThiothixeneCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ThiothixeneDopamine D2 receptortarget
ThiothixeneDopamine D1 receptortarget
Thiothixene5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ThiothixeneSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
ThiothixeneSerum albumincarrier
ZuclopenthixolDopamine D1 receptortarget
ZuclopenthixolDopamine D5 receptortarget
ZuclopenthixolDopamine D2 receptortarget
ZuclopenthixolCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
ZuclopenthixolAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
ZuclopenthixolAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
Zuclopenthixol5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
ZuclopenthixolHistamine H1 receptortarget
ZuclopenthixolCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
EtoricoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
EtoricoxibCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
SC-7402072 kDa type IV collagenasetarget
N-AcetylmethionineN-acylamino acid racemasetarget
DithioerythritolListeriolysin regulatory proteintarget
Dithioerythritol6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthasetarget
DithioerythritolThymidine kinase, cytosolictarget
Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranosideBeta-galactosidasetarget
Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranosideGalactoside O-acetyltransferasetarget
Isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranosideLactose operon repressortarget
AR-AO-14418Glycogen synthase kinase-3 betatarget
WAY-151693Collagenase 3target
S-MethylcysteineCathepsin Dtarget
S-MethylcysteineFatty acid-binding protein, livercarrier
S-MethylcysteineMethylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferasetarget
L-methionine (R)-S-oxideCatalasetarget
L-methionine (R)-S-oxideProteasetarget
L-methionine (R)-S-oxideAmyloid beta A4 proteintarget
5'-S-methyl-5'-thioadenosineModification methylase RsrItarget
5'-S-methyl-5'-thioadenosineS-methyl-5'-thioadenosine phosphorylasetarget
2-AminothiazolineNitric oxide synthase, endothelialtarget
4-(2-Thienyl)Butyric AcidAromatic-amino-acid aminotransferasetarget
2-Hydroxyethyl DisulfideLysozymetarget
2-Hydroxyethyl DisulfideGlutathione S-transferase A1target
2-Hydroxyethyl DisulfideGlutathione S-transferase A1enzyme
DitiocarbCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
DitiocarbCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DitiocarbCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
Latrunculin AActin, alpha skeletal muscletarget
Latrunculin AGelsolintarget
Latrunculin AIota toxin component Iatarget
IDD552Aldose reductasetarget
DansylamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
3-Butylthiolane 1-OxideAlcohol dehydrogenase 1Ctarget
MethylthioinosinePurine nucleoside phosphorylase DeoD-typetarget
PiretanideSolute carrier family 12 member 1target
5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazoleHydroxyethylthiazole kinasetarget
GE-2270AElongation factor Tutarget
p-Toluenesulfonic acidLysozyme Ctarget
p-Toluenesulfonic acidPro-cathepsin Htarget
3-(2-Benzothiazolylthio)-1-Propanesulfonic AcidTriosephosphate isomerase, glycosomaltarget
3-(2-Benzothiazolylthio)-1-Propanesulfonic AcidTriosephosphate isomerasetarget
N,O-didansyl-L-tyrosineThymidylate synthasetarget
N-cyclohexyltaurineSulfotransferase family cytosolic 2B member 1target
N-cyclohexyltaurineNitrite reductasetarget
N-cyclohexyltaurineHomeobox protein engrailed-2target
N-cyclohexyltaurineRibonuclease PHtarget
Cephalosporin CD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidasetarget
Cephalosporin CPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
Cephalosporin CPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
Cephalosporin CPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
Cephalosporin CPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
Cephalosporin CPenicillin-binding protein 3target
S-PhosphocysteineN,N'-diacetylchitobiose-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIB componenttarget
S-PhosphocysteineEnamine/imine deaminasetarget
Ethanesulfonic acidPlatelet basic proteintarget
Ethanesulfonic acidPhosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolasetarget
P-(2'-Iodo-5'-Thenoyl)Hydrotropic AcidProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
Dihydrolipoic AcidAminomethyltransferasetarget
Dihydrolipoic AcidGlycine cleavage system H protein, mitochondrialtarget
Dihydrolipoic AcidDihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, mitochondrialtarget
Dihydrolipoic Acid[Pyruvate dehydrogenase [lipoamide]] kinase isozyme 3, mitochondrialtarget
TrifluoromethionineMethionine--tRNA ligasetarget
TrifluoromethionineMethionine aminopeptidasetarget
BatimastatNeutrophil collagenasetarget
BatimastatMacrophage metalloelastasetarget
BatimastatMatrix metalloproteinase-16target
BatimastatDisintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 28target
BatimastatA disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5target
D-pantetheine 4'-phosphatePhosphopantetheine adenylyltransferasetarget
D-pantetheine 4'-phosphatePhosphopantetheine adenylyltransferasetarget
D-pantetheine 4'-phosphatePhosphopantetheine adenylyltransferasetarget
Dodecyl sulfateLysozyme Ctarget
Dodecyl sulfateLipid A palmitoyltransferase PagPtarget
MonastrolKinesin-like protein KIF11target
Taurocholic acidBile salt-activated lipasetarget
Taurocholic acidGastrotropintarget
Taurocholic acidBile salt export pumptransporter
Taurocholic acidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
Taurocholic acidIleal sodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
Taurocholic acidCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
Taurocholic acidCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
Taurocholic acidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 4transporter
Taurocholic acidP-glycoprotein 1transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
Taurocholic acidMultidrug resistance-associated protein 7transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1transporter
Taurocholic acidATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 11transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1transporter
Taurocholic acidATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
Taurocholic acidMonocarboxylate transporter 1transporter
Taurocholic acidSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
Taurocholic acidOrganic solute transporter subunit alphatransporter
Taurocholic acidOrganic solute transporter subunit betatransporter
Taurocholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
Taurocholic acidCystine/glutamate transportertransporter
Taurocholic acidBile acid receptortarget
ThiodigalactosideHeat-labile enterotoxin B chaintarget
ThiodigalactosideLactose permeasetarget
ThiodigalactosideNeurocan core proteintarget
N-FormylmethionineGlutamate--cysteine ligasetarget
N-FormylmethionineRibonuclease pancreatictarget
N-FormylmethioninePutative ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineGeranylgeranyl transferase type-2 subunit alphatarget
N-FormylmethionineGeranylgeranyl transferase type-2 subunit betatarget
N-FormylmethioninePhotosynthetic reaction center cytochrome c subunittarget
N-FormylmethionineReaction center protein H chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineReaction center protein L chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineReaction center protein M chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineLight-harvesting protein B-800/820 alpha chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineLight-harvesting protein B-800/820 beta chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineLight-harvesting protein B-800/850 alpha chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineLight-harvesting protein B-800/850 beta chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1target
N-FormylmethionineHLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B-27 alpha chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineRespiratory nitrate reductase 1 alpha chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineRespiratory nitrate reductase 1 beta chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineRespiratory nitrate reductase 1 gamma chaintarget
N-FormylmethionineProtein S100-Gtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1target
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 2target
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 3target
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 6Ctarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 7C, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1target
N-FormylmethionineCytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A1, mitochondrialtarget
N-FormylmethionineMethionyl-tRNA formyltransferasetarget
N-FormylmethionineProtein S100-Btarget
N-FormylmethionineProbable L-ascorbate-6-phosphate lactonase UlaGtarget
N-FormylmethionineImmunoglobulin G-binding protein Gtarget
N-(6-Aminohexyl)-5-Chloro-1-NaphthalenesulfonamideTroponin C, slow skeletal and cardiac musclestarget
N-(6-Aminohexyl)-5-Chloro-1-NaphthalenesulfonamideTroponin I, cardiac muscletarget
LatamoxefPenicillin-binding protein 3target
LatamoxefPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
LatamoxefPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
LatamoxefD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
Naphthalene-2,6-disulfonic acidL-lactate dehydrogenasetarget
Naphthalene-2,6-disulfonic acidBacterioferritin comigratory proteintarget
HydroxyfasudilRho-associated protein kinase 1target
HydroxyfasudilcAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alphatarget
HydroxyfasudilcAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alphatarget
MyxothiazolCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1, mitochondrialtarget
NimesulideProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
NimesulideGroup IIE secretory phospholipase A2target
NimesulideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SuraminNAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-5, mitochondrialtarget
SuraminComplement control protein C3target
SuraminPhospholipase A2, membrane associatedtarget
SuraminP2Y purinoceptor 2target
SuraminFollicle-stimulating hormone receptortarget
SuraminRyanodine receptor 1target
SuraminArylsulfatase Aenzyme
SuraminCytosolic phospholipase A2enzyme
TanaprogetProgesterone receptortarget
ThenoyltrifluoroacetoneLiver carboxylesterase 1target
ThenoyltrifluoroacetoneSuccinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrialtarget
THIO-ATPAGlutamate receptor 2target
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome c1, heme protein, mitochondrialtarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome btarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1, mitochondrialtarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 2, mitochondrialtarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 6, mitochondrialtarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 8target
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit Rieske, mitochondrialtarget
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 10target
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 7target
6-Hydroxy-5-undecyl-4,7-benzothiazoledioneCytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 9target
Tienilic acidCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
FebuxostatSerum albumincarrier
FebuxostatXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidasetarget
FebuxostatUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
FebuxostatUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3enzyme
FebuxostatUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
FebuxostatUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
FebuxostatCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
FebuxostatCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
FebuxostatCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
FebuxostatATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
LintitriptCholecystokinin receptor type Atarget
CeftobiprolePenicillin-binding protein 2xtarget
CeftobiprolePeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
CeftobiprolePenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
CeftobiprolePenicillin-binding protein 2Xtarget
CeftobiproleSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
CeftobiproleSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
CeftobiproleCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
CeftobiproleBile salt export pumptransporter
LucanthoneDNA topoisomerase 2-alphatarget
LucanthoneDNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyasetarget
LucanthoneDNA topoisomerase 1target
BelinostatHistone deacetylasetarget
BelinostatCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
BelinostatUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
BelinostatCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
BelinostatCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
BelinostatP-glycoprotein 1transporter
BelinostatCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ErdosteineAdenosine deaminaseenzyme
CimicoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
CimicoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2enzyme
KD3010Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor deltatarget
Silver sulfadiazineDNAtarget
RotigotineDopamine D3 receptortarget
RotigotineDopamine D5 receptortarget
RotigotineDopamine D4 receptortarget
RotigotineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Rotigotine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
RotigotineDopamine D1 receptortarget
RotigotineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
RotigotineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RotigotineAlpha-2B adrenergic receptortarget
RotigotineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TetomilastcAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4Dtarget
DexlansoprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1target
DexlansoprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
DexlansoprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DexlansoprazolePotassium-transporting ATPase subunit betatarget
DexlansoprazoleN(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1target
SulfathiazoleDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
SulfathiazoleCytochrome P450 19A1enzyme
SulfadimethoxineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SulfadimethoxineSerum albumincarrier
AcetylcysteineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
AcetylcysteineNAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine)target
AcetylcysteineSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
AcetylcysteineInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alphatarget
AcetylcysteineInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit betatarget
AcetylcysteineGlutathione synthetasetarget
AcetylcysteineCystine/glutamate transportertarget
AcetylcysteineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2Btarget
AcetylcysteineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1target
AcetylcysteineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2Atarget
AcetylcysteineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2Dtarget
AcetylcysteineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 3Atarget
AcetylcysteineSerum albumincarrier
PizotifenMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
PizotifenMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
PizotifenMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
Pizotifen5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Pizotifen5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
Pizotifen5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
PizotifenHistamine H1 receptortarget
Pizotifen5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Pizotifen5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
PizotifenAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenAlpha-1D adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenAlpha-2B adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
PizotifenUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B10enzyme
PrasugrelP2Y purinoceptor 12target
PrasugrelCocaine esteraseenzyme
PrasugrelCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PrasugrelCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
PrasugrelCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
PrasugrelCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
PrasugrelSerum albumincarrier
DoripenemDipeptidase 1enzyme
DoripenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
DoripenemPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
DoripenemPenicillin-binding protein 2target
DoripenemPenicillin-binding protein 3target
DoripenemPenicillin-binding protein 4target
DoripenemSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
RivaroxabanCoagulation factor Xtarget
RivaroxabanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RivaroxabanCytochrome P450 2J2enzyme
RivaroxabanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
RivaroxabanCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
RivaroxabanATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
CaldaretSodium/calcium exchanger 1target
ArzoxifeneEstrogen receptor alphatarget
ArzoxifeneEstrogen receptor betatarget
UdenafilcGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterasetarget
UdenafilCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
UdenafilCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
SitaxentanCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
SitaxentanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SitaxentanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SitaxentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
SitaxentanEndothelin B receptortarget
SimeprevirNS3 proteasetarget
SimeprevirSerum albumincarrier
SimeprevirCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
SimeprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
SimeprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
SimeprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
SimeprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SimeprevirCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
SimeprevirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
SimeprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
SimeprevirSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
SimeprevirBile salt export pumptransporter
SimeprevirNS3/4A proteintarget
ElinogrelP2Y purinoceptor 12target
RelacatibCathepsin Ktarget
IndisulamCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
IndisulamCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
IndisulamCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
IndisulamCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
AvasimibeLiver carboxylesterase 1target
AvasimibeCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AvasimibeCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AvasimibeCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
AvasimibeCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ErtiprotafibTyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1target
ErtiprotafibInhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit betatarget
ErtiprotafibPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
ErtiprotafibPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
TesaglitazarPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
TesaglitazarPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
PazopanibVascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1target
PazopanibVascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2target
PazopanibVascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3target
PazopanibPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor alphatarget
PazopanibPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor betatarget
PazopanibMast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kittarget
PazopanibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PazopanibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PazopanibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PazopanibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
PazopanibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
PazopanibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
PazopanibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
PazopanibUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1transporter
PazopanibFibroblast growth factor receptor 3target
PazopanibTyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSKtarget
PazopanibFibroblast growth factor 1target
PazopanibSH2B adapter protein 3target
ClazosentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
LornoxicamCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LornoxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 1target
LornoxicamProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
SulfaphenazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SulfaphenazoleCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
SulfaphenazoleCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
SulfaphenazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
SulfaphenazoleDihydropteroate synthasetarget
ZaltoprofenUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
ZaltoprofenCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
ZaltoprofenProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
Fomivirsen30 kDa immediate-early protein 2target
Fomivirsen45 kDa immediate-early protein 2target
Cupric sulfateSerum albumintransporter
Cupric sulfateCeruloplasmintransporter
Cupric sulfatePhenylalanine-4-hydroxylaseenzyme
Cupric sulfateProtein-lysine 6-oxidaseenzyme
Cupric sulfateCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1enzyme
DimercaprolAmyloid beta A4 proteintarget
MafenideCarbonic anhydrase 6target
SulfameterDihydropteroate synthasetarget
TO-901317Oxysterols receptor LXR-betatarget
TO-901317Nuclear receptor coactivator 2target
TO-901317Retinoic acid receptor RXR-betatarget
TO-901317Oxysterols receptor LXR-alphatarget
TO-901317Nuclear receptor coactivator 1target
TO-901317Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2target
4-(2-Aminoethyl)Benzenesulfonyl FluorideGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenasetarget
4-(2-Aminoethyl)Benzenesulfonyl FluorideV-type proton ATPase subunit B, brain isoformtarget
4,4'-DIPYRIDYL DISULFIDECytochrome P450 2A6target
5-(2-methylpiperazine-1-sulfonyl)isoquinolinecAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alphatarget
5-(2-methylpiperazine-1-sulfonyl)isoquinolinecAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alphatarget
Latrunculin BActin, alpha skeletal muscletarget
Latrunculin BMKL/myocardin-like protein 1target
Latrunculin BProtein spire homolog 2target
IDD594Aldose reductasetarget
11-MERCAPTOUNDECANOIC ACID3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3target
2-Naphthalenesulfonic acidProthrombintarget
2-Naphthalenesulfonic acidTrypsin-1target
SulthiameCarbonic anhydrase 2target
4-(2-AMINOETHYL)BENZENESULFONAMIDECarbonic anhydrase 2target
AzidocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2atarget
AzidocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1btarget
AzidocillinPenicillin-binding protein 3target
AzidocillinPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
AzidocillinPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
AzidocillinSolute carrier family 22 member 5transporter
AzidocillinSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
AzidocillinSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
SulfamoxoleDihydropteroate synthetasetarget
SulfamoxoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LurasidoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
LurasidoneDopamine D2 receptortarget
Lurasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Lurasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
Lurasidone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
LurasidoneAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
LurasidoneAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
TemocaprilSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
TemocaprilSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
TemocaprilAngiotensin-converting enzymetarget
VemurafenibSerum albumincarrier
VemurafenibAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VemurafenibSerine/threonine-protein kinase B-raftarget
VemurafenibMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
VemurafenibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
VemurafenibCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
VemurafenibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
MirabegronCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MirabegronCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
MirabegronP-glycoprotein 1transporter
MirabegronSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
MirabegronSerum albumincarrier
MirabegronAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
MirabegronBeta-3 adrenergic receptortarget
MirabegronUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
MirabegronUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3enzyme
MirabegronUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-8enzyme
MirabegronSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
MirabegronSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
MirabegronSolute carrier family 22 member 3transporter
MirabegronBeta-1 adrenergic receptortarget
CanagliflozinUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
CanagliflozinUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4enzyme
CanagliflozinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CanagliflozinSodium/glucose cotransporter 2target
CanagliflozinP-glycoprotein 1transporter
CanagliflozinCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
CanagliflozinAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
CanagliflozinATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
AleglitazarPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
AleglitazarPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
AleglitazarNuclear receptor coactivator 1target
Perospirone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
PerospironeDopamine D2 receptortarget
Perospirone5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
PerospironeCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PerospironeCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PerospironeCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
PerospironeCytochrome P450 1A1enzyme
PerospironeHistamine H1 receptortarget
PerospironeDopamine D4 receptortarget
PerospironeAlpha-1 adrenergic receptorstarget
MacitentanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MacitentanCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
MacitentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
MacitentanEndothelin B receptortarget
MacitentanSerum albumincarrier
MacitentanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MacitentanCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
Macitentanalpha1-acid glycoproteincarrier
GlibornurideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CefaloridineSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
CefaloridineSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
CeftolozanePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CeftolozanePenicillin-binding protein 3target
CeftolozanePenicillin-binding proteintarget
CeftolozanePenicillin-binding protein 1Ctarget
CeftolozanePenicillin-binding protein 2target
CeritinibALK tyrosine kinase receptortarget
CeritinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
CeritinibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
CeritinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CobicistatCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
CobicistatP-glycoprotein 1transporter
CobicistatATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
CobicistatSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
CobicistatSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A4target
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A5target
CobicistatCytochrome P450 3A7target
EdoxabanCoagulation factor Xtarget
EdoxabanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
Potassium alumSerum albumincarrier
BrexpiprazoleCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
BrexpiprazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Brexpiprazole5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
BrexpiprazoleDopamine D2 receptortarget
Brexpiprazole5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
BrexpiprazoleAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
BrexpiprazoleAlpha-1B adrenergic receptortarget
BrexpiprazoleMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2transporter
BrexpiprazoleSerum albumincarrier
BrexpiprazoleAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
BrexpiprazoleDopamine D3 receptortarget
Brexpiprazole5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
Brexpiprazole5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
BrexpiprazoleAlpha-1A adrenergic receptortarget
BrexpiprazoleAlpha-1D adrenergic receptortarget
BrexpiprazoleHistamine H1 receptortarget
BrexpiprazoleMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
Dosulepin5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Dosulepin5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
DosulepinCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
DosulepinHistamine H1 receptortarget
DosulepinMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
DosulepinMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2target
DosulepinMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3target
DosulepinMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4target
DosulepinMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5target
DosulepinSodium-dependent noradrenaline transportertarget
DosulepinSodium-dependent serotonin transportertarget
DosulepinAlpha-1 adrenergic receptorstarget
DosulepinAlpha-2 adrenergic receptorstarget
DosulepinCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
DosulepinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DosulepinCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DosulepinCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
DasabuvirNonstructural protein 5B (NS5B)target
DasabuvirCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
DasabuvirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
DasabuvirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
DasabuvirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
DasabuvirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
DasabuvirATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5transporter
DasabuvirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LobeglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
LobeglitazoneSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1transporter
LobeglitazoneP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LobeglitazoneCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
LobeglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LobeglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
LobeglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
LobeglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
LobeglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
NetoglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
NetoglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
RivoglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RivoglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
CiglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
CiglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CiglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
FirocoxibProstaglandin G/H synthase 2target
ZotepineD(1) dopamine receptortarget
ZotepineDopamine D2 receptortarget
Zotepine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Zotepine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6target
Zotepine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
ZotepineSodium-dependent noradrenaline transportertarget
ZotepineSodium-dependent serotonin transportertarget
ZotepineCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
ZotepineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Methylene blueGuanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-2target
Methylene blueNitric oxide synthase, braintarget
Methylene blueUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-4enzyme
Methylene blueUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
Methylene blueSerum albumincarrier
Methylene blueP-glycoprotein 1transporter
Methylene blueSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
Methylene blueMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2transporter
Methylene blueMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
Methylene blueFlavin reductase (NADPH)enzyme
Methylene blueCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
Sodium aurothiomalateUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
TianeptineGlutamate receptor 1target
TianeptineMu-type opioid receptortarget
Tianeptine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
TianeptineDopamine D3 receptortarget
TianeptineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
CarindacillinPenicillin-binding proteintarget
SulbactamSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
Technetium Tc-99m succimerSodium-dependent phosphate transporter 1transporter
Technetium Tc-99m succimerSodium-dependent phosphate transporter 2transporter
Sodium sulfateCarbonic anhydrase 2target
Sodium sulfateCarbonic anhydrase 1target
Thiosulfuric acidSolute carrier family 13 member 4transporter
Thiosulfuric acidThiosulfate sulfurtransferaseenzyme
Thiosulfuric acidThiosulfate:glutathione sulfurtransferaseenzyme
Thiosulfuric acidCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
PyrantelG-protein coupled receptor 35target
PyrantelCytochrome P450 4A11enzyme
PyrantelMuscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
CefroxadinePenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
PhenothiazineAndrogen receptortarget
XylazineAlpha-2 adrenergic receptorstarget
2-mercaptobenzothiazoleThyroid peroxidasetarget
LesinuradSolute carrier family 22 member 12target
LesinuradSolute carrier family 22 member 11target
LesinuradCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LesinuradCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VenetoclaxApoptosis regulator Bcl-2target
VenetoclaxCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VenetoclaxP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VenetoclaxATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
VenetoclaxSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
AsunaprevirGenome polyproteintarget
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
AsunaprevirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
AsunaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
AsunaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
AsunaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
AsunaprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LifitegrastIntegrin alpha-Ltarget
LifitegrastCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
LifitegrastSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
LifitegrastSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
PavinetantNeuromedin-K receptortarget
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
EncorafenibSerine/threonine-protein kinase B-raftarget
EncorafenibG1/S-specific cyclin-D1target
EncorafenibUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
EncorafenibSerum albumincarrier
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
EncorafenibCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
EncorafenibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
EncorafenibSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
EncorafenibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
EncorafenibSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
EncorafenibSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
EncorafenibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
EncorafenibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
EncorafenibRAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinasetarget
EncorafenibMitogen-activated protein kinase 8target
EncorafenibMitogen-activated protein kinase 9target
EncorafenibMitogen-activated protein kinase 10target
EncorafenibLIM domain kinase 1target
EncorafenibLIM domain kinase 2target
EncorafenibDual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4target
EncorafenibSerine/threonine-protein kinase 36target
VonoprazanHydrogen potassium ATPasetarget
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
VonoprazanCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
VonoprazanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VonoprazanSerum albumincarrier
VonoprazanAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
TenapanorSodium/hydrogen exchanger 3target
TenapanorCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
TenapanorCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
TenapanorSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
PilaralisibPhosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoformtarget
DanoprevirGenome polyproteintarget
DanoprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MirodenafilCytochrome P450 3A Subfamilyenzyme
BaricitinibSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
BaricitinibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
BaricitinibMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2transporter
BaricitinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BaricitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK1target
BaricitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK2target
BaricitinibSolute carrier family 22 member 6transporter
BaricitinibSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
BaricitinibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
BaricitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK3target
BaricitinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
BaricitinibNon-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2target
NifurtimoxATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
NifurtimoxSerum albumincarrier
NifurtimoxGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycosomaltarget
AvatrombopagCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
AvatrombopagCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AvatrombopagThrombopoietin receptortarget
AvatrombopagP-glycoprotein 1transporter
AvatrombopagCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AvatrombopagATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
AvatrombopagSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
AlpelisibPhosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoformtarget
AlpelisibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AlpelisibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AlpelisibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
AlpelisibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
AlpelisibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
AlpelisibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
PonesimodSphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1target
PonesimodCytochrome P450 2J2enzyme
PonesimodCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
PonesimodCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
PonesimodCytochrome P450 4F3enzyme
PonesimodCytochrome P450 4F12enzyme
PonesimodUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
PonesimodUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
TideglusibGlycogen synthase kinase-3 betatarget
FedratinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
FedratinibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
FedratinibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
FedratinibSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
FedratinibPOU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2transporter
FedratinibMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
FedratinibMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2transporter
FedratinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
FedratinibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
FedratinibDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3enzyme
FedratinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK2target
FedratinibReceptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3target
FedratinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK1target
FedratinibCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
GrapiprantProstaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtypetarget
GrapiprantP-glycoprotein 1transporter
GrapiprantSerum albumincarrier
MK-0752Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1Atarget
Acetyl sulfisoxazoleDihydropteroate synthasetarget
Acetyl sulfisoxazoleCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
Potassium sulfateSodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCap-specific mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCobalt-precorrin-4 C(11)-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineProtein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineGenome polyproteintarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinePhenylethanolamine N-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 2target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineModification methylase RsrItarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCatechol O-methyltransferase domain-containing protein 1target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCarminomycin 4-O-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineGuanidinoacetate N-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineRelease factor glutamine methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineRelease factor glutamine methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineProtein arginine N-methyltransferase 3target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineHistamine N-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineRibosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase Htarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinerRNA adenine N-6-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinetRNA (cytosine(38)-C(5))-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineGlycine N-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinetRNA (cytidine(34)-2'-O)-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineModification methylase PvuIItarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineDNA adenine methylasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 3target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineProtein arginine N-methyltransferase 1target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineSiroheme synthasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineModification methylase HhaItarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineHistone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETD7target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinetRNA (guanine-N(1)-)-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineCyclopropane mycolic acid synthase MmaA2target
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineDiphthine synthasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteinetRNA (guanine-N(1)-)-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineUroporphyrinogen-III C-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineUncharacterized proteintarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineChemotaxis protein methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineModification methylase TaqItarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineProtein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferasetarget
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteineHistamine N-methyltransferaseenzyme
TaurineAlpha-ketoglutarate-dependent taurine dioxygenasetarget
TaurineCholoylglycine hydrolasetarget
TaurineGlycine receptor subunit alpha-1target
TaurineProton-coupled amino acid transporter 1transporter
TaurineSodium- and chloride-dependent taurine transportertransporter
TaurineSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
TaurineProtein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 6enzyme
TaurineBile acid-CoA:amino acid N-acyltransferaseenzyme
TaurineGlutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2Btarget
TaurineGlycine receptor subunit alpha-2target
TaurineGlycine receptor subunit alpha-3target
TaurineGABA(A) Receptortarget
TaurineGamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 1target
CocarboxylaseAcetolactate synthase, catabolictarget
CocarboxylasePyruvate dehydrogenase E1 componenttarget
CocarboxylasePyruvate-flavodoxin oxidoreductasetarget
CocarboxylaseIndole-3-pyruvate decarboxylasetarget
CocarboxylaseCarboxyethylarginine synthasetarget
CocarboxylaseTransketolase 1target
CocarboxylaseBenzoylformate decarboxylaseenzyme
CocarboxylasePyruvate oxidaseenzyme
S-EthylisothioureaNitric oxide synthase oxygenasetarget
S-EthylisothioureaNitric oxide synthase, inducibletarget
S-EthylisothioureaNitric oxide synthase, endothelialtarget
IrosustatCarbonic anhydrase 2target
Benzenesulfinic acidOxysterols receptor LXR-betatarget
NesbuvirGenome polyproteintarget
NesbuvirGenome polyproteintarget
FasudilcAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alphatarget
FasudilcAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alphatarget
FasudilRho-associated protein kinase 1target
FasudilRho-associated protein kinase 2target
EnceniclineNeuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7target
QuizartinibReceptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3target
QuizartinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
QuizartinibCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
QuizartinibUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
QuizartinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
QuizartinibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
QuizartinibSerum albumincarrier
QuizartinibCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
PX-12Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmictarget
Ceftobiprole medocarilMecAtarget
Ceftobiprole medocarilPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
Ceftobiprole medocarilPenicillin-binding protein 2Xtarget
Ceftobiprole medocarilSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
Ceftobiprole medocarilSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
Ceftobiprole medocarilCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
Ceftobiprole medocarilBile salt export pumptransporter
MercaptoethanolLactoylglutathione lyasetarget
MercaptoethanolPyridoxine-5'-phosphate oxidasetarget
MercaptoethanolGlucose--fructose oxidoreductasetarget
MercaptoethanolPyridoxine/pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidasetarget
MercaptoethanolProtein ninBtarget
MercaptoethanolPolycomb protein SCMH1target
MercaptoethanolEndonuclease IIItarget
AprocitentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
AprocitentanEndothelin B receptortarget
AprocitentanUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
AprocitentanUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
AprocitentanSerum albumincarrier
AprocitentanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AprocitentanCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
AprocitentanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AprocitentanCytochrome P450 2C18enzyme
AprocitentanCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
AprocitentanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
AprocitentanATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
AprocitentanBile salt export pumptransporter
AprocitentanSodium/bile acid cotransportertransporter
VercirnonC-C chemokine receptor type 9target
GLPG-0974Free fatty acid receptor 2target
TimololBeta-1 adrenergic receptortarget
TimololBeta-2 adrenergic receptortarget
TimololCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
TimololP-glycoprotein 1transporter
TimololCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 1 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 1target
ZonisamideVoltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1Gtarget
ZonisamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ZonisamideAldehyde oxidaseenzyme
ZonisamideAmine oxidase [flavin-containing] Btarget
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 2target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 3target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 4target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 5A, mitochondrialtarget
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 5B, mitochondrialtarget
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 6target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 7target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase-related proteintarget
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 9target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase-related protein 10target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase-related protein 11target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 12target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 13target
ZonisamideCarbonic anhydrase 14target
ZonisamideVoltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1Htarget
ZonisamideVoltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1Itarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 2 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 3 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 4 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 5 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 9 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel protein type 11 subunit alphatarget
ZonisamideSodium channel subunit beta-1target
ZonisamideSodium channel subunit beta-2target
ZonisamideSodium channel subunit beta-3target
ZonisamideSodium channel subunit beta-4target
ZonisamideAmine oxidase [flavin-containing] Atarget
ZonisamideCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ZonisamideUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
ZonisamideCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
ZonisamideP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ZonisamideGABA(A) Receptor Benzodiazepine Binding Sitetarget
Flutemetamol (18F)Amyloid beta A4 proteintarget
VoxilaprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VoxilaprevirCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
VoxilaprevirCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
VoxilaprevirNS3/4A proteintarget
VoxilaprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VoxilaprevirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
VoxilaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
VoxilaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
VerubecestatBeta-secretase 1target
LefamulinCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Lefamulin50S ribosomal protein L22target
LefamulinP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LusutrombopagCytochrome P450 4A11enzyme
LusutrombopagP-glycoprotein 1transporter
LusutrombopagATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
LusutrombopagThrombopoietin receptortarget
GlecaprevirCytochrome P450 3A Subfamilyenzyme
GlecaprevirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
GlecaprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
GlecaprevirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
GlecaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
GlecaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
GlecaprevirNS3 proteasetarget
GlecaprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
GlecaprevirNS3/4A proteintarget
VolixibatIleal sodium/bile acid cotransportertarget
Baloxavir marboxilUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3enzyme
Baloxavir marboxilCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Baloxavir marboxilPolymerase acidic proteintarget
Baloxavir marboxilP-glycoprotein 1transporter
Baloxavir marboxilCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
Baloxavir marboxilCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
Baloxavir marboxilATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
CefiderocolPenicillin-binding protein 3target
CefiderocolPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
CefiderocolPenicillin-binding protein 1Btarget
CefiderocolPenicillin-binding protein 2target
CefiderocolD-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacBtarget
CefiderocolMexAB-OprM efflux systemtransporter
CefiderocolSerum albumincarrier
CefiderocolCatecholate siderophore receptor Fiutransporter
CefiderocolColicin I receptortransporter
CefiderocolPutative outer membrane ferric siderophore receptortransporter
OliceridineMu-type opioid receptortarget
OliceridineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
OliceridineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
OliceridineCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
OliceridineCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
CeralasertibSerine/threonine-protein kinase ATRtarget
JE-2147Gag-Pol polyproteintarget
1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)-3-(1,1-dioxo-2H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl)-6-fluoro-4-hydroxy-2(1H)-quinolinoneGenome polyproteintarget
5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-MonothiophosphateADP-ribosylation factor 6target
5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-MonothiophosphateProtein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase Etarget
5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-MonothiophosphateCell division protein FtsZtarget
5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-MonothiophosphateRas-related protein Rab-11Atarget
Deacetoxycephalosporin CDeacetoxycephalosporin C synthasetarget
ThiocitrullineNitric oxide synthase, inducibletarget
2-PyridinethiolCathepsin Btarget
Acid yellow 54 free acidBifunctional purine biosynthesis protein PURHtarget
N-Acetyl-glucosamine thiazolineBeta-hexosaminidase subunit betatarget
N-Acetyl-glucosamine thiazolineB-N-acetylhexosaminidasetarget
RitonavirHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteasetarget
RitonavirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
RitonavirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
RitonavirMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
RitonavirCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
RitonavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
RitonavirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
RitonavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
RitonavirCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
RitonavirNuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2target
RitonavirSerum albumincarrier
RitonavirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
RitonavirCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
RitonavirUDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs)enzyme
RitonavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
RitonavirBile salt export pumptransporter
RitonavirAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
RitonavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
CarbocisteineCysteine dioxygenase type 1enzyme
CarbocisteinePI-PLC X domain-containing protein 3target
CarbocisteineLactosylceramide alpha-2,3-sialyltransferaseenzyme
CarbocisteineLactosylceramide alpha-2,3-sialyltransferasetarget
KetotifenHistamine H1 receptortarget
Ketotifen6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylatingtarget
KetotifenUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-3enzyme
KetotifenUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-4enzyme
KetotifenUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B10enzyme
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidChymasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidGlutathione S-transferase Ptarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidAcetylcholinesterasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidGlutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing]target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidDihydrofolate reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidCopper-containing nitrite reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidCorticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 1target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidHydroxylamine reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidDiaminopimelate decarboxylasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidAlpha-xylosidasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidLimonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidMannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidBeta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 1target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidTyrosine-protein kinase transforming protein Abltarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidBifunctional protein GlmUtarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidThiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbCtarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Atarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid(S)-mandelate dehydrogenasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidDissimilatory copper-containing nitrite reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid33 kDa chaperonintarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidFree methionine-R-sulfoxide reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidOrnithine cyclodeaminasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidDihydropteridine reductasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidArgininosuccinate lyasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidO-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 3target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidBeta-lactamasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase KdsCtarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidLethal(3)malignant brain tumor-like protein 1target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidCholinesterasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidRibonuclease Ztarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidPeroxiredoxin-6target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidHypothetical gliding proteintarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidProlyl endopeptidase Peptarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidPulmonary surfactant-associated protein A1target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidManganese catalasetarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidChorismate mutase AroHtarget
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidPutative cytochrome P450target
2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidInterferon-inducible GTPase 5target
Vinylsulfonic acidPhosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolasetarget
REP8839Methionine--tRNA ligasetarget
PRX-080665-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
Faropenem medoxomilPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
Faropenem medoxomilPenicillin-binding protein 2Btarget
Faropenem medoxomilPeptidoglycan synthase FtsItarget
OSI-930Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kittarget
OSI-930Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1target
EdonerpicAmyloid beta A4 proteintarget
1-Naphthylamine-5-sulfonic acidTransthyretincarrier
TertatololCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
SR-9009Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1target
SR-9009Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2target
SR-9011Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2target
SR-9011Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1target
GC-376 free acidReplicase polyprotein 1abtarget
GC-376 free acidReplicase polyprotein 1atarget
GC-376 free acidReplicase polyprotein 1abtarget
GC-376 free acidReplicase polyprotein 1atarget
GC-376 free acidReplicase polyprotein 1abtarget
VicagrelLiver carboxylesterase 1enzyme
VicagrelIntestinal-type alkaline phosphataseenzyme
VicagrelCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
VicagrelCocaine esteraseenzyme
VicagrelP2Y purinoceptor 12target
VicagrelArylacetamide deacetylaseenzyme
RazuprotafibReceptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase betatarget
Calcium acetatePhosphatetarget
ArgatrobanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ArgatrobanCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
ArgatrobanSerum albumincarrier
Argatrobanalpha1-acid glycoproteincarrier
LoracarbefPenicillin-binding protein 1Atarget
LoracarbefSolute carrier family 15 member 1transporter
LoracarbefSolute carrier family 15 member 2transporter
LoracarbefPenicillin-binding protein 3target
MontelukastCysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1target
MontelukastArachidonate 5-lipoxygenasetarget
MontelukastCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
MontelukastCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MontelukastCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
MontelukastSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
MontelukastProstaglandin G/H synthase 1enzyme
MontelukastCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
TipranavirHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteasetarget
TipranavirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
TipranavirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
TipranavirCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TipranavirBile salt export pumptransporter
TipranavirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
TipranavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
TipranavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
TipranavirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
TipranavirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
(Rp)-cAMPScAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunittarget
Hexadecanesulfonyl fluoridePalmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1target
4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acidAminotransferasetarget
SelenocysteineCathelicidin antimicrobial peptidetarget
SelenocysteineNucleoside diphosphate kinase Atarget
SelenocysteineFormate dehydrogenase Htarget
SelenocysteineCysteine desulfurasetarget
Cysteine-S-acetamideRibonuclease pancreatictarget
Cysteine-S-acetamide2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 1target
Benzylsulfonic acidChymasetarget
Benzylsulfonic acidSubtilisin BPN'target
Benzylsulfonic acidSigma factor SigB regulation protein RsbQtarget
Benzylsulfonic acidSuperoxide dismutase [Mn], mitochondrialtarget
Benzylsulfonic acidSerine protease hepsintarget
Benzylsulfonic acidExtracellular subtilisin-like serine proteinasetarget
Benzylsulfonic acidCarboxylesterase 2target
L-cysteic acid3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3target
L-cysteic acidTyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1target
L-cysteic acidPenicillin acylasetarget
L-cysteic acidS-ribosylhomocysteine lyasetarget
L-cysteic acidDeoxynucleotide monophosphate kinasetarget
L-cysteic acidM-phase inducer phosphatase 2target
L-cysteic acidBeta-lactamase class B VIM-2target
L-cysteic acidRibose 5-phosphate isomerase Btarget
L-cysteic acidCathepsin L1target
L-cysteic acidMethylaspartate ammonia-lyasetarget
L-cysteic acid1-cys peroxiredoxintarget
L-cysteic acidPeptide deformylasetarget
L-cysteic acidGolgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1target
L-cysteic acidGlutamine amidotransferase class-Itarget
L-cysteic acidPeptide deformylasetarget
L-methionine sulfoneCatalasetarget
HomocysteineS-ribosylhomocysteine lyasetarget
Homocysteine5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate--homocysteine methyltransferasetarget
Homocysteine5-methyltetrahydrofolate S-homocysteine methyltransferasetarget
8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acidUDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferasetarget
8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acidFatty acid-binding protein, adipocytecarrier
8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acidProtein S100-A7target
8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acidTransthyretincarrier
S-BenzylcysteineMethylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferasetarget
INCB13739Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 1target
SLV319Cannabinoid receptor 1target
NGX267Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1target
CYC116Aurora kinase Atarget
CYC116Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2target
XL765Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoformtarget
XL765Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoformtarget
XL765Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoformtarget
XL765Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoformtarget
XL765Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTORtarget
Actelion-1Endothelin-1 receptortarget
CardarinePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor deltatarget
CardarinePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
NOX-700Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunittarget
NOX-700Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunittarget
CustirsenEstrogen receptor alphatarget
CustirsenNuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunittarget
CustirsenNuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunittarget
AMG-131Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
Naluzotan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
BL-1020Dopamine D2 receptortarget
BL-10205-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
TrabedersenTransforming growth factor beta-2target
CLX-0921Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
CiluprevirGenome polyproteintarget
UC-781Gag-Pol polyproteintarget
ResatorvidCytokine receptor common subunit betatarget
ResatorvidCytokine receptor common subunit gammatarget
VarlitinibReceptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2target
VarlitinibEpidermal growth factor receptortarget
SNS-032Cyclin-dependent kinase 7target
SNS-032Vascular endothelial growth factor Atarget
FilanesibKinesin-like protein KIF11target
SNS-314Aurora kinase Atarget
SNS-314Aurora kinase Ctarget
AprinocarsenProtein kinase C alpha typetarget
CariporideSodium/hydrogen exchanger 1target
ClomethiazoleGamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1target
ClomethiazoleCytochrome P450 2A6enzyme
ClomethiazoleCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
ClomethiazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
ClomethiazoleCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Repinotan5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
RepinotanCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
PLX-4720Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raftarget
LidorestatAldose reductasetarget
SKF-91488Histamine N-methyltransferasetarget
GW-590735Nuclear receptor coactivator 1target
GW-590735Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphatarget
GW-813893Coagulation factor Xtarget
CGS-27023Macrophage metalloelastasetarget
CGS-27023Interstitial collagenasetarget
H-89cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alphatarget
H-89cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alphatarget
H-89Serine/threonine-protein kinase haspintarget
H-89Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinasetarget
ThiaclopridCHRNA7-FAM7A fusion proteintarget
IsothipendylHistamine H1 receptortarget
MetiamideHistamine H2 receptortarget
Taurochenodeoxycholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
Taurochenodeoxycholic acidCystine/glutamate transportertransporter
Taurochenodeoxycholic acidCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2transporter
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidCystine/glutamate transportertransporter
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidCytochrome P450 3A1enzyme
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidCytochrome P450 3A2enzyme
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 5transporter
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 8transporter
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidBile salt export pumptransporter
Tauroursodeoxycholic acidIntegrin alpha-5target
ParitaprevirNS3/4A proteintarget
ParitaprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
ParitaprevirCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
ParitaprevirATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
ParitaprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ParitaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
ParitaprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
ParitaprevirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1enzyme
GrazoprevirP-glycoprotein 1transporter
GrazoprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
GrazoprevirSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
GrazoprevirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
GrazoprevirNS3/4A proteintarget
GrazoprevirSerum albumincarrier
GrazoprevirAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
CenicrivirocC-C chemokine receptor type 2target
LY-2608204Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1target
NavitoclaxApoptosis regulator Bcl-2target
NavitoclaxBcl-2-like protein 2target
NavitoclaxBcl2 antagonist of cell deathtarget
SaccharinCarbonic anhydrase 3target
SparsentanEndothelin-1 receptortarget
SparsentanType-2 angiotensin II receptortarget
SparsentanCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
SparsentanCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
SparsentanCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
SparsentanCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
SparsentanP-glycoprotein 1transporter
SparsentanATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
SparsentanSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
SparsentanSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
SparsentanType-1 angiotensin II receptortarget
MK-5108Aurora kinase Atarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateActin, aortic smooth muscletarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateActin, cytoplasmic 1target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateATP synthase subunit e, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateATP synthase subunit g, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateCytochrome b5 type Btarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateDiablo homolog, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateF-box only protein 41target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateHeterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Ftarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateHeterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Ktarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateHeat shock 70 kDa protein 4target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateHeat shock protein beta-1target
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateHeat shock protein 105 kDatarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateNADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateNuclear migration protein nudCtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanatePappalysin-1target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateProteasome subunit alpha type-3target
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate26S protease regulatory subunit 6Atarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateRan-specific GTPase-activating proteintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateProtein S100-A10target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateSplicing factor 3A subunit 3target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateSWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily E member 1target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateSuccinyl-CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta, mitochondrialtarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTumor protein D54target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTropomyosin alpha-1 chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTropomyosin alpha-3 chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTropomyosin alpha-4 chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin alpha-1A chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin alpha 3C/D chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin alpha-4A chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin beta-1 chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin beta-2A chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin beta-3 chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTubulin beta-4B chaintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateThioredoxintarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateUbiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateUbiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 14target
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateTransitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPasetarget
Phenethyl IsothiocyanateVimentintarget
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate14-3-3 protein beta/alphatarget
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate14-3-3 protein epsilontarget
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate14-3-3 protein etatarget
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate14-3-3 protein thetatarget
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate14-3-3 protein zeta/deltatarget
AmuvatinibMast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kittarget
AmuvatinibHepatocyte growth factor receptortarget
AmuvatinibProto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Rettarget
AmuvatinibPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor alphatarget
AmuvatinibReceptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3target
AmuvatinibDNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1target
TAK-901Aurora kinase Btarget
TAK-901Apoptosis regulator BAXtarget
BalaglitazoneCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
BalaglitazoneCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
RamatrobanProstaglandin D2 receptor 2target
RipasudilRho-associated protein kinase 1target
RipasudilRho-associated protein kinase 2target
CarbutamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
MetahexamideCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
DexrabeprazoleCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
SB-2699705-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
DarglitazonePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammatarget
SC-236Cyclooxygenase 2target
SC-236Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B complextarget
NS-398Cyclooxygenase 2target
NS-398Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2enzyme
HycanthoneP-glycoprotein 1target
HycanthoneP-glycoprotein 1transporter
Dimercaptosuccinic acidMercurytarget
Dimercaptosuccinic acidArsenictarget
AbrocitinibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
AbrocitinibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
AbrocitinibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
AbrocitinibCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
AbrocitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK1target
AbrocitinibP-glycoprotein 1transporter
AbrocitinibSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
AbrocitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK2target
AbrocitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK3target
AbrocitinibNon-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2target
AbrocitinibSerum albumincarrier
AbrocitinibSolute carrier family 22 member 8transporter
GefapixantP2X purinoceptor 3target
GefapixantP-glycoprotein 1transporter
GefapixantMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1transporter
GefapixantMultidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2transporter
GefapixantATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
GefapixantP2X purinoceptor 2target
TMC-310911HIV-1 proteasetarget
Halicinc-Jun N-terminal kinasestarget
DostarlimabProgrammed cell death protein 1target
FezolinetantCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
FezolinetantCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
FezolinetantCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
FezolinetantNeuromedin-K receptortarget
IvarmacitinibTyrosine-protein kinase JAK1target
BioymifiTumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10Btarget
DarapladibCytosolic phospholipase A2target
UmifenovirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-9enzyme
UmifenovirUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 2E1enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
UmifenovirCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
UmifenovirDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 3enzyme
UmifenovirDimethylaniline monooxygenase [N-oxide-forming] 1enzyme
MaralixibatIleal sodium/bile acid cotransportertarget
MaralixibatSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
MaralixibatCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
LotilanerGaba-gated chloride channel, putativetarget
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 2C8enzyme
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 2C9enzyme
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 2C19enzyme
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 1A2enzyme
TovorafenibCytochrome P450 2B6enzyme
TovorafenibATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
TovorafenibRAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinasetarget
DrinabantCannabinoid receptor 1target